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Cheryl's POV
"Good morning baby," Toni says kissing me
We flew into Spain last night and I already love it here.
"You're smiley today," she says
"I woke up next to my smoking hot wife," I say
She moves my hair behind my ear and kisses me.
"Well Mrs. Topaz, what do you wanna do today?" She asks with a smirk
I giggle and put my face in a pillow. She kisses my neck and up to behind my ear.
"What's wrong?" She asks
"That's the first time you've said that," I say
"What? Mrs. Topaz?" She laughs
I nod and bite my lip and she flips on top of me and puts her knee in between my legs.
"Well you're going to be hearing a lot of it Mrs. Topaz," she smirks bringing her hand down my side to cradle my ass "because I love you,"
"I love you too Tones,"
She kisses me and I get into it.
"You're amazing," she says as we break apart
She kisses me and smiles against my lips.
"You're beautiful," she mumbles
She moves back down my neck
"I love you," She says biting my neck
"I love you too TT,"
She turns and lies back down beside me.
"Wanna look around Madrid?"
"Sure babes," I say "let me shower,"
I get into the shower and wash my hair fast. I wrap a towel around my head.
"There's my smoking hot wife," she says grabbing my hips
"There's my hot ass wife," I smile kissing her
"I like the honeymoon stage of marriage,"
"Mhm? And why is that?" I ask
"Because you're really smiley and it's cute,"
I kiss her and giggle.
I get a cute little red dress on and so does she and we head out.
Apparently it's pride week in Spain. Cool.
"How did we end up coming during pride week?" Toni asks laughing
"I don't know, but it's cool,"
"Very," she agrees
It also makes me more comfortable holding hands and stuff. Not that I wouldn't, but I think I would be more on edge.
"Let's get tattoos," she suggests
"What?" I ask
"Tattoos," she repeats
"Would you mind if I got one?"
"Of course not babes," I say "I'll see if I can find anything I want,"
We go inside and she looks around the walls until she finds a font.
"Please don't get my name," I tease
"You told me I couldn't do that when we were 17, I figured that still stood," she laughs
"It does, what are you getting?"
"I wanna get "Forever Game" and a my number,"
"Where?" I ask intrigued
"My ankle or my wrist,"
"I think ankle would be cute,"
She asks the guy and he agrees to do it.
"Wanna hold my hand?" She pouts laying on the table
"Of course baby," I laughing pecking her lips
She gets hers done as I scroll through Instagram.
I scroll past a lesbian flag and sigh.
"You okay?" She asks
"I think I do want a tattoo," I hum
"Don't get one because I did, I don't want you to think you should or you have to," She says
"No babe, I've been thinking about it for a while," I sigh
"What do you wanna get?" She asks
I want it to say "Love Wins," with the Lesbian flag in a heart," I say "and it like just above my hip,"
"Ooo I think That'd look cute,"
She gets finished and I love it.
"Babe that looks amazing," I say stunned
"You like it?" She asks
I nod.
"You going today?" She asks
"If you don't mind,"
"Of course not babes," she says taking my seat
I explain what I want and get it in a smaller font than Toni's.
It hurts a lot but I squeeze Toni's hand.
"This is your first tattoo C?" She asks half way through
I nod and she kisses my forehead.
"You're doing good," she says
I nod and breathe through the rest of the tattoo.
"It looks incredible thank you," Toni says to the man as he finishes
She pays and we head out.
I lift my shirt and look at it.
Holy shit I love it.
"You like it babes?"
"I love it,"
"Good," She says kissing me
We decide to eat lunch and she pulls my legs on top of hers after we order drinks.
"Are you having fun?" She asks
"Lots," I smile
"Good, What do you wanna do after?"
"Hm," I think "maybe go back and rest?"
"Rest?" She teases "Or is this a way to get the actual honeymoon started?"
"See right through me, Topaz," I giggle
She kisses me and laughs
"If you wanna rest that's what we'll do,"
"You wanted to go clubbing tonight right?"
"Correct," she says "if you want to,"
"I do," I say
She kisses my neck and I giggle
"Toni stop it," I laugh "don't be a bitch,"
"But I'm trying to show you I love you," She pouts
"I think I know that from the diamond you got me," I giggle looking at my ring
"You like the ring though?"
"Good," She says kissing my cheek
She goes to the bathroom and I just sit there and look around.
"You two are a beautiful couple a british woman says to me
"Oh thank you so much,"
"Just married?" She asks
"Ya 2 days ago," I say
"You seem young," she says
"Nineteen," I say "very young for marriage,"
She laughs and shakes her head
"I was married at 19 too, now I've been married 25 years,"
"What's your name?" She asks sitting down
"Cheryl Topaz,"
"Of course I recognized you from somewhere. Your wife is Toni correct?"
"Yes," I say confused
"She made friends with my son during Globals, he played for England," she says
"Would that have been David?" I ask
She nods and I laugh
"We talk to David all the time," I say
"That's good, he needs some good influence in his life,"
"Hey babe," Toni says sitting down
"Tones, this is David's mother,"
"Oh my god, I miss him," she says
"I'll tell him to give you a call," she says "I have to head out, but it was amazing talking to you two,"
"Have a good day," I say
She leaves and we finish our meals
"I love you baby," Toni says kissing my hand as we walk
"I know TT," I say "I love you too,"
I guess the rest of my life is about to begin
With her.

A/N: this was the last chapter of them in college age. There will be a five year gap between this chapter and next
Love you all

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