Missed You

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Cheryl's POV
2 weeks since I last saw Toni and I'm miserable.
We decided it was safest for us to look like we're broken up- and we kinda were, I guess.
I mean we both made it very clear that we couldn't sleep with anyone else, not that we wanted to but just in case. We texted a few times, I go to her games, but we haven't talked at all. Texting and snap chatting makes it harder and I feel bad because she's crashing on reggie and moxs couch. I miss her so much, but we agreed 1 month and then she'd move back in and hopefully Brynn would move on.
These girls on my floor were throwing a party and invited me. It was definitely a pity invite, but I just got back from the football game and I'm bored so why not.
"Cheryl so glad you could make it," Elizabeth says
"Thanks so much for the invite,"
"Drinks in the kitchen, music in the living room," she says
"Thank you,"
I go grab a drink and sit in the couch.
I know 0 people at this party and it sucks.
"Saw you were empty, you need another?" A boy asks handing me a can
It looks sealed so I accept and he sits down.
"I'm Xavier," he says
He looks familiar- like he's tied to a bad memory. Maybe it's just one of those faces
"Cheryl," I say
"You a freshman?"
"Ya, what about you?" I ask
"Sophomore," he says "my friend lives on your floor so I chill here some times,"
We talk for a while before I start feeling weird.
"Wanna go talk somewhere quiet?" He asks
"I'm gay, I don't know if I gave you the wrong idea,"
"So am I, I lost hearing in my right ear when I was 8, just so I can hear you better," he says "plus I need some air,"
I nod and we walk down the stairs and stand on the wall.
"You're Toni Topaz's Fiancé- aren't you?" He says
"Not anymore," I sigh
"But you will be again, you're wearing a ring around your neck,"
How does he even know that? My ring is covered and no one knows except Toni.
"I wear that ring because it reminds me of Riverdale. I can never forgive Toni for what she did to me,"
"Which was?"
"Personal," I say "I don't tell people- it's embarrassing,"
"You're lying," he says- his tone changing
"I'm not, Toni was supposed to be the best person in my life and she betrayed me,"
"I talked to Toni- she said the same thing about you,"
He gets closer to me
"This is the problem, we both had different accounts of the issue," I say "it was unhealthy,"
I hate saying all these things.
"Oh my god," I say "you were there, in the room the day at Boston,"
His face changes and he punches me right in the stomach
I turn to run but he grabs a fistful of hair and throws me at the pavement.
"You two bitches are just sluts looking to make a storyline that paints someone else as a bad guy,"
I crawl backwards, cutting my calves on broken glass and uneven pavement, until I can get up and start running
Where can I go? I have no friends.
But I need her, I need Toni right now.
I run as he chases me towards the fields and I get into the back fence and he gets my hair through the fence
"Open it bitch," he says
I start screaming and he lets go and runs away.
I stumble to the changeroom and knock rapidly and hard until RJ opens it.
"Oh my god Cheryl, What happened?"
"I need T,"
"Toni!" He yells
"What?" She laughs "I'm trying to fight reggie,"
"Toni it's Cheryl,"
She looks up from her little fight and locks eyes with me.
She's in a sports bra and shorts, they must've just got back from cool down because she's already showered and dried her hair.
"Oh my god Cher," she says running over and hugging me "you're ok, you're safe, no one's going to hurt you,"
"I'm s-sorry," I say "nothing r-really happened but h-he chases me and I needed to get somewhere safe and I didn't know where else to go, I don't have any other friends and I didn't k-know where else,"
"No no babe, no no," she says moving her hand to the back of my head to get me closer to her.
I calm down and Reggie gets me a chair and RJ gives T a chair before they leave us alone.
"I'm sorry I called you babe, habits I guess," she laughs
It's a little awkward and I'm a still kind of worked up.
"Cheryl, What happened?"
"There was a guy at a party from the Boston attack and I went outside since he told me he was deaf and then he started attacking me,"
"Are you ok?" She asks
"Temporary lapse in sanity, our deal was a month,"
I show her the promise ring I put on my favourite necklace.
"I love you Toni, I just couldn't think of anywhere else to go," I sigh "stay safe please,"
I sit there and look at her. I can't be without her for 2 weeks, I can't.
"I miss you," we both say in unison
"I can't do it anymore T,"
"Me neither,"
I sigh and stutter.
"You wanna come home with me?" I ask
"May I?"
I smile and nod. She leans in and I peck her lips.
"I love you baby," she whispers "I love you so much, and I'm so sorry that something happened and I wasn't there,"
"I love you too Toni, and I'm ok,"
"Let's get you to sleep because you're also drunk,"
"I'm not drunk, I only had one,"
"Tipsy then, let's go," she laughs
She grabs my hand and we walk out of the room
"T you coming back tonight?" Reggie asks
"I don't think so," she says looking at me and smiling
"I haven't seen Brynn in weeks and I miss being able to sleep,"
"Breakfast tomorrow?" She asks them
They nod and we head off to our dorms.
"You went to a party?" She asks
"I was bored and alone, and I wanted to try,"
"How was it?"
"I hated every part of it including the hair pulling, punching asshole,"
She laughs and we make it to our door.
She pushes me against it and puts her hands on to my hips and I put mine on her shoulders.
"I'm sorry," she says "I shouldn't have left, I shouldn't have agreed to it,"
"It was my idea TT, I was being an idiot,"
"You were protecting me babe, I shouldn't have let you,"
I kiss her and she smiles. I missed her so much, her eyes are so pretty. My fingers get tangled in her hair and hers get closer to my ass.
"I missed you so so much babygirl," she says
"I missed you too, a lot, I was really lonely all alone here,"
"Why don't, I show you how much I missed you?" She smirks
She picks me up and kisses me hard
I wake up half on top of Toni and that was the best sleeps I've had since she moved out. I look up and see she's smiling in her sleep. She's so fucking cute.
"Good morning babygirl," Toni smiles kissing my cheek
"Good morning," I hum pecking her lips
"I missed waking up next to you," she says
"Me too," I giggle
She tickles me and I laugh.
"You're such a cutie," she laughs
She kisses me and I smile into it.
"Wanna go for breakfast?" She asks
I nod and we get up and change.
"I have barely any clothes here anymore!" She laughs "and why, ms. Blossom, are all my sweaters dirty?"
"Because they smell like you and I wore them,"
She laughs and kisses me.
"I'm wearing my USA football one,"
"Nooooo," I complain "wear this,"
I throw her a tube top and jean shorts
"Why?" She teases
"Because last night reminded me how much I love your abs," I flirt
She laughs and puts the shirt on. I put a waterfall braid with diamond clips throughout.
"May I put my ring back on?" I ask
"That's depends," she smirks
"On what?" I ask
"Cheryl Blossom, Do you still want to marry me?"
"Of course TT," I say "I love you, so much,"
"I love you too baby,"
We walk to a new restaurant and the boys are already there.
"Are you two cool now?" Austen asks
"We were always cool," I say "just staying away from each other,"
"We thought you two broke up,"
"Kind Of, but not really," Toni says "I mean we weren't allowed to sleep with anyone else,"
"I think that's the longest we've gone without talking though,"
"Definitely," Toni nods eating her eggs
We were sitting at a table, me at the end, T on the left booth and the boys down her side and across. she's holding my hand with her right hand and she kisses my ring.
"I missed this," I say
"I meant to talk to you about this, you lost weight over the last two weeks,"
I mumble
I literally have barely eaten- of course I lost weight.
"And how do you know this Topaz," Reggie teases
"Because unlike you, she gets laid," I say
Everyone laughs
"This is a conversation we're having," she says
"Not here babe," I Plead
"Yes here, we both know mental illness is a life long battle, babe it doesn't end miraculously after you start in a new town," she says "how much did you eat?"
"Not a lot," I sigh
"3 times," she says "that's how many charges to our account that weren't me over the last 2 weeks,"
"I also payed  twice in cash,"
She sighs
"I also saw our food cupboard looks the same as it did when I left- with the exception of a box of Oreos which is your guilt food and if I know you, I know those were thrown up- shortly after you ate them,"
"You would be correct," I sigh
"Babygirl I need you eating, we aren't having a repeat of last time,"
I nod and she kisses my cheek
"I love you," I say pecking her lips
"I love you too,"
"Cheryl Toni, LOOK OUT!" Reggie yells
We pull our heads apart and I move my hand instinctively- but Toni isn't fast enough. A brick, smashes Toni's hand.
"What the hell?" I yell
I turn around and see Brynn with a bloody brick in her hands.
I grab her by her throat and punch her in the face. I go to do it again but the boys come over and I hear Toni crying.
"It's ok baby, you're ok," I say hugging her
I look at her throwing hand
And it's definitely broken

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