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Toni's POV
The doctors gave Cher a wheelchair and let her out around 8 am.
"How are you feeling Cher?" I ask as we leave
"I'm in a lot of pain," she whispers
I kiss the top of her head and stop at the car.
"It'll get better C, I promise,"
"Can we just get back?" She asks "I wanna see the kids,"
"I know you do baby,"
I help her in the car and put the wheelchair in the back.
"Tell me if your headache gets worse babes," I say
She nods and sighs.
I put my hand on her thigh and I drive to the hotel.
"I'm supposed to have a get together at noon but if you aren't feeling well it's not a big deal,"
"I want to go," she says quietly
"Okay baby, we'll go,"
I help her into the wheel chair and we go into the lobby.
"Mama!" Lexi says from Reggie's arms "mommy!"
"Hey buggy," I say as we get to them
I take her from reggie and bounce her
"How are you today?" I ask
"I'm okay, how are you mommy?" She asks looking down at Cheryl
"I'm getting better Lexi," Cher says with a small smile "I do want a hug though,"
"Be gentle baby, mommy's still hurt,"
Lexi gives Cher a hug and smiles at her
"Mommy guess what?" She says
"What bug?"
"I got to sit on Mommy's shoulders for the second half of the game yesterday and when she jumped because they scored I dumped my dwink all ova her," she laughs
"Really? That's funny girlie," Cher says
She tries to laugh and winces in pain.
"Cher, calm down," I say "it's going to hurt the more you flex,"
She nods and calms down
"I'm sorry mommy, I didn't mean to," Lexi says
"It's alright sweetheart, it didn't hurt that bad just... tickled,"
She nods and I pick her back.
"Where's Tony Junior?" Cher asks
"He's over there with Liz," Reggie says "how are you?"
"I'll be okay Reg, Thank you," she says
She can't talk very loud at all or it hurts so I can tell he doesn't believe her.
"You're a tough one Blossom,"
She smiles and I kiss the top of her head
"We're going up to our room, wanna come?" I ask
He nods and takes Lexi so I can push Cheryl
"Cheryl!" Liz and Liv say in unison
"Hey," she sighs with a smile
"How are you feeling?" Liv asks
"Look baby boy, it's Mommy!" Liz says trying to calm him down from a meltdown "Mama's here too sweetie,"
I take him and he calms down a little bit.
"Hey baby boy, shh shh it's alright," I say bouncing him
"Babe give him to me," Cher says
I give him to her and she rocks him. He calms down and coos at her
"Hi baby," she says "did you miss me?"
We all decide to go up to our room and relax.
"Toni I'm tired," Cher says
"Okay babes, you can sleep. Do you want me to stay in here with you?"
"No no babes, it's okay,"
I help her into bed and kiss her.
"I'll be back in 2 hours at most C,"
"I know," she says "thank you,"
"I love you Cher,"
"I love you too Tones,"
I turn the lights off and let her rest.
The doctors said she'd be really tired for the rest of the week at least.
"Hey guys, Cher just wanted to sleep," I say sitting with them
"Oh we can go if you want," Reggie says
"No she'll be fine, with the drugs she's on there's no way she wakes up," I joke
We talk about the game and everything when RJ comes in.
"How is she?"
"She'll be alright," I sigh "hey, who got the three stars and finals MVP?"
"The boys wanted to tell you guys,"
I shrug and Reggie throws me a water.
"Bro how much sleep did you get last night?" He asks
"None, why?"
"Because you look like shit,"
"You're Nice," I laugh
"Did you guys know the boys took a trip to the hospital last night?" I ask
"No, did they?"
"Mhm there was a lot of people in the waiting room apparently and they bought Cher flowers,"
"Nice of them, you didn't even bring her flowers," RJ jokes
"I gave her my love and support,"
"We all gave her love and support, the boys gave her flowers,"
"Well i have her a second child," I say matter of factually
They all laugh
Tony crawls over to me and grabs my fake leg. He is surprised by the noise it made and jumps back.
"What's wrong buddy?" I laugh
He points at my leg and pouts
I take my leg off and he laughs.
"Ba ram ma no," he babbles
"Is that right baby?" I laugh picking him up
He bends down to look at my leg and I pull him back up.
"Tony it's fine sweetheart,"
He looks at his leg and picks his foot up.
"Is that your leg sweetheart?"
He puts his foot in his mouth and I bat at it.
"Don't put your foot in your mouth silly,"
"Toni?" Cheryl half yells
"Duty calls," I say putting my leg back on "I'll be back,"
I give Tony to RJ and walk into the bedroom.
"Hey baby, what's up?" I ask sitting on the side of the bed
"I had a nightmare and I'm not tired anymore,"
"You sounds like Lexi," I laugh
She rolls her eyes
"Did it hurt when you yelled?" I ask
She nods and shrugs
"I tried to get up but I couldn't sit up," she says
"Sorry babe, I shoulda stayed with you,"
"It's okay," she smiles "can you help me out?"
"Of course baby,"
I help her into the wheelchair and wheel her into the living room.
"Thanks babe," she says as I park it
"No problem Cher,"
We talk for a while and Cher plays with my fingers
"Topaz time to go," Reggie says looking at the time
"Cher you feeling good enough to come down?" I ask
She nods and stands up.
"Woah woah woah, what are you doing?"
"Walking, I don't need that,"
"Yes you do,"
"Toni, I'm fine,"
"Cheryl, you aren't,"
"You're making my head hurt by arguing,"
"Fine, but I'm bringing it,"
She stubbornly, and very slowly walks out the door and Reggie raises his eyebrows at me.
I give him my "What are you going do?" Face and he shrugs
"She'll learn eventually,"
I catch up to her and put my hand in her back.
"Where's the wheelchair?" She asks smugly
"Reggie is bringing it so I can stay near you when you pass out from the pain,"
"Very funny, I'm fine,"
I kiss her cheek as we make it to the elevators.
"Can I have your hat please?" She asks
"Why babes?"
"Because I look like shit,"
I roll my eyes and go to argue
"Don't argue. It's true T,"
"Of purse you can have my hat. If I can have a kiss?"
She giggles and kisses me
I give her my hat and smile
"I love you Cher,"
"I love you too babes,"
We get to the lobby and go to the banquet room we booked.
"Now will you please sit down,"
"Are you going to sit beside me?" She asks
She smiles and nods while I pull a chair out for her
We sit and talk until people start piling in.
"Hey Cheryl, how are you feeling?" Robby asks
"Better, Thanks Robby," She says with a small smile
"How was the party last night?"
"Crazy," he says "but fun,"
"Press tomorrow will be a lot of fun too," I say "it always was for Reggie,"
"Not you?"
"Reggie got to talk about football, I didn't," I shrug
He nods and sits beside Cheryl.
"I meant to say thank you again for letting me move in," he says
"It's no problem Robby," I assure "we're happy to have you,"
"Can I change my last name?" He asks quickly "I know I'm not technically your son, but I really hate my last name. It's my old moms and I hate her,"
"If you want to of course you can," I say "it's take a few weeks for the paperwork, but it's pretty easy to do,"
"Really?" He asks
"Seriously, If you're 100% serious about this then I'll do it,"
"Thank you Toni," he says
"No problem Rob- go sit with the team kid,"
He nods and walks over to the table with rowdy kids.
"Hey Mrs. Topaz, I heard about your accident," Matt's dad says "I hope you feel better soon, I know all the guys were pretty angry that happened,"
"Thank you," She says "I'll be okay,"
"I'm glad,"
He sits down and Cher plays with my hand.
"So you kept the kids the entire game?" Cher asks
"Until right at the end when Reggie took Lexi,"
"That's when you punched somebody,"
"What? No. I would never punch somebody,"
"Then why is your hand all bruised?"
I sigh and nod
"I punched Freddy- but in my defence, he said he was going to kill the kids,"
"That's a good excuse," she laughs
"Mhm," I say "and he was arrested,"
"Good," she sighs
We sit there while everyone eats and parties.
"How are you?"
"Tired, but okay," she says
I nod and kiss her hand.
"Everyone please turn your attention to the screen for the highlight reel of the week," reggie says
"Team USA has done it again. Since Toni Topaz joined the program in the fall of 2018 Riverdale High has 3 global titles, combined 3 first and 3 second stars of the tournament and USA's only 3 international titles. This year's Riverdale Team is the first team since Riverdale's first title to never lose a game. Some of these athletes will be the best the NCAA and NFL have ever seen,"
They have half an hour of highlights and touchdowns. There is cheering and joking around once they play 5-6 minutes of bloopers.
"And now, a blast from the past. Toni Topaz and Reggie Mantle were once the dynamic duo on the field- not off. The story of USA's first superteam starts in fall 2018 when Toni Topaz transferred to Riverdale High,"
"Reggie just let people party and hangout," I say "no one cares about this,"
"No I wanna watch it," trey says
"Me too," says Cal T
"Hands up if you want to watch it," Ralphy says
Everyone's hands go up and I shrug.
"Fine," I laugh "it's going to be boring,"
He plays it and it continues.
"Her first game was something not to be missed by anyone of the small town. And what a show the team put on, that was the start of the most electric young career we've seen. Topaz broke 15 records and was the first quarterback in history to go undefeated until nationals. That's when tragedy struck for the first time. After nationals Topaz was not seen for 3 months," press conferences from that year flash up "Mantle offered the excuse of a personal leaves of absence, her girlfriend Cheryl Blossom stated Toni was overwhelmed but it wasn't until she reappeared and took to the internet with a statement of the true story. She was kidnapped and drugged by an ex boyfriend and kept in a cabin for three months. She was back in the lineup in time for Globals and her and Mantle once again lit up the scoreboard. Battling the first of many scandals throughout the tournament- including admitting to kissing an opponents girlfriend."
Ralphy pauses it and they all look at me.
"I missed her cheek and it was Cheryl's cousin. They look the exact same," I defend
"I thought it was funny," Cheryl says
They all laugh and turn it back on.
"Fighting on and off the field for equal recognition, and to play football like a normal teenager wasn't the only fight Toni had, after their winning game had lost her cellphone and in the process of looking for it opened the door and was shot by three masked boys. Here is the footage from that night:"
Scenes of paramedics running through the lobby, with me unconscious and bleeding. Cheryl bawling and Reggie hugging her. Films of news outlets and newspapers pop up. And then my Instagram update
"Is there a way Toni comes back from this?" An announcer asks
"I don't think so Jim. Even if she lives.. it's the end of a beautiful career,"
"It's too bad, she could've been one of the greats," he says
"A comeback from this would be one of the great story's in sports history,"
More on my recovery and the next year.
Then something shocking flashes on the screen.
USA FOOTBALL has now announced that #55 and #21 are now retired, in order to honour Toni's sacrifices and Reggie's commitment to equality to the game.
All players wishing to wear these numbers need Topaz and Mantle's permission.

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