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Toni's POV
After a night of celebration and all our press the boys are in a room.
They think this is like last year. They think it's a fun meeting.
"Babe, are you okay?"
"I can't do it Cher," I say almost crying
"You have to Tones. They think you're coaching them next year,"
"I know,"
She kisses me and fixes my hair.
"I'll be upstairs with the little ones if you need me Okay? Give me Mia,"
I nod and then go in the conference room.
They all keep joking around and I look at Reggie and RJ.
"Just do it T," Reggie says
"Boys!" I say getting their attention
They all go quiet
"Why do you look upset coach," Ralphy says "is it the rumours?"
"What rumours Ralphy?"
"People were dating you're leaving us for Yale. It's okay coach, we're happy for you,"
"I'm not leaving you guys for Yale," I laugh "but this was my last season with the bulldogs,"
Confusion erupts and then quiets when I put my hand up.
"Earlier this season I was diagnosed with a fatal blood infection. It's what made me fall back before states and lose my memory. I will die prior to next season and Reggie Mantle will be your head coach from here on out,"
They're all quiet and looking at their hands
"I really didn't want to ruin your guys celebration, but I had to do before we got back," I sigh "i-it wasn't right lying to you guys,"
"How long?" Trey asks "c-can I ask that?"
"I had about 18 months, it's down to almost 9," I say "I can answer any of your guys questions,"
Robbie stands up (which he's not supposed to do) and leaves.
"Reggie can you.."
"Ya sure," he says following him
"Coach Topaz?"
"Ya Ralphy?"
"Is it cancer?"
"No. This is a very rare infection that I probably picked up in my time overseas or when I was shit over seas and had to stay in the mud. And I made Reggie get tested for it and he's fine,"
They nod and I sit where Reggie was sitting.
"I'm sorry guys, but I'm super proud of the character and effort you had through the two seasons ive come to know you over. I wish I was able to see what you guys do when you're older. I know each and everyone of you will change the world in one way or another,"
They're all crying and a parent speaks up
"I think I speak for all the parents when I say you were the best thing to ever happen to our kids. The leadership and character you show every time we're around you is humbling,"
"Boys you also have to remember Coach Topaz isn't even 30 yet, and taking on a team full of teenage boys is a hard thing to do especially with today's culture," another says
I nod and silently thank them.
"I have set up free therapy for the boys if you think they need it," I say "or even if they just want to talk to someone. I wasn't this old, but when I lost my brother I never had an outlet to talk to anyone and that sent me down a really bad path and I don't want to do that to any of you,"
"Will you be at off-season training?" Eddie asks
"I'll come every once in a while, I promised Cheryl i would be around more often. I'll be around though, there's only one restaurant in Riverdale,"
They laugh and Reggie comes back in.
"Wheres Rob?"
"He's outside," he says
"Well I've spent the last two years telling you not to listen to Reggie, start listening,"
I leave and go outside to find Robbie
"Toni I don't want to talk,"
"Me neither, I'm just going to sit here,"
He nods and keeps crying
"Toni I'm scared," he says
"Of What Robbie?"
"The same thing happened with my dad. I was always a little closer with him than my mom and then one day he died and that's when everything started happening. Everything went to hell, my mom looked at me and only saw what my dad raised only saw my dad and hated me for it," he says "I know Cheryl is a much better person, but I also know she loves you and she thinks she's prepared for this she's not Toni,"
"See the difference though, is that I should have died in high school. Cheryl will be sad, but she's seen me die a lot," I laugh "i should've died Robbie, but I didn't and as of next week we made it to ten years of marriage," I say "that's enough, and she is pretty- she'll find someone,"
"You and I both know that's not true Toni,"
"I can hope,"
"Why would you hope that?"
"I hope she's happy, that's all,"
He hugs me
"You'll be okay Robbie,"
"You know I got a bunch of offers? After the finals? I was going to tell you today,"
"I do know Stanford was one of them," I laugh "my old coach was talking about you when we were there,"
"All the Ivy's and Michigan State,"
"Congratulations Rob,"
"I wanted to go to Stanford but it's so far," he says "I would miss everything, maybe NYU or Yale,"
"Think about it, they can't take away your offer,"
He nods and we sit there for a while.
"You go hangout with your team, I need to go talk to Lexi,"
"She doesn't know?"
I shake my head
"I'll be there for her, don't worry,"
I mess his hair up and we go inside
I go upstairs to our room, Cher told Liv and Liz. And I pick Lexi up.
"Baby we're going to have a chat," I say kissing her cheek
"That bad talk?"
"Liv Lizzy and Mommy were crying,"
"Yes that talk baby,"
She nods and we go into the hallway.
"Mama what's wrong?"
"Lexi, remember when I hit my head?"
She nods
"Well I had testing done to see why I fell and the doctors told me I am really sick,"
"Like the flu?"
"No baby, I have an infection in my blood,"
"It's like the flu but you don't feel better after medicine,"
"And I'm dying Lexi, I'm going to pass away soon,"
She cries and I hug her
"It's okay, it's okay Lexi,"
"Mama no, please mama no,"
"I'm sorry Lex,"
"No tears mama," she says wiping my face "don't let the mosta win,"
"You're right baby, don't let the monsters win,"
I kiss her forehead and then we go back in the room.
"Tones you look a little pale," Cheryl says
I put Lexi down to go play and then cough- a lot.
I look at my hands and I'm coughing up blood.
"Oh my gosh Tones I need to call an ambulance,"
"No cher," I say looking at her "this is a symptom,"

Black Leather Jackets: College BoundOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora