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Toni's POV
Cher and I just had a huge fight.
I can barely tell you what it's about. I know she doesn't like me spending so much time away from home.
And I don't like her screaming.
So I'm walking to Reggie's house.
I get there and knock on the door.
"Hey bro, what's up?" Reggie asks
"Cher kicked me out of the house, can I use your couch for a night?"
"Absolutely," he says
I nod and walk inside with the small bag I packed
"Oh hey Toni. How are you?" Liz asks
"Well my wife kicked me out, so I could be better," I sigh
"What'd you do girl?"
"Spending too much time away from home, so her solution is to just make me spend less time at home,"
We talk for a while and then I just go sit down to be alone.
I get a call from Robby
"Hey Rob, Sorry you had to hear that,"
"Are you two going to be okay?"
"We'll be fine, we always are. It's just a fight,"
"I think Cheryl tore her stitches," he says
"Did she try and pick up the baby?"
"Then probably," I sigh "I'll be back in like 5 minutes stay near her so she doesn't pass out,"
I hang up and go see Liz.
"Liz I think Cher broke her stitches wanna come with me?" I ask
She nods and get up
"Why not me?"
"If I bring you She'll think im bringing backup,"
"True, good luck don't die," he winks
"Thanks reggie," I say sarcastically
Liz droves and we walk in the front door.
"Toni if that's you get the fuck out,"
"It's me and Liz," I say walking into the kitchen calmly
"Why the fuck did you think coming back was a good idea? Leave me the fuck alone,"
"Well, I'll go play with the kids- Liz is going to talk to you," I say
"If you're taking her side, we aren't friends anymore," she hisses
"Mature Cheryl," I snap "I didn't even tell them what it's about. I actually came to make sure you aren't dying so I'll fuck off and let you bleed,"
"Oh ya? Great to know you want me to die," she snaps
"Both Of you stop it," Liz snaps "the kids do not need to hear this. Toni you stay here and take care of the kids. Cheryl I'm taking you to the hospital because I can tell you're bleeding from here,"
"Fine," we both say
They leave and I go upstairs and check on Rob first.
"Hey Robby," I say sitting on the edge of his bed
"Oh hey Toni," he says closing his book
"I'm really sorry you had to hear that,"
"Are you guys going to get divorced?" He asks looking at his hands
"Oh not at all, it's just a fight. Unfortunately the rare times me and Cheryl fight they get blown way out of proportion since we're both stubborn and she's a drama queen and I... I'm a child and won't apologize until she talks to me normally," I sigh "we'll be okay. I'll probably end up sleeping here tonight,"
"It sounded bad, like when my parents divorced for the first time,"
"It wasn't our worst. I don't even know why I'm fighting her, I have been gone a lot- but not for football, i was planning a trip for our anniversary and trying to arrange stuff,"
He nods and looks back at his hands
"Robby there is nothing to worry about. It's probably way better than you think it is, voices carry in this house and neither of us have deep voices so everything sounds like screeching,"
He nods and gives me a small smile.
"I need to go check on Lexi and Tony, but I'll be watching tv if you wanna come down,"
He nods
"I'll just finish this chapter,"
I laugh and go to Lexi's room
"Hi baby," I say as she sits on her beanbag
"Mama? I thought you moved out?"
"No no sweetheart. Mommy and I were just arguing," I say
"It was scary,"
"I know sweetheart, I'm sorry. Mommy had to go out so I'm home for now at least okay?"
"Why did mama say you had to leave?"
"Because She is angry at me but it's okay. Sometimes we get angry at people we love, we'll be okay sweetheart,"
Tony starts crying and I pick Lexi up.
"Wanna watch a movie?" I ask
She nods and sniffles
We walk to Tony's room and I pick him up in my other arm
He calms down a bit and I bounce him.
"You're okay baby, you're okay," I say kissing his temple
We go downstairs and I turn the tv on.
"What should we watch?" I ask
"Fwozen!" Lexi says
"I dunno baby, let's wait for Robby to come down," I say
She nods and I bounce Tony for a bit.
"Hey What are we watching?" Rob asks flopping on the couch
"Fwozen?" Lexi asks
"If you want we can watch a more grown up movie,"
"Nah it's fine I fuck with, I mean I love the frozen soundtrack," he says "sorry about the F word,"
"You heard the fight, Lexi knows the F-word quite well in this house,"
He laughs and I turn frozen on.
Lexi and Tony fall asleep and Cheryl comes in with Liz like 10 minutes later.
"Toni, I'm going to take the three kids out for dinner and you two are going to figure out your shit," Liz says taking Tony from my arms

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