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Toni's POV
I decided on the pant suit.
I feel like it's more my vibe- plus I wear dresses all the time for Cher.
"Topaz looking sharp," Reggie says walking in
"You too man, but straighten your tie or Cher'll kill ya," I wink
He laughs and straightens his tie.
All the boys walk in and laugh.
"Topaz you cut your hair!" Reilly says
"You like it?" I ask
"It's cute," he says
I hug him and sigh
"What's up Topaz?" He asks "even for you that was a long hug,"
"Nothing- I'm okay," I say
Today's not about what happened anyways.
We joke around for a while before FP comes in and tells us it's time.
"I thought you were walking Cher down the aisle?" I ask
"She never found the time to get someone for you and she felt bad," he sighs
"So no ones walking with her?"
He shakes his head and I sigh.
"What about coach?" Reggie asks
"Good idea," I say "can you go ask coach to come and see me?"
"Of course Toni," FP says "I like your hair by the way,"
"Thank you,"
I pace for a couple minutes before coach walks in
"Topaz you okay? What's going on?" He asks
"I know it's a lot to ask but would you walk me down the aisle?"
"Of course Toni, if you want me to," he says
I nod and he shakes his head
"You're growing up kid,"
"Ya I guess I am," I laugh "it's been fun,"
He nods and we start walking towards the altar. I turn around once coach goes to sit back down and Cher is coming down with FP.
She's fucking stunning.
She looks incredible.
FP kisses her cheek and she comes and grabs my hands to stand with me.
"Welcome all, today we are here to witness a marriage between Toni Topaz and Cheryl Blossom," my (Stanford) coach is ordained so when our person dropped he stepped in
"I've known Toni and Cher for just under a year now- and they inspire me. They remind me that no matter what, there is life left to be lived. These two are inspiring and the love that everyone that sees them- knows and understands the Have is second to no one. We are gathered here- not to witness a beginning, but rather see what is next for these two young girls. In hope that maybe one day- if we haven't already, we can also be as sure as these two to get married to someone who you love and admire so much. Toni and Cheryl, I have no doubts- as I know neither of you do as well on the success of this marriage, not only have you grown up together- you will also now grow old together and I guess that's the ultimate goal. When two hearts beat together, when two people love each other, no matter where you might go or what challenges might come next- fate will bring you back, and your love will make sure that you forever have a home to go back to. I believe you prepared your own vows?"
I nod and take take a deep breath.
"Cher, you're my best friend, my favourite wake up call, and my least favourite goodbye. You're my person. You're why I wake up in the morning, I love you with all my heart and I promise for the rest of my life I will. I feel absolutely blessed whenever I look at you because you're amazing. Everything you do is amazing. Ill be with you no matter where you go and what you do because I've said it from day 1 babe- you're going to change the world and I cannot wait to be    by your side through all of it. Our future is unclear, it's scary but I know no matter what we'll get through it together, I love you Cheryl Blossom,"
"Cheryl," coach says
"T, what can I say? This is something I have dreamed of since our 3rd date. You're my fairytale, you're my soulmate and you're my life. Through it all I'll be there for you, supporting you and loving you. There's no one else I would rather spend the rest of my life with. I love everything about you, your will to live, your want for a better world- everything. You make me a better person and I'm the best version of myself when you're around- Thank you for being my favourite part of every day. I love you," she says smiling
"Does anyone have just cause to stop this marriage?" Coach asks
Everyone stays silent and I exhale and smile at Cher.
"Toni Topaz, do you take Cheryl Blossom to be your lawfully wedded wife for however long you both may live?"
"I do," I say squeezing her hands lightly
She smiles and I wink
"Cheryl Blossom do you take Toni Topaz to be your lawfully wedded wife for however long you both may live?"
"I do," she smiles
"By the power vested in me, by the state of California, I now pronounced you wife and wife. You may now kiss the bride,"
I kiss her and slip my hand behind her back and she bends backward.
"I love you C," I say as we break apart 
"I love you too," she smiles
"And it's my pleasure to present to you- for the very first time, Mrs. and Mrs. Topaz," coach says
We walk down the aisle as people cheer.
We go outside for the photographer and all the photos.
"Baby you look amazing," I say grabbing her hips
"Thank you," She says with a smile "you look stunning,"
I kiss her and she giggles.
"I was so nervous for my vows," she says
"Well they were amazing babygirl," I say kissing her forehead
We take pictures, and then I take some with my wedding party and she does with hers and then together.
"Your dress is really pretty," I say playing with the end of it.
It's to her mid thigh, white with a soft pink tint to it.
"You made a good choice on the pantsuit you look hot," she says looking me up and down
"Thanks cutie, I thought you might've wanted me in a dress but I didn't like how my legs looked in the dress since I just gained a whole lotta muscle,"
"One I love the pant suit and had no opinion," she laughs "and two, I am so proud of you for all the workingout you're doing to get ready for next season,"
"Thanks baby,"
She kisses me and I smile.
We go to eat dinner and she sits beside me.
"Soooo," She says "how does it feel to be married?"
"Well cutie, it feels amazing because I love you,"
"I love you too Toni,"
I put my hand on her back and run her back while we eat. Shes so cute.
"Bro you getting married did not help me," RJ laughs "Liv loved the reception and wants to get married now,"
"Why not?" I ask
"Because unlike Cheryl, Olivia wants me to help with the planning,"
"I helped," I defend
"You tried baby," Cheryl says kissing my cheek
They clear the chairs and the party starts.
"TT can you take my shoes to the car? They're hurting,"
"Of course C, I'll be right back,"
I kiss her cheek and head out to the parking lot with her shoes.
But I just gotta sit down.
Aaron told me once that since our dad was an idiot he would walk me down the aisle. In all my imaginations of the day I had an immortalized Timmy still young and being the ring bearer.
I sigh and sit on the back of Reggie's pick up truck and look at the building and think about my life since then.
I don't know if the years since Junior year could've turned out any better. I've had so much fun and success.
I sit here for what seems like half an hour thinking about Aaron and Timmy.
"Hey Ron, I know I haven't talked to you in a long ass time but it's been crazy bro. You already know everything that went down cause I can feel you with me. Man I'm so happy, but I wish you coulda been here to celebrate with me and that maybe you coulda met Cher. You knew of her, you knew what I knew, but she's so much more and you two would love each other. It never got easier, your note said it would get easier for me but it never did. I still miss you man and I guess as I grow up I realize more and more that I'll never see you again," I sigh
Someone sits beside me and breaks me out of my thought
"It's only me Tones, you can keep talking to him," Cher says
"I've said all I need to say," I sigh still looking at the sky "I love you Ron. See ya on the other side man,"
I look at Cheryl and am still trying not to cry.
"Sorry I know that made me sound like a crazy person," I half laugh
"No it didn't T," she says "I talked to Jason before we walked down the aisle,"
"Mhm, just chatted. Told him I'd be fine. That I'm okay now and someone else was here to protect me,"
I give her a small smile and nod
"Always Cher. I'm always going to protect you,"
"I know babe," she says putting her head on my shoulder
I kiss the top of her head and rub her arm.
"We made it T," she says "we made it out alive,"
"We always do Cher,"
"We better get inside baby," I whisper "they're gonna notice we are gone,"
"Ya you're probably right,"
She grabs my hand and we walk inside.
"Where did you two sneak off to?" Olivia asks handing Cher a drink
"I put her shoes in the car and decided to talk to my brother for a while," I sigh "Cher came to knock me out of my thoughts,"
"And so I can dance with you," she says
"Drinks first?"
"Sure T,"
I order a beer and drink it while Cher and I talk to the boys.
"Girls it's time for your first dance,"
We go the the middle of the dance floor and I put my hands on her hips, she wraps her arms around my neck and she smiles.
The song When You Say Nothing At All comes on and she smiles.
"I didn't know what song you'd want,"
"It's perfect babe," I smile "just like you,"
She giggles and we dance in a comfortable silence for the duration of the song.
At the end she kisses me and I smile against her lips.
"You're amazing," she says
I wink and we keep walking around, dancing, and talking.
"I love you Cher,"
"I love you too TT,"

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