"I'm sorry, Harry. I thought ignoring you would help stop the pain you are dealing with. I am too guilty to be in the same group as you are knowing that you still love me while I'm in love with someone else. I don't want to give you false hope. I... I know I love you and care about you but I have Dylan now like I... I'm sorry", I cried but he remained emotionless like his words are really painful to hear but his face except for his eyes show no emotion.

"Jassy, just drive me home before I hate you even more", he told me as I started to drive again. We were silent this time and we reached the place he's staying, he just went out and said, "You could return the car tomorrow or I'll tell Camila to drive it back here"

He just went inside as I drove back to my place. When I reached my apartment, I just laid on the bed and thought of everything he said. He was right about leaving him when I promised him and his mom that I would be there for him when he needs me. I shouldn't have met with him but I kind of like it hearing those words because maybe it will ease his pain now that he shared to me what he truly feels. I shouldn't bother him anymore. Ugh, I'm such a terrible friend. I just slept and tried to pretend that this night never happened.

When I woke up, I went straight to the shower. It's Friday today so it means I would go over to Dylan's after class and since it's Friday, my schedule is overloaded. I still feel exhausted after Harry's confession but I need to go on plus I'm seeing Dylan tonight which is good because I really need to energize.

When I was showering, I heard a noise as if there's someone who entered the house. I stopped the shower first and wrapped myself in my bath robe first to check. I grabbed the pepper spray so that I would have some weapon over. I don't know if it's all in my head but I'm pretty sure someone really entered the house. I quietly opened the door and searched for that someone but then, someone suddenly attacked me from behind. He held on to me and disarmed my hand causing the pepper spray to drop so I just screamed. But then, he laughed as I recognized his voice and stopped.

I turned around and it was Dylan.

"Surprise, babe", he said.

"Why did you that? Why didn't you tell me you're coming over? I was so nervous", I told him as I faced him.

"I'm sorry, babe. But if I told you, it would not be a surprise", he rebutted as I know he was right but still, I am alone in this apartment and what if it's a bad guy. "And I should really give you some self defense lessons"

"What are you doing here? You have classes", I said as I'm still annoyed that he surprised me.

"To join you in the shower", he laughed as he gave a peck on my lips.

"I'm already done. You're too late", I said as I pushed him.

"You still stink.", he retorted. I gave him a look and he laughed as he suddenly carried me as I was protesting for him to let me go. "You're so cute when you're mad"

"Don't make this kind of surprise anymore. What if I got assured that it was you when in fact, it's an actual thief or murderer or serial killer or something? Hmm?", I told him as he nodded and promised that he would always text me first if he'll go here.

I smiled at him as I gave him his proper kiss as he walked us to the shower. He let go of me for me to stand on my own and removed my bath robe as I stood in front of him completely naked. He licked his lips as he looked at me. He immediately removed his shirt, pants and boxers as he immediately kissed me.


After our shower, he walked me to class though he wasn't allowed to enter the building but my man is good with words so he was able to sneak his way in. He gave me a kiss and told me that he'll wait for me when my class is over. I want to skip class but our professor will be discussing important lessons so I chose my class over him.

After my class, I quickly went to the cafe he was staying at. I felt so nervous because he just came here unannounced so I think he really needs to tell me something very important.

When I entered the cafe, I saw him waiting by the table. I approached and kissed him like we didn't meet a while ago.

"I should probably transfer here to get this kiss after class", he said as I took my seat. He excused himself as he would order first before telling me what he intends to.

I am really nervous so I didn't order some coffee because I know the caffeine would not be a help to me. He came back with our orders as he sat across me.

"So, how was your class?", he asked but I really don't want to talk about it as I am so nervous why he is here.

"I love you're here but why are you here?", I asked, ignoring his question. He held my hand as it started to shake.

"Calm down, babe. I just want to tell you something", he said as I motioned him to continue. "Steph messaged me last night about wanting to meet up with me".

"What? What did you tell her?", I was beyond surprised as I never expected that what he would tell me is about his ex.

"I didn't agree but she insisted because she would like me to meet her son because his son is asking for his father", he told me as I was too shock to even take this all in.

"Wait, you're not his father", I stated.

"We know but she introduced me as his father because his real father ran off. She just wanted to let him have this father on his mind", he explained but it makes no sense.

"You are giving him monthly financial support even you don't have to. Now, you'll act like he is your son? How fucked up is that, Dylan", I questioned.

"I know that's why I didn't agree but if you want to come with me, I'll introduce you as my girlfriend and that I am only his father and not a husband to his mother", he informed me but it's still not right. First of all, they can't lie to her son because he would know about the truth eventually and it would just crush him. Second, I'm not going to let her borrow my boyfriend. Third, I know there will still be a connection between them so no, absolutely not.

"Dylan, do you hear yourself?", I asked him.

"He is sick, Jassy. He is on the hospital right now and he wants to meet his father. Steph tried calling for his real father but she can't reach him. I also tried to find his real father but it's no use. So, I want to do this for her son and I want you to come with me", he explained to me.

"Do whatever you want. I feel bad he is sick but you know you probably need to go to the doctor too because you're also sick", I said as I stood up and stormed off the cafe.

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