Chapter Fifty One

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We finally arrived at the party. I expected a lot of people would be here but it seemed only a few people are compared to the ones in NYU wherein it's like a hundred is its minimum number.

Camila immediately spotted her group of friends and we went to them. They taken the living room as they were all drinking their beers, sitting on the couch and just conversing. They didn't even realize our presence until Lily spoke.

"Guys, I would like you to meet: Jasmine Torres. She is my new roommate and...", she introduced me and stopped to ask me what major I'm in and so I answered her. "and journalism major"

"Nice to meet you, Jasmine. Well, I am Maisie. This is Timothee, Saoirse, Ed, Asa, Emma and Ncuti", she introduced them to me. They all seemed like nice people and I'm quite glad by it because I don't want to be in the wrong set of friends.

Suddenly, someone arrived and sat between Timothee and Saoirse and I exactly know who he is.

"Oh, this is the legendary Harry Styles", Maisie introduced him as I smiled though Harry was not even looking at me.

I never knew Harry's circle of friends are them. It's like Justin and Max looks more of a bad boy than any of them. I wonder who Harry met for him to change like I know he told me the reason before about changing his identity and about wanting to rebel like that but it's impossible that he suddenly changed because of himself unless there's a triggering point or influence from someone.

"He's probably back after he fucked a girl. So, did you get the chance to know her name", Ed teased him but he just ignored him.

"I told you guys that I will fuck no girls for this year. My new year resolution", Harry laughed and I quite like his new year resolution.

"I bet he'll give in in a week", Timothee teased him as Ncuti bet that he'll give in in 3 days or less. Then, Maisie bet that he'll give in tonight.

"C'mon, give Harold a break. And we have a new friend today, let's not shock her with us being weird horny people", Saoirse said. "So, why did you transfer here, Jasmine?"

"Well, I fell in love with writing too late and I decided it to be my career choice but unfortunately, my old school doesn't offer a scholarship since I'll be shifting major and this uni is the best school I can find", I told them and they then boasted that I made the right choice.

"How about let's play never have I ever and a drinking game?", Ncuti suggested and everyone just agreed. "But you should all be honest because once I smell a lie, I would dare something absurd"

"Let me start", Timothee chimed. "Hmm, never have I ever sent a dirty text to the wrong person"

Almost everyone drank except for Camila, Harry, myself and Ed.

"The great Harry never committed such mistake?", Ncuti questioned.

"I don't even ask girls for their number so I would never even send a dirty text to someone", Harry defended, making Ncuti gave up.

"Never have I ever did a strip show for someone", Saoirse said. I didn't drink again because clearly I haven't done it for Dylan. He always begs for me to surprise him with a strip show but I'm shy like that.

"Never have I ever used my sibling's toothbrush", Timothee said and I drank to this one. I remember forgetting my toothbrush so I had to sneak in and borrow one of my brother's toothbrush though I don't know who owns it.

Emma shared how she used her sister's toothbrush and her sister found out so everytime Emma comes home, her sister would hide her toothbrush but Emma would know where she hid it and teased her on planning to use it again. We all laughed at the story.

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