Death of a Family Member/Gwen and Miles

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The day passed and everyone woke up to prepare for another day, this time, you all were going to make sure that everyone could get back home. 

Aunt May: So is everyone alright. 

Team Spider: Yes. 

(Y/N): Alright team, we're all getting home today. 

Sunset: Let's just hope everything can go properly though. We still need to be cautious of Kingpin's actions. He might be planning an attack on us. 

Rainbow: Um, hello we've taken down the Fat Man in our dimension, we can do it again. 

Twilight: I like your confidence Rainbow, but still. 

Peni: I can still hack into his systems and determine where the Collider is though. I'll have you know I'm an expert on this stuff.

Noir Spidey: Great job kiddo. 

SpiderHam: I guess everyone's always has a plan for something. 

Pinkie: You said it Piggy! 

Miles is busy talking with Gwen. 

Miles: You alright Gwen?

Gwen: Yeah, it's just that my life is complete hell! I protect this city over and over again. And yet, I'm still treated like a criminal. I just want to live a normal life and be appreciated by everyone. 

Miles: You know, you can always come with us and start over again. Everyone in Canterlot loves and appreciates the whole team. 

Gwen: I don't know, I mean my dad might not like it. He knows that I'm Spider-Woman. 

Miles: I'm sure that there might be someone who could take your place. Even if you are a wanted fugitive, you may have inspired a bunch of people. 

Gwen: You really think so Miles? 

Miles: I know so Gwen, trust me. 

Gwen blushes a lot. And Miles blushes back. 

Rarity, Sunny, Jennifer, Kitty, Carol, and Sci-Twi are watching the conversation. 


Carol: The kid's finally getting himself a girl. 

Jennifer: About damn time! 

Sci-Twi: I couldn't be happier for Miles. 

Kitty: Hmph, good thing too, someone else on this team deserves a girl just like our Spidey. 

Sunny: I agree dearie. 

Soon enough the whole team meets for their plan. A huge discussion is done as it turns out, Kingpin and his gang are going to fire the Collider once again. 

However the Spider sense activates for all six Spiders. 

You all prepare for battle. 

The doorbell rings and the door is broken down. 

At that moment, Liv and Daredevil enter the room. 

Daredevil: May we come in? 

Liv: Nice place. 

Spidey: Hello Liv. 

Liv: Hello (Y/N), it's always a pleasure. 

Daredevil: Agreed, Mr. Fisk asked us to take out the trash. 

Aria: Look again asshole, we have you outnumbered. 

Wallflower: She's right, there's just 2 of you. 

Spectacular Spiderman (Spiderman Marvel Universe male reader x mlp eg harem)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora