Malevolent Spaghetti/Maximum Carnage

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Back in the Ultimate Dimension. 

You all swing over to a SHIELD base, this has to be where the last fragment in this dimension should be. 

However the base is all wrecked and destroyed. 

Starlight: Uh, are you sure these people from "SHIELD" are trustworthy? The base looks pretty destroyed. Did they find it like this? Or is this the work of something else? 

Miles: Usually in a situation like this, this is the work of something else. 

You all enter the base and there are damaged computers, wrecked crates, and pretty much everything is completely wrecked and destroyed. 

Twilight: OH MY GOD! What happened here? 

Ultimate Spidey: This wasn't an ordinary explosion Twi, something did this. 

Rainbow and Indigo: HEY GUYS! LOOK AT HIS!! 

Rainbow and Indigo call out to the rest of the group and you quickly notice what they are referring to. A whole bunch of dried up husk-like bodies, and red gooey webs. 

Twilight: NO! NOT HIM! 

Indigo: We all know who's behind this! 

Ultimate Spidey: Exactly, this is the work of only one thing only. 

Yep, it was the work of the deadly symbiote known as Carnage. 

Lemon: I say we get out of here dudes, that freakshow is scary!!

Pinkie: We came this far. WE CAN DO IT!! Let's find that last fragment. 

You all proceed through the base, and discover more bodies, they look all drained and are covered with some of Carnage's webs. 

In a completely horrifying and shocking surprise, the bodies begin to rise, and begin moving like complete zombies!! 


Ultimate Spidey: Stay back! I've got this! 

You symbiote activates and you toss them around, and slap them into the flames. It hurts you to attack innocent people that have been infected by a freaky red colored monster. 

Rainbow: Sheesh, that evil freaky alien is going too far this time! 

Twilight: I couldn't agree anymore Rainbow. 

Miles: We should go find him and make sure that he's taken down! 

You knock down the doors, and there are some infected soldiers, attacking a scientist. 


The scientist hides behind a security door, and she shuts it. 

Scientist: HELP ME PLEASE!! 

Ultimate Spidey: HEY FREAKS OVER HERE!! 

You use your symbiote suit to beat the living hell out of those infected zombies. The rest of the gang hesitantly support you with magic, webs, and various wacky things coming from Pinkie. 

The scientist comes out of her sealed room. 

Ultimate Spidey: What the hell is going on here? 

Scientist: Carnage! That red monster broke out and is causing damage!

Rainbow: Did it happen to be carrying a magic rock or something? 

Scientist: How did you know!!? 

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