Round 3/Showdown with a God

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You all began looking for the real Principal Cinch. Eventually after a couple of minutes, you and the gang located her and Dr. Connors tied up in the Doc's Lab. 

Cinch: Well about time. You should have come earlier! But I appreciate it at least. 

(Y/N): Well good thing you actually appreciate being rescued. 

Sunset: Look Ms. Cinch, where did Loki go off to? 

Cinch: Good thing you asked. He must be headed to the front of the school. That's where the final event is going to take place. 

Flash: Well then, let's send him packing. 

Adagio: How do you suppose we do that!? HE'S A GOD! 

Aria: Ahem, we have Thor and the rest of the Avengers with us! Loki's their nemesis, so they're going to be a big help. 

Sonata: Couldn't agree more. 

Connors: There's another thing. Loki said something about some group called the "Masters of Evil." And Norman Osborne is also a member. 

Harry: I knew my dad was also up to this plot! UGH DOES HE EVER LEARN!? 

Cinch: I wouldn't be surprised Harry, your father has always been like that. 

(Y/N): Preaching to the choir on that. 

Back at the statue. 

Loki Cinch: Now I know I asked you to beat a team that's not playing fair, but Canterlot High must be made to understand that even magic is the cheating option. But we can fight fire with fire. Twilight this is where you come in. 

Sci-Twi: But I still don't understand. 

Loki Cinch: But I know you want to. Our opponents used it to stay competitive so there is no reason for you to be scared. Now then unleash the MAGIC! 

Suddenly the doors burst open. 


Twilight: The jig is up! 

Fluttershy: Give up you meanie! 

Loki Cinch: How dare you accuse me of being someone else! 

Cinch emerges causing everyone to gasp. 

Shadowbolts and Sci-Twi: Principal Cinch! 

Cinch: I know I don't usually say this, but I'm sorry for the mix-up students. That Cinch is an imposter. 

Loki Cinch: No I'm the real Abacus Cinch! 

Celestia, Luna, and Cadence stare at Loki Cinch. 

Celestia: Then prove it to us! 

Luna: We can believe (Y/N) and the others after all the other events that have happened. 

Cadence: If you aren't the real Principal Cinch. Then who are you? 

The Avengers appear on the roof. 

Thor: We can answer that question Madam. He's my brother, Loki. 

The students cheered to see the Avengers again! 



Rarity: They really are loved my many. 

Miles: Goes to show you those guys are big heroes. 

Cap: Loki give it up. We know it is you. 

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