Lemon Pies

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You are snoring peacefully, and your girlfriends, are sleeping peacefully too. They are all clinging close to you. You have an idea, and decide to carry Sunset and Twilight out of bed. You place Sunset on your back, and carry Twilight, bridal style. 

You bring them downstairs and place them on the couch, putting pillows for their heads, and their feet. You begin making breakfast, and fix up some chocolate chip pancakes, omelets, croissants, and squeeze in some orange juice, and coffee. 

After a while, Sunset, and Twilight wake up, giving out their cute yawns yet again. 

Sunset: Huh, Twilight, what's going on? 

Twilight: Oh morning Sunset, I don't really know. 

They pad over to the kitchen to find out, and see you making breakfast. 

(Y/N): Ah, Twilight, Sunset, just the girlfriends I wanted to see. You are the first ones I fell in love with. 

They both chuckle and give you a big hug, and a great big kiss. 

Twilight: Good morning (Y/N)! 

Sunset: It's great to see you this morning! And you made breakfast so early too. 

(Y/N): I love my sweethearts so much, that spoiling, pampering, and treating them like princesses makes me so happy. 

Sunset: Thanks (Y/N), we love every single piece of kindness you give us. 

Twilight: And we're all glad to have met you. 

(Y/N): I can say the same thing for returning the love and kindness that you have treated me with. I must say, I've never felt so comfortable with having sleepovers with girls before now. I guess that first sleepover we had really changed me. 

Twilight and Sunset: Of course it did. 

Soon enough the other girls walk downstairs and join in with some breakfast. 

Trixie: Yummy, this is delicious! 

Sonata: You said it! 

Adagio: (Y/N), you're a superhero, a cook, a genius, and an Avenger. Sheesh, you must have been born under some star to get this much praise. 

(Y/N): I wouldn't say that it was fate, considering I also have to deal with crazy villains too. But that's why I have a team. Say what time is it? 

Sci-Twi looks at her cell phone. 

Sci-Twi: It's like 11:00 A.M. 

(Y/N): And that's my cue. I got to see Pinkie and Lemon. They're probably waiting at the Pie family household again. See you later girls. 

Your harem: Bye (Y/N)! See you later. 

Sunset: Hey I have an idea girls. Let's make some cookies and brownies before (Y/N) comes back with Lemon and Pinkie. That way we can enjoy some desserts while we watch the next movie. 

Twilight: Great thinking Sunset! 

Gloriosa: Sounds like a plan. 

Trixie: Trixie approves of that plan. 

You brush your teeth, floss, apply mouthwash, and get into your date clothes. You then drive off to see Pinkie and Lemon. After a while, you reach the Pie household. It had been a long time since your first sleepover with the girls. And you considered them just as your best friends at that time. 

You ring the doorbell, and soon enough Maud, Limestone, and Marble show up at the door. 

(Y/N): Hey girls, how are you doing. 

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