The Thrill of The Hunt/Kraven's Revenge

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You wake up to a brand new day. You prepare yourself for school and eat some nice breakfast prepared by Aunt May. 

Aunt May: My my, (Y/N), you're looking a lot chipper as of recently. 

(Y/N): Really you've noticed Aunt May? 

Aunt May: Why yes, by the way what happened to that friend of yours, Twilight? 

(Y/N): Oh she went back home. 

Aunt May: What a shame, I could tell that you really liked her. 

You blush at Aunt May's comment. 

(Y/N): Aunt May, it's not like that, Twilight was just my friend. 

Aunt May: I'm just teasing you (Y/N), now take care. 

(Y/N): Right see you around. 

You rush off to school and attend all of your classes with ease. After a good day at school, including helping out Miles understand some math, you meet up at the statue/portal to Equestria with Rainbow, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rarity, Miles, and Flash. 

Rainbow: So (Y/N), how's it been since that night? 

(Y/N): Fine thanks for asking. You know I never it thought it would be so good to go back to being Spidey again. I feel so alive, saving people and busting bad guys never felt so great. And it's thanks to you guys that Spiderman is back! 

Fluttershy: Glad we could help. Say where is Sunset? 

Miles: She said she was getting a new change or something like that? 

Sunset: Hey everyone! 

Sunset soon approaches with a new look. She wore a black jacket as usual, but now she had a light blue dress, a tan skirt, light blue pants, and black heeled boots. 

You blush upon seeing the new improved Sunset Shimmer. 

Sunset: Ta-da, I decided to change my wardrobe. What do you think Spidey. 

Sunset winks at you. 

(Y/N): Well I, Sunset you look amazing, just like Spidey is too. Wow she sure has gotten nicer, she's like a mix of Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rarity all combined together. 

Sunset: Hehehe, thanks. 

Flash: So anyway, who was it who called us all here. 

Fluttershy: That would be me, you see have you seen the news today. Reports have found a mysterious hunter lurking around the city, he seems to be really dangerous. 

(Y/N): Crap, it's Kraven. 

Rarity: Who's Kraven? 

(Y/N): Well his real name is Sergei Kravinoff, he's a world class hunter who originated from Russia. He came to New York after hearing about me. He wouldn't consider himself the world's greatest hunter, until he killed me. I managed to beat him every time we encountered, but now it seems he heard about my return and is now planning some sort of revenge. 

Rainbow: Well don't worry, we've got your back in case that maniacal hunter comes around, I'll- 

Before Rainbow could finish, a tranquilizer dart is shot onto her back. 

Rainbow: OW, why is the room getting dizzy. 

Rainbow collapses. 

Everyone: RAINBOW! 

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