
"_____, can we talk for a minute?" 

you nodded slowly, waiting for him to come join where you were sitting on the bed. he sort of just admired you from where he was standing as you waited for him to do something, causing you to blush and stand up, walking over to your window where peter finally made a move. 

he came up behind you, slowly wrapping you up in his embrace, keeping you close to him. you let out a small sigh, enjoying the feeling of being in his arms. 

"peter, what is going on?"

"ned and i had a talk today," he muttered, keeping you close to him. "he admitted that he liked you."

you could feel how tense he got when he said that as you tried to get out of his arms to face him but he clearly didn't want to let go of you. 

"i don't know why this just started or if he just wants to get under my skin because i'm finally happily dating someone or-"

"peter," you began. "there is no way that ned would be doing this to get under your skin. he's your best friend, peter. i think that you're just anxious about the situation. i can promise you that i won't leave you for your best friend. i love you, so much. i just think that you're stressed because this is your first relationship."

peter tightened his grip. 

"i know i'm new to this whole relationship thing but-"

"it's okay," you told him, trying to turn around once again but he wasn't letting you go. "peter, i dated brad before you. i was in a controlled relationship with someone who loved me too much and wanted me constantly to themselves. it's nice having freedom with you. and you shouldn't worry about ned. it's just a crush, babe."

peter's grip still didn't loosen. 

"why are you so worried?"

he shrugged. "because i know that spiderman could do something about it, but peter parker can't."

you grew silent after that sentence as peter sighed, letting go of you slowly now as he went over  to your bed as he sat down. you kept staring out the window, being completely shocked at him feeling this way. you were observing the city skyline before turning away and going over to the bed where you took a seat next to your boyfriend.

"peter, why would you ever think that?"

he was quiet before he looked back at you again before leaning forwards slowly and pressing his lips to yours as you sunk into the feeling easily. he pulled you closer slowly and gently, keeping his lips to yours before briefly letting go to look at you.

you looked up at him before you pushed yourself into his hold, wrapping your legs around him as you kept your grip around him and rest your head on his chest. 

"spiderman doesn't make me feel like that," you told him. "peter parker does. so, who do you think is my real superhero?"

peter smiled, tightening his grip around you. "i love you."

"i love you too, peter."

he smiled, rubbing your back gently as you let out a sigh. 

"what are you going to tell ned?"

"what makes you say that i didn't tell him something this afternoon?"

"because i know you, peter," you responded. "you probably froze up and walked out of the room."

he sighed, causing you to look up at him as you observed his face from where you were sitting. 

"______, what the hell am i supposed to say to that?" he asked, questioning your response as he looked off to the side. you kept looking up  at him. "like, how would i tell my friend to back off without being rude? i don't want to hurt ned but you're my girlfriend, and my first one at that."

you smiled up at him, watching as he sighed, looking back over at you once more. 

 "what?" he asked in somewhat of a chuckle as you kept looking up at him with a smile. 

"peter, you're so worried. babe, i'm not gonna leave you," you told him sweetly as he smiled, pressing another kiss to your lips, pulling you in closer before you let go. your eyes stayed closed momentarily. "especially not whenever you kiss me like that," you said softly as he laughed.

"am i a better kisser than brad was?" he asked as you nodded. 

"you are," you told him, laying your head back on his chest. "you really are, pete."

he smiled again, keeping you close. 

"if only you could see what i'm thinking about you, sweetheart," he said gently as you smiled looking back up at your boyfriend. 

"mm, pete," you muttered softly as he pressed a brief kiss to your lips. "i think you can show me just as well." 

he smiled, pressing his lips back to yours, keeping you close before letting go momentarily. as he started going back in for another one, your phone began ringing with ned calling. you let go from peter to go grab it but peter was quick to pull you back to him as you laughed.

"i need to go get my phone," you said with a laugh as peter hummed against you. 

"you can answer them later," he muttered. "we only have so much time together before i have to leave and go back to my apartment."

you laughed, pressing one more kiss to his lips before letting go and going to grab your phone. when you answered it, you heard ned's voice on the other end of the line. 

"oh, hey, ned," you said, looking over towards your window once more before seeing peter beginning to stand up as you watched him. he walked over to your bedroom door as he opened it, looking back at you. you shook your head, reaching your hand out to him. you pleaded with your eyes. 

he gave in, walking back over to you and wrapping you up in a tight embrace as you giggled a little loudly as he picked you up and briefly spun you around before pulling you back into his arms. 

"yeah, yeah, i'm with peter," you told him as you nodded. you rest your head on his chest, still on the call. "he did, ned. yeah. no, no, he's not mad, i don't think. i think he's just protective."

his arms tensed when you said that as you smiled, looking up at him as he looked back down at you. you stared into his eyes as you responded to ned.

"no, it's okay, ned. yeah. we'll talk tomorrow," you said, still smiling up at peter. "bye, ned."

when you hung up, you laughed. "peter, you can't distract me like that when i'm-"

he silenced you once more as you let go to laugh once again. 

"pete," you said gently. 

"you said you liked it so i just thought i'd do it some more," he muttered, keeping his arms tight around you. 

"hey, look," you said. "if  we're gonna catch that movie, we have to go now." 

peter groaned, pulling you tighter to him as he pressed small kisses all over your face causing you to laugh and hold onto him tighter. 

"is this cause you're protective?" you asked. 

he smiled. "maybe," he muttered, pressing another kiss to your lips before letting go once more. you smiled at him. 

"maybe you should talk to ned tomorrow. without me distracting you."

"you're the best distraction i could ask for," he muttered, giving you one more kiss before letting go. "but i'll try my best."

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