Reunion with Two Old Friends/A Sandy Battle!

Start from the beginning

Harry: Uh right, wow these guys are really friendly, (Y/N) you really are lucky to have moved here. I guess I won't be lonely too much, these guys will have (Y/N)'s back like I do. Well that's great to here, I'll accept your friendship, if you're good pals to (Y/N). After all, he's my best friend. 

(Y/N): I'm just glad that you're here Harry, I mean this came out of nowhere, first Doc Connors and now you! 

Harry: Yeah I heard Doc Connors is now teaching here. I just hope he doesn't transform into that Lizard thing again. 

Pinkie: Well don't worry Spiderman is defending our town now, and our school. So you shouldn't worry. 

Harry: Great to here Pinkie, I never really thought too much about him, but I guess the world needs him. My dad never really liked him. 

Miles: (whispering to you) Wait you mean Harry doesn't know you're Spiderman. 

(Y/N): (whispering) No I didn't really want him to get involved in any of my superhero life. But I was foolish enough to let Gwen know that I was Spidey. 

Soon your Spider Sense activated. 

(Y/N): Crap, what's going on now? Guys I have to go. 

You ran off to the bathroom to get changed into your suit. 

Harry: Now where is he off in such a hurry? 

Rainbow: Uh, well you see, (Y/N), has to go and cash something in his bank account. 

Harry: He got a bank account? 

Sunset: Yes, yes he did. 

Miles: No other reason at all! 

You exit school and swing over to where the trouble was brewing. 

The bank was getting robbed. 

(Y/N): So the bank is getting robbed? Who is behind this? 

Soon a man wearing a stripped green outfit, complete with grey pants, and combat boots emerged with sacks of cash and gold. He had short brown hair, and fully built with muscle. 

Spidey: Well great, it's Marko. 

You recognized him as Flint Marko, otherwise known as Sandman. 

Marko: Hahaha, alright time for some loot, I know Web-Head is going to show up sooner or later. 

Spidey: Uh, yo-hoo did someone call for me. 

Marko: Well well, I thought you'd show up Web-Head.

Spidey: Marko, Marko, when will you ever learn, crime never pays, yet you're too stubborn to give up. 


Marko drops his bags and prepares for battle. He morphs his hands into a sand hammer and sand mace. 

Marko: I'll squash you like the insect you are. 


You try spinning your webs at Marko, but the webs wouldn't shoot. 


Marko tries swinging at you, but you dodge just in time. 

Spidey: So Marko, I didn't think you'd come to Canterlot, what was New York too much for you without me around. 

Marko: Very funny, but I knew you had to be somewhere, then I heard about your fight with Goblin here. Once I found out you were bagging criminals around here, I knew I had to come find you, and this time I'm going to make sure that this city becomes my beach. You're not going to rain on my parade this time! 

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