Seventy- White Wolf

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                   WHITE WOLF

Running out of breath and hearts skipping a thousand beats, Larry and Austin barely even made it to the greater part of the woods. None of them believed they would catch Timothy in his good and healthy normal state. Not while the world was spinning like a whirlwind.

Mr. Summers would never forgive himself for bringing his family into this stupid, unnecessary get-together. Even if he survived and made it back home in one piece. He was definitely going to put himself out of his misery, and might as well put his wife, Austin, Timothy and Brianna out of their miseries.

He suffered this same sickness. Whether it had been hallucinations or not, Larry couldn't tell. It left him completely horrified as he raced with his son. It was like each tree he run past, a vivid but blurred imagery of Toby standing there and staring at him illuminated. His face was a complete pale WHITE, like the WHITE silhouette in Timothy's nightmare.

The gunshot wound from the blast illuminated as well. No matter how much Mr. Summers ignored it, this vision came back again.

Were these woods really haunted, as Toby once told Timothy?

Was this just a simple result of the great angst he had been feeling for the moment?

It couldn't be a ghost either. Ghosts weren't real. To Mr. Summers, he believed that this was the fear of Death approaching and he knew it from the back of his head. When he saw Toby standing there in the deep ends of the woods, he remembered God. How much he had abandoned Him all his life.

Of all the crap the world put him at loggerheads with. Upon all the reasons he believed Mrs. Summers wouldn't love him anymore and leave him forever. Upon all the reasons he believed his one true enemy would continue to haunt his life, and upon all the reasons he believed his children would hate him, this was what had been waiting for him at the end of the road all along.

A psychopathic stranger sent from Hell to terrorize and murder his family in front of him. Was this God's final message to him for failure of redemption. This was more than a judgement. It was a simple execution. Like in the Bible, even though he couldn't remember the last time he picked one to read, God did send a flood to destroy humanity when neither of them did what He wanted.

Sodom and Gomorrah too. The story about Lot and a city filled with homosexuals, that one he remembered. God punished them too. Then there was the Summers. This Godless family of liars and backstabbers who would never agree to each others terms. This was, of course, God's wrath. Emma Woodburn. A woman who escaped a mental institute on one night, and nobody gave a damn about it.

A myth come true. What had been funny was the fact that Austin was less terrified of the things he was imagining as of now.

Too drawn into his own world, Larry tripped and landed on his chin hard. Austin helped him up, but both of them froze as they gazed upon an ugly sight. The corpse of Carl was left on the grass like roadkill. Several bite marks were covered all around the animal's body, his tail cut off, ears sliced off as well and the marks clearly formed the lettering "DEVIL IN WHITE" on his tummy.

"Carl....", Austin cried, but Mr. Summers hushed him up after hearing the audible sound of a boy's call for help.

"Did you hear that?", he inquired. They both kept silent and listened to the faint scream. It was Timothy, apparently, but the words sounded jumbled up as though something or someone covered his mouth.

Panic stricken, Mr. Summers and Austin followed the cry. The warmer they got, the louder and clearer they heard Timothy. It was approximately 11:55 when they saw the young teenager sinking into what seemed to be quicksand. He was terrified all his life, but this time, he didn't feel like much of a man or a boy. Timothy literally couldn't move. His right arm was sinking, but to his luck, his left was waving in midair, trying desperately to grab the branch that hung on top of him.

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