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At approximately 3:00, the afternoon news was reporting live on all TV stations and YouTube channels that were being viewed by bored teenagers who had nothing to do with their lives

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At approximately 3:00, the afternoon news was reporting live on all TV stations and YouTube channels that were being viewed by bored teenagers who had nothing to do with their lives. Kimberley, the local news reporter, the same middle-aged sugar momma who formerly had the affair with a fifteen year old and nearly faced a twenty-year sentence to jail with hard labour for it, beckoned her crew to drive from the wicked traffic jam and head straight to the explosion sight.

To Mr. Summers, it didn't matter if some evil Muslim or another thugaholic did the crime. Aunt Kitty was in the hospital, and it was enough satisfaction for him the rest of the week. Kimberley and her crew flew from the WHITE van towards the crowd. NYPD patrols had requested back-up three hours ago to apprehend the culprit.

Firemen came in as well and by the looks of the spooked crowd, this guy was definitely another Muslim scum, thought Kimberley. When the search for any signs of life in the burning furnace commenced, Kimberley glanced as one police officer grabbed a fireman by the arm and kiss him, wishing him the best of luck before entering hell's gas. Paramedics had packed enough deceased and burnt bodies, the shattered walls, windows, weight-lifting tools and merchandise all burst from the inflammation.

Standing within the crowd, you could get a funny scent of what seemed to be burnt chemicals and latex rubber (like a failed chemistry experiment in class), as well as one missing carcass of a body left in the rubble.

"Can ya smell it?", one of the firemen ascertained.

"Yeah," one replied, "Like a burning body inside."

"We need to quicken the pace, team." He directed this statement to the men extinguishing the wild fire that spread in midair, already giving the birdies a hard day to breath. Deeper they ventured, the more faded the scent became. Four of them suddenly came across a pile of what seemed to be a large wooden table, broken glass, a large door and electronic wires from the ceiling that completely concealed the remaining body buried beneath the pile.

All that was visible was a bloodied hand that was missing one-half of a finger. A female, most certainly. Other three men waltzed in and when they cleared the area, began searching frantically for a sign of possibly, any bomb that had been triggered, inside the burnt down walls or in the ceiling which was halfway consumed. They combined all strengths and carefully lifted off the debris while ensuring none of the cables hit a pool of leaked water.

"Found her........No wait.....it's a he....!", the fireman roared.

This body, after being carried into the ambulance bed, was identified as Lantom Burns, a young body-building athlete who attended Hamilton College and, on regular occasions, worked out in Uncle Sam & Aunt Kitty's gym on Fridays. His nails were completely burnt crisp and dark charcoal. His eyes were burnt to its sockets, exposing flesh as well as his nose, ears and lips which were distorted from its position, exposing more burnt and black flesh protruding.

His face a bloodied pulp, football jersey torn and burnt into a rug, and the body was drenched in oil, tar, blood and flesh. Locals who saw this couldn't bear to keep their eyes on this grizzly scene, but just vomit.

"This is gonna make one hell of a story," Kimberley smiles and beckons her crew as she tears her eyes from the icky," Wait till this goes on CNN."

The firemen unloaded all the other debris at approximately 3:23, and the crowd as well as the NYPD grew more interest in finding the culprit. An hour later, low and behold, the hidden terrorist was found. Kimberley and her camera man arrived in quick haste and she was so tempted to let out the words, "Where's the Muslim?"

The fireman extended his hands and showed a completely crisp, burnt out i-phone and two black burnt chargers. A great big sigh of disappointment was let out by the NYPD but Kimberley, who hustled and bustled her way through the officers, needed to find her suspected "Muslim terrorist".

She raised the mic to her lips at once and signaled the crew to begin.

"We are live here today on KN.News at the 4th St. Avenue where an explosion just occurred at a gym and brutally killed five people. Here is a fellow fireman on the scene who appears to have already found what caused this."

She placed the mic to the fireman's lips and gestured for him to make the speech. "It appears the phone in my hands right now was put in charge for hours," he replied, " It overheated. And then I think something made it catch fire that made it spread throughout the building."

At approximately 3:53, the vehicles of the traffic jam had finally gone into speed motion, the hooligans of the street emerged from hiding when the police on patrol vanished from the sight of the explosion, and no one was aware of a woman wearing WHITE that walked the dark alley. Her ears were filled with the loud Michael Jackson song she barely looked the other sidewalk to see the burnt down rubble with the yellow tapes crossed over it.

Dangling around her arms were two WHITE shopping bags.

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