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Timothy , in the next few hours, scanned and rescanned his watch as he stood beside the front door waiting for the souls of Hamilton Elementary to magically appear on sight, yet little did the kid notice all this waiting had been in vain. Just like Jenny had taken notice of, the cars parked outside were still empty and the question then came to play.

Where the hell were all the teachers and what were they doing while their cars were left outside?

It's obvious, Tim, a voice on his shoulder whispered to him, They're all cultists. They did hidden rituals all along and had the bunch of us fooled to our wits.

They're not in a cult, you moron, Timothy spat back at the voice. The next thing he'd realize, the kid suddenly began to talk to himself.

They've probably sacrificed all the students in some hidden building behind the school, or better yet maybe, there's an underground room beneath the whole school and a whole lot of killing is taking place. Why don't you go check it out for yourself?

Timothy begins to lose his composure after hearing the last words, check it out for yourself...He recalled once seeing his History and Geometry teachers talk about a boy who was worth the sacrifice when they were in the bathroom together. Also, he recalled Science class being cancelled, giving the principal and five other Staff members the chance to enter an hours' conversation about a secret occasion during summer vacation.

You might be right, Timothy replied to his inner voice, maybe there was no field trip at all. Maybe they made that up so they could kidnap them for their hidden ritual. Of course. Man, I hope they sacrificed Matty first. Along with those assholes TJ and Ray. I'm glad they all got what they deserved for all I care. And I hope they burn in Hell.

Timothy moved his legs to get himself back home, but in his mind, he only hallucinated of going through the front door of the school he despised so much.

What do you think you're doing, Tim?

I'm walking home, that's what's up, Timothy muttered to himself, Those three shitheads are probably dead if the teachers are a group of cultists. They've been sacrificed. I don't need to cause any more trouble for myself.

But the door is still unlocked, Timo. Are you walking away from one of the biggest mysteries in the world? Stop being a wuss for once in your life and go check this out.

That's stupid, Timothy shot back, youre crazy if you think for one second, I'm entering Hell's gate. Who knows what's behind those doors at a time like this? That woman I saw last night could be standing there waiting for me. She's standing there. Right now, she's standing there smiling with blood on her face. She's probably wearing that WHITE dress.

Well, you're as damn hell a pussy if you walk back home, Timo.

Don't call me a pussy, faggot!, Timothy yelled in his head.

Well then, you're the faggot, faggot. Go on, kid. Follow your instincts and open that door if you think you're man enough.

No, I'm not going to open the door, Timothy snapped, that woman that came to my room is standing there waiting for me. I know she is. She's gonna kill me for sure if I open that door.

He remembered those eyes staring down at him in the UV Light vision. The blood was looked so real that he didn't care if her whole body was just an imagery from his nightmare. The blood had been real enough to prove that this woman was real.

But no one's going to believe you, Timo. If you walk, your mom is sure as hell going to keep doubting you. She thinks you're crazy because to her, the woman in WHITE isn't real. No one believes that there is actually a woman who escapes a mental hospital at night to creep into people's homes and stare at them while they sleep. Right now, you are denying the fact that this woman in WHITE is real.

I'm not, Timothy shot back in silence, she was real. That woman was staring at me in the dark. I could feel her breathing on my skin, Goddamnit. So, you don't you dare tell me that I think that she isn't real.

Then why're you being such a wuss, faggot. If you believe that she is real, open the damn door and see for yourself. When she attacks, just run like hell so you'll prove to your mom and everyone else that she's real as the Devil himself. Imagine what Austin would think of you when you tell him you survived an encounter with the woman in WHITE.

He'd think I'm pretty awesome, Timothy now thought as his whole body was now facing the main entrance of the school.

Goddamn right you are, Timo. Now go be a big boy and prove them wrong. Go open that door and let face hell. You might see something really dark and depressing.

Yeah. I will. I'm gonna open the door and I don't care if she's waiting for me. I'm gonna do it.

Yes. Be the man, Timo. Be the man.

Slowly, Timothy grabbed the handle of the main entrance with eyes closed. He prayed his silent prayer after the voice of temptation had ceased. Sweat fell down his strands of untangled blonde hair. All that he could hear now was the tick of his trembling heart. If he opened the entrance a slight bit more, the bloody-faced woman in WHITE would stretch out her hands and rip his face off.

That was the kid's instinct speaking to him then. He swallowed hard as he opened both door a slight bit more.


He froze, as well as the sweat which turned cold. He turned his back at once and gave out a huge sigh at the sight of Monsieur Pascal, his bossy French teacher.

"Sir," he breathed.

"Are you aware we are now on ze holidays?", he questioned aloud.

Devil In A White DressWhere stories live. Discover now