Twenty Nine

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Free from sanity. No emotion. Emma stood there motionless and had the expression of someone who needed more help than the entire human race itself. It was approximately 10:37 on the dot when the madwoman gazed at the headless body with no legs and the "DEVIL IN WHITE" symbol etched on the skin of his tummy.

Something degrading had just happened to her and it was another misfortune Emma despised from day one. Memories. Flashbacks. Emma despised. She'd have plunged the needle to her head if she had to live to recap them again or even better yet slash her own forehead with the axe.

This memory had to do with Peter Woodburn accidentally knocking down an old woman who had just ran away from a funeral in Black during one rainy afternoon. Emma, seated in the front seat next to him was less puzzled, as usual. Willie was startled by the impact because he was so engulfed in the Lego Star Wars video game he had been playing.

Peter, handsome and admirable as always, rushed out to help the unconscious old lady into the back seat of their WHITE Jeep. Emma's stereotyped looks of concern didn't much get the attention from Peter. Emma suggested dialing the nine-one-one numbers, but Peter insisted they drove along with her to the hostel they rented immediately so he they could see to her.

At the hostel, Peter, having mastered lessons in First-Aid, did his magic to connect the woman in Black's disjointed muscles. Emma did nothing to help but just stared at her because the reason she now despised this woman was because she was in all Black.

This wasn't any decent way for a lady to dress, Emma told herself. She watched the woman do an introduction to Peter and Willie, who mingled with her as she recovered from getting hit. Sooner or later, she overheard the woman's conversation with a friend of hers on the phone talking about how she had got away with the inheritance money she stole from the family.

Apparently, it had something to do with her running scared into the road during the rainy storm. Despising her more than ever, Emma finished her off with the pillow and influence Peter and Willie to believe she already passed out from a heart attack. But now, looking at the murder victim and scanning the corpse from top to bottom, Emma now knew that Peter was the better person than herself all along. But to her dearest Willie, she wondered he would smile at her from Heaven and be proud of his mother.

What's even frightening about Emma Woodburn is that during her stay in Baltimore asylum, she wrote letters to the deceased Willie and Peter. Simply forgetting she mutilated them back home. The thought of Peter and Willie being in Heaven just pissed Emma off the more. In addition to that, her WHITE shirt now being covered in blood.

She screamed. Burst out in complete fury and frustration that she was now wearing something impure.
Her mind was awake. Emma grabbed o onto the axe and smashed the windscreen of the vehicle with intense fury. Again, she smashed the glass. Again. Again. Again, then for another five times, she whacked the mirrors of each car door as well as the glass.

She smashed the boot where the dismembered limbs of Bentley In Black lay and made sure she smashed it several times the count. Then smashed the back headlights and ripped out the license plate to dismantle it (our only evidence of tracking the murderess down). With all that being done successfully, Emma's other altered state had activated. The state of complete silence.

She got back in the dismantled WHITE Volkswagen she was starting to like so much and tuned into the music station where Ready To Die by legendary Biggie Smalls was playing. As logic was starting to become an absurdity, and curses were being thrown to her, Emma smirked while listening to the song's symphony. She cast her mind back to the era where she loved rap music despite her family forcing her to keep away from it.

She learned many things about loving rap music as a WHITE woman. It's either you become a fiend to your fellow WHITE neighborhood or have been corrupted by the so called "trash" in the entire industry. For Emma, she'd listen to any kind of music as long as it has to calm and sooth her nerves. Albeit Reggae, Spanish, Country, Jazz, Rock & Roll, Funk, R&B or all other extras in her long list of genres.

If Lucifer loved music and sang during his time in Heaven, why not Emma Woodburn? Why not the Devil In a White Dress? Sparking the car, Emma pulled the accelerator and rode at maximum speed. No thoughts. No conscious. No emotion. Just action.

By approximately 10:49, Emma and her dismantled WHITE Volkswagen drove straight into a large oak tree up ahead. Beside the tree had been the red sign post that illuminated the words "TRY NOT TO LOSE YOUR WAY". Strange as it was, the neighborhood had still been a complete ghost town and no soul was present to witness Emma's act of self-arm. Yet she had been tolerant of pain all her life. She could reverse the dismantled Volkswagen and crash herself into the tree for the second time and her mind would still function as it is.

Gaining conscious, Emma slowly opened her eyes to see her blood trickle down and mix with her strand of blonde untangled hair. Biggie Small's song was still playing but it sounded jumbled up and twisted now. Smoke emerged from the engine, and Emma could see before her eyes, a man with two faces and wings smile and wave at her from the bush.

This stranger looked handsome but quite deformed. Each face had two eyes split sideways, hair WHITE and claws on his fingers. Much to Emma's bewilderment, he was wearing a WHITE tuxedo and tie, matching perfectly as Peter used to wear his. His wings were that of a dark angel, yet the man kept smiling and waving to Emma, who still had no sign of emotion while gazing at this being.

Dr. Cowen, as well as numerous anthropologists run countless diagnosis on her and found no result of inconsistent hallucinations. Yet now she couldn't tell what she was looking at had been an actual hallucination or not. While bleeding from her forehead, Emma watched the man in WHITE tux and dark wings walk slowly towards the red sign post and mark an "X" on the word WAY, and replaced it with "FAITH".

When Emma read "TRY NOT TO LOSE YOUR FAITH" instead, a random giggle burst out from her lips. She looked to her left and saw a different inhuman figure. This one resembled Cowen very much, like as though he was a doppelganger. He wore WHITE tux and a tie, sharp claws but no wings, just a WHITE leathery hat on his bushy hair. Out of his tux came WHITE feathers which soared all around the air in a beautiful manner.

He began gesturing his hands in a "Call Me" motion and stuck out his long tongue while cackling with weird laughter. Were these Emma Woodburn's invisible friends whispering evil suggestions to her all along? She took her victim's purse and grabbed the drugs she stole. She searched and began cackling herself because she held in her hand, a container filled with psilocybin pills. She began to wonder when she ever snuck these out?

But she read the name on the container and realized they were the blue pills all this while. She laughed again when she looked at the name on the container filled with the pink pills and realized they were Baclofen. Digging deep inside the purse, she realized the revolver her first victim tried to defend herself with had been with her all along.

She took it, got out of the car when the hallucinations disappeared then grabs the can of petrol hidden in the back of the car. At approximately 10:57, she poured full droplets of gasoline all over the damaged Volkswagen because her whole mind had been shut blank again. Taking another smoke of her cigar then hurled the lighter onto the vehicle.

Her beloved WHITE Volkswagen burst into rapid flames, along with the disemboweled body of Bentley Cudmore, as well as all the evidence left to know that a murderer still lurks the streets.

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