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At approximately 8:15, it was bedtime for all inmates

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At approximately 8:15, it was bedtime for all inmates. Pope Apocalypto, Spider Woman, Eye-Sore and other unnamed inmates watched and gave catcalls as Mama engaged in a fist fight with three wardens. The guards rushed in to subdue the mischievous black mad woman just as Emma and Bridget sneaked out of their wards.

The rampaging noise from the inmates suddenly seized when the armed men raise their taser guns to takedown the uncontrollable Mama but Emma was never discouraged to go further. Like Bridget had already taken care of, the gate keeper blacked out to a comatose state after he had drugged him and the whole night was filled with dead silence. Bridget directed Emma through corridor to corridor on tippy toes.

She crawled, slithered and even galloped through dozens of halls like the motion of a cartoon character from the late 70's black and white TV. More of Bridget's dirty handiwork was displayed on sight. In each section of the great halls, the wardens were isolated in a dead hibernation period. Using nothing but his absolute carefulness, Bridget drugged all wardens just like that. But was it with heavy doses of LSD or vallum? From your perfect angle, it would look as though the wardens were just asleep.

But the reality would kill you when you find out further. Emma and Bridget crawled deeper into the one hall no one ever dared venture. Not even the wardens or the guards could. It was the room where the Worst of the Worst were held as prisoners.

The Hall of the Inhumanely Insane.

Emma's hand found itself clutched tightly to Bridget's. He gestured his finger on his lip as he whispered, "Shhhh. Be very quiet." Emma nodded like a daughter being scolded by her father. Through the dark corridor, peeping through their cells, were beings that were far from human. These were monsters. Ghouls. Trolls. Werewolves. Vampires and Zombies that were growling and heaving at the sight of warm flesh.

Emma modeled down the Hall of Hell's Gate in a catwalk fashion, giving this colony of heathens a show they'd never forget. Despite Bridget hushing her to keep up the pace, Emma cat walked and smirked blissfully. There was no sign of fear or anxiety walking in the midst of the Inhumane. In the past, she walked right in the midst of unbearable prisoners the time she used to pay visits to her foster father when he served thirty years with hard labor. Most of the inmates, some with red eyes, some having deformed faces and some being one-eyed cyclops preyed hungrily at the woman-in-WHITE. Their claws try with desperation to grab and tear right through the woman but fail. One girl with venomous fangs and tattoos of devils on her face climbed onto her cell door and chirped like a monkey.

Emma's catwalk heated up the vibe of the Hell house so much she went directly face-to-face with the tattooed girl with the fangs. She stared deep down into her soul, and it was like they were exchanging non-verbal words. Empathically.


Bridget knocked on Emma's door where her light bulb had flickered on and off. When it came back on, she realized it is now approximately 9:20 and both criminal masterminds were under a concealed doorway to the ceiling. She watched as Bridget used his bare hands to unscrew the locked handle and tear the wooden door open, leading to a tunnel on top. He grabbed the flashlight he stole from his warden and took a quick peak to see their distance.

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