Forty Five-His Final Analysis?

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Slowly, the great dark descended on the streets of upstate NY. Amidst the slow-paced investigation of several murders, Detective Towers finally located the bar Kenny Loiuse was last seen and got his answers from the apparently confused bartender whose stout-figure reminded Towers of a man he'd pulled out of a house fire thirteen years before all this fiasco. He gave out the vivid description of our deranged, cannibal killer;

Blonde and ponytail hair at that time.

WHITE, long sleeve t-shirt.

WHITE jeans and heels.

A WHITE purse.

Beautiful, ofcourse.

Mid-Forties or Late Thirties, probably.

A Canadian accent.

This was the result that Towers got after waiting half an hour for the confused man to utter everything out.

"How did she look like?", Towers would ask.

He would say "Uh, she had a WHITE purse, A Canadian Accent, Probably Mid-Forties or late thirties."

Then make a stop for ten or fifteen minutes. Then say "WHITE purse, A Canadian Accent."
Stop for another few minutes. Then say "Blonde, A ponytail, beautiful. Probably Mid-Forties or late thirties."
Then stop again. Then say "Beautiful. Blonde hair beautiful. WHITE purse. Ponytail. Canadian Accent."
Stop again. Then say "WHITE accent. WHITE Canadian ponytail."

"Come Again?"

" No, I'm sorry. Forgive me. That's all I know."

"And she was flirting with Mr. Louise?", he went on.

"Yeah. I mean. No. Mr....ugh...Louise bought her shots of tequila but he ordered a Sprite. They were talking for sometime. Then when the conversation ended. Mr. Louise was acting really funny as he walked out. Like he was sick or something."

"So the Devil in WHITE drugged him", Towers concluded, "Same way as she did when she infiltrated Mason's birthday party. It was after this that she drove her WHITE Volkswagen to Hamilton Elementary and attacked Mrs. Louise. So the couple were all targetted right before this day happened. She was watching them."

"Yeah. Right", the bartender winked, while fully aware that the detective was speaking to himself. He scanned the joint for security cams, but his mind told him to quit.

Despite all that gibberish, Towers' gut kept warning him that something was definitely not right from his perspective. By the time he returned to the Precinct, the voice behind the man spoke horrendous thoughts. It was assumed that maybe, if possible, this Devil in WHITE was a gimmick created by someone who had just escaped prison.

Or maybe a correctional institute where the totally, deranged and inhuman psychos were wining and dining in their miseries. Maybe, if Towers was correct, his mother's killer was out there roaming on the streets and nobody could notice it. No one back at Baltimore or the asylum was aware of her escape. Could it be possible? Meanwhile, Dr. Cowen had grown tired of unraveling the reason for Peter and Willie Woodburn's deaths and decided to write down his final analysis in his brown leather journal that Emma Woodburn suffered from borderline personality disorder her whole life but chose to hide it. To his analysis, she killed Peter and ten-year old Willie because of years of failure to take the prescribed anti-depressants. To his final analysis, Emma Woodburn's mental and deranged state was indeed an illness but it was something inherited from her dead parents and not being given the proper drugs since childhood worsened this hereditary disorder. The twisted, graphically violent novels she had published out to the world were her way of expressing this borderline disorder but since the controversy of the extreme human violence banned her novels from ever being published again, Emma found another way to openly express it and that was when this evil, depressing disorder forced her over the edge to slaughter the only two people she loved in this dastardly dark world. A typical manslaughter.

Her conversation with a "WHITE Wolf", as Emma talked about and even dedicated many of her books to was all part of a hallucination which involved a symptom of her disorder.
She was deranged, but definitely no psychopath at all.

But her cannibalism, according to his final analysis, was simply exposure to the media. Her old Mexican nanny once told Cowen that a five-year old Emma watched countless animal documentaries of predators hunting prey. She loved watching doctors and neurosurgeons pull out human organs and smiled in fascination. She loved watching Japanese zombie B-movies from the 70's and 80's. Undead humans eating humans made young Emma smile with delight. During dinner with her foster parents, when the Mexican nanny cleaned the living room, she'd eavesdrop and listen to the deranged child talk happily about dissecting human organs with them while they ate.

It got to a time Emma was forced to eat upstairs when she openly laughed and talked about a neurosurgeon on TV accidentally drop and step on a non-functional kidney when the power went out during autopsy. While they were eating her favourite hot dogs and chilli. At sixteen, Emma happily talked about removing heads and brains to her boyfriends but they all laughed with her. But her obsession for WHITE might have also been something she picked from her dead parents.

And that was it. Emma Woodburn, to him, was a normal human being suffering from years of unnoticed depression. Cowen smiled after jotting it down and closing the book. He felt relieved and wanted to go talk about having solved the mystery with Thembi. But he just realized he had been sitting in his BMW for hours just when his wife called him to deliver the good news. Melinda wanted to see them again.

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