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Jake, with an obnoxious look, was having a bad day trying to get the lawn-mower fixed just when his girlfriend had refused to answer a dozen e-mails. His fellow roommates Carl, Elsa and Todd were smoking pot by the time Jake finally gave the kiss of life to the jacked-up equipment.

He had his Vista cap on top of his short brown hair, the exact one he wore on the day he nearly proposed to his girlfriend on Christmas, as well as the green t-shirt that said F***** U TRUMP written boldly in pink. The boy had been moody ever since last Monday morning left him a drunken mess. Especially from last night's Breaking Point. Elsa turned on the ghetto blaster at once, and the inconsistent noise cluttered all the ill thoughts inside of Jake.

"Can we go buy some more drinks?", Elsa asked the other bandits. Both Todd and Carl, high as the shooting stars of the Thousand Planets, boogied and jammed to the Devil's music. It was the kind of music that attracted the Devil to their doorstep.

"Halloo ?!", an angry Elsa roars again, Guys. We're running out of pot. And drinks."

"So?!", Todd inquires, bouncing on the giant worn-out teddy bear Jake's girlfriend had sent back weeks ago.

"So, we need to go fetch some more," Elsa yelled as though talking to an amnesiac, "You both need to get your drunken asses off the booze and come help me fetch sum more fucking pot! Am I speaking Spanish here?!"

"Jesus. Who the Hell are you now? Jake's mum?", Todd laughed, but when Carl broke into laughter it pissed him off. He aggressively pushed him off the skaters he was rolling in. He had that temper anytime someone tried to share in his laughter. When jokes were being cracked and Todd found it funny, nobody was supposed to find it funny.

But when Carl lay on the bare floor, all he did was laugh. The ceiling was not the ceiling anymore. He was gazing at the Red Sea where the Red Moon looked as though it came crashing down unto him.

"Fuck. What's your problem, man?", Todd interrogated him, still feeling aggressive.

"The water, man," Carl giggled, "The water's all red and the moon's falling down.... Like good 'ol Humpty Dumpty, eh Elsy?"

"You fucking loser," Elsa mocked her fellow alcoholic, "Can you ever get off the booze for one fucking day?"

"You talkin' to me, Elsy?", Carl mocked back playfully, "I can't hear your voice. I think I just heard the moon call my name. Oh, it has a face now. It's smiling, man."

"Dumb-ass fucker," Todd now laughed and continued bouncing, "Why don't you do us a favor and go fetch us some pot, Elsy?"

"Don't talk to me like that. I'm not the fucking maid in this house, Todd", Elsa snapped back, "I don't rob and sell drugs just to keep us from the streets."

"Well it's because of that," Todd reminded her, Thats why you can still smoke all the fucking pot in the world, so don't be sounding like some kind of nun here."

Elsa was getting more enraged. She marveled, then yelled "Shut the fuck up and let's go for more...." She was stopped. Martin Von Trapp's song was playing. The exact one that played during Breaking Point. Elsa suddenly roared and boogied to the loud beats, forgetting she was still a decent human being. Devil's music indeed.

Elsa started stripping very slowly. First, taking off her long black sleeve, secondly, her bra, then very slowly, her black jeans. Carl got up as well and began expressing the true animal in him. Shoving himself left to right and scattering tables, kicking furniture and smashing old disks. He grabbed the extension cable to their video game console and whipped it in the air like as though a Rodeo was being played.

Elsa whined her body as she jumped on top of the glass table. Both Carl and Todd froze as they watched her shake her booty in that exotic dark blue panties. The Devil's music. It controlled her. Made her a puppet. Carl hopped onto the table without slight hesitation and danced intimately with his fellow alcoholic. Bumping and grinding as she shook her booty against his crotch.

Todd had been turned completely on. Hard as a wood. He drunk his beer and danced to the hypnotic beats. Elsa's long and wrinkled blonde hair covered Carl's face. His hands grabbed her small-sized cleavage as it slowly ripped the bra off. Todd hadn't gone as hard as this.

"Yeah! Fuck this city! Von Trapp is back again!", Todd laughed as he jumped unto the table as well, took his red t-shirt off and grabbed Elsa's face aggressively. She was startled because she actually felt his hormones surge but it turned her on. When Todd kissed her, she realized all this wasn't some silly joke anymore. Todd wanted to use this moment to his advantage.

He wasn't going to mess this up again. To her disturbance, Todd didn't stop kissing her, but Elsa tried to play along his game. She found her sense of humor and continued dancing. Then Jake's voice was heard.


The three of them tumbled down so idiotically, it wasn't funny at all. Jake screamed again.


"Jake, baby?!", was her response. Only Elsa wore her sleeve and jeans before rushing outside, while Todd fussed Carl to turn off their ghetto blaster.

"Jake, baby?!", she called out, running. When she saw Jake, she gasped.

Devil In A White DressWhere stories live. Discover now