Fifty Two

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She walked out the mall with Toby and still had bad thoughts, but Emma had already caught the scent of blood. An obsession was felt within her grasps, the burning desire to find out who these insignificant people were caused Emma to follow Kitty and Toby. Emma's face turned into that of a complete zombie-state.

Her ill intentions were so keen, the little black girl with the Power Puff Girls hat, blue sweater and crucifix necklace was noticed standing on the way. She gave Emma a subtle gaze because she wasn't sure of whether a distressed, alcoholic woman or an undead zombie had just emerged in the bright of day. The psycho killer gave back a middle-finger before deserting her when the mother was seen coming towards her.

"How long are we going to spend the rest of the goddamn holiday with the Summers, mom?", Toby inquired while taking out a cigarette and lighter. The kid could only smoke in his mother's presence, but absolutely not when Uncle Sam was around.

"Till everything's settled down," Kitty replied as she hustled and bustled on lifting heavy bags of goodies.

"What the hell that does that even mean?", Toby pressed on.

"It's what your uncle and aunt said," Kitty replied.

"But aren't they going to just fight all the time, like they always do?"

"Toby, the Summers are very nice people. My little brother can be a bit puckish, and your aunt still has this borderline whatever it's called. But doesn't matter really. You'll get used to them like always."

A family get-together. That's definitely what Emma heard minutes ago.

And to talk about family togethers, only fourteen years had passed since the Woodburn family had their very own get-together during New Year's Eve with other families. To her view, the world would never be a peaceful place, and there was nowhere, no place on this Earth that had peace written on it.

All her life, she pretended and hid behind the WHITE dress. Her smiles concealed the true inner darkness that was found where her heart was supposed to be. Emma knew she was never ever going to be sane right from her early years. From infancy, to high school, to college, Emma's insanity and obscene thoughts were looked at as mere jokes and topics her foster-parents and friends could josh about.

Even Peter and Willie couldn't acknowledge the seriousness of her ill intentions. He was just some stand-up comedian with knowledge and sense of dark and satirical humor, and Willie was just a boy who loved to play with everything. Everyone simply thought Emma was funny. People believed Emma was just as funny and twisted as her husband, and kind and thoughtful as her son.

Her novels, which spoke of her evil plans and what she actually thought of humanity, majority of fans loved and reread it hundreds of times while the critics did everything to ban it. Her Mexican nanny thought she was crazy from the start, but couldn't take her as the serious threat she wanted to be. Susanna Towers knew her wicked intentions from the moment she and her family stepped foot on the city, but was just too scared to deal with it.

And Dr. Cowen, her least-trusted ally, always felt dominant over her and believed he had that power to fix her wicked ways with pep-talks, dinners and laughs.

Baltimore Asylum treated her like all the other weak, less-fortunate inmates with their own disorders and believed they could cure her wicked ways with therapeutic shocks, medication, injections and isolations. The world never took Emma seriously because they all believed she was just a harmless, deranged queer, and this is what pissed her off. They taught her to be the wild animal in the cage, now she was the wild animal let out of the cage.


It was approximately 10:20 when the Summers were done packing their clothes, equipment in case of animal attacks or unwanted guests and other private stuff Austin made sure he kept secretive and didn't want neither Brianna nor Mrs. Summers, or even the four-eyed Larry to know. Once again, when he met his Uncle Sam, who came by with the black Jay Flight RV, he grew more uncomfortable in his presence than ever. Uncle Sam looked like any ordinary demented father with blush long curly hair and beard.

A wicked smile etched on his face. The I Am A serial killer from 1970's kind of smile. A carefully, ironed long sleeve brown shirt, a blue leather, short-sleeve jacket on top, dark jeans and dazzling red Gucci Hi-Top sneakers which made Brianna want to runaway just by the sight of them being worn by him. When Mrs. Summers, who was now in her average golden Shirtwaist dress and old pair of brown running shoes, took sight of Uncle Sam, she believed Jeffrey Dahmer had come back to life.

Sam had looked so different and very much his younger, vintage self; unlike Kitty, whose presence reminded her brother of what it was like to contemplate Death. When the four-eyed Larry Summers had to reunite with his dimwitted sister again, he knew hell was going to break loose during their stay in the woods. He played it cool and kept his composure, watching Kitty gloat in front of him and not get tempted to shoot her.

When she first greeted Mrs. Summers, the first name she called her was "Booboo-Kitty". He had never felt so annoyed and want to skin her alive. And to think he was so happy and relieved when her and Sam's business had blown up in the sky days ago.

When Timothy met his cousin one more time, he felt like this was going to be a glorious summer vacation get-together. He wasn't a big fan of dogs though, judging from the way he reacted when Carl came up to him. When Timothy asked him why, he recalled having encountered one with rabies.

While this reunion went on, Emma made it to their neighborhood and snuck into Chang's home. The Asian model had just woken up and prepared a special Asian breakfast for her guest who hit it off with her last night. The events that took place went fast like clockwork.

Before Chang went back to her bedroom to see her beheaded and bleeding guest in bed, Emma rushed in to strangle her to death with barbed wires she removed from her pretty garden.

Her screams for dear life were strained by the gag in her mouth while the windows were shut tight. In a matter of seconds, Chang died, unaware that her childhood writer was the one to end such a luxurious life. Emma herself noticed the 90's style of the apartment as she scanned through her belongings and saw an old tattered copy of her novel Peter's Heart.

A book the killer had published right after Boyz In The Hood. She wrote it to tell the world how much she loved her dear beloved Peter. The only non-violent book.

You should know better than to mistreat a fine of piece of work like this, you motherfucker, Emma cursed her deceased victim silently before leaving to venture into the house of the Summers. Creeping with stealth movement, Emma wondered about in Austin's room then to Brianna's room. She had seen the baby Lucifer picture on her wall but wasn't creeped out.

Entering Mr. and Mrs. Summers' room, she wasn't quite intrigued by their large wedding picture either. She felt bored just staring at it with blank, empty-headedness. She wanted to trash this boring house and burn it down if she had to, but then she went further to the hallway and looked at the kind of family she was going to kill.

One happy-faced teenage girl, who was apparently bored of her family, an obnoxious teenage son, a dim-witted interracial couple that didn't look too happy but had the expression of just exiting a funeral, and then this tiny blonde-haired boy. Emma laughed to herself in admiration of the young Summers' beauty. He was delicious indeed.

She left the house on time to catch the family in full conversation as she creeped silently into the Jay Flight RV. No one noticed it. Not even Carl, whom Timothy was petting and taking much of time with. Just like that, the woman in WHITE won again.

At approximately 10:30, the Summers took off in their Jeep whereas Sam, Kitty and the uncaring Toby left in the RV.

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