Sixty Eight

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A pile of photos was seen on the dinner stable, and when Kitty checked them out, she was left in utter disgust. Though black and WHITE, the images of the black man molesting the young girl shone vividly. The display of such gruesome acts was in the form of a BDSM and in discretion, Kitty placed these photos back where they belong.

Who were these two anonymous strangers amongst them? Was this miscreant her father, or was that poor innocent victim his daughter?

In their kitchen, pieces of broken glass, chandelier and plates were left on the bare wooden floor. So were tiny blood stains that made Kitty's skin crawl. The clock read approximately 9:49. When Kitty walked past a locked door, trails of more blood and bullets led her to the bathroom. Her heart skipped four beats at a time just looking at the large pool of blood leaking like a pond.

Well, from her point of view, Kitty could tell this game was going to lead to something dark and haunting. Her jaw clenched itself very tightly. Eyes closed, she hurled the bathroom door opened and rushed to the sink to wash her face of all the tears.

Even though she did, Kitty would just continue to cry tediously because Toby was gone and there was not a chance in this lifetime where God would bring him back. Her eyes caught sight of something different when she opened them and peered at her reflection.

Through the same mirror the so called "black man" used to smash the poor girl's head on, Kitty turned and screamed. A body. What appeared to be a body looked more like a melting cauldron. The girl on the photos was left in the bathtub, while being completely dissolved in acid water. Not to mention the horrible odor that was being released into the atmosphere.

Sam heard his wife's screams but the only things that stopped him from moving from his safe spot were his bullet wound and flashing imagery of his son's death. Kitty ran out the bathroom with vigorous speed, ravaging as though her legs were set on fire.

What she couldn't handle were the words she saw marked on the wooden wall with blood. "DEVIL IN WHITE".

"Sam! Sam!", Kitty wailed," She......she's melting........a little girl...........she's melting, Sam.....she's melting...!"

"Jesus Christ!", Sam moaned while tearing from the immense pain, "We've gotta warn people about this, Kitty! What if there are more neighbors out there?! They don't know what's going on!"

"There was........a man lives here too.........I don't think he's........."

Kitty's statement was cut short at the sound of rattling in the kitchen. It was strange that the kitchen she had just walked out of didn't have the impression that anybody was likely to be kept there. Slowly, she ventured back and before Kitty could even scan behind the wardrobe, the "black man", thick, tall and stout popped out of nowhere and grabbed her by the arm.

She screamed and hustled her way out of his grasp, but it was effortless.

"She killed my wife.........!", was what the "black man" uttered.

A long golf stick was plunged right through his right eye. A knife as well, plunged deep into his right chest, his fingers were gone and had blood excreting. As though the man had chewed them off on his own. His grey t-shirt stained with his blood, but more terrifyingly, he was covered in papers that were clipped into his skin.

It was art that Emma designed.

Kitty observed closely and noticed them to be the very torn pages of Mrs. Summers' How to be the Next Jennifer Lopez. In a diagonal pattern, clipped from head to toe, the letters 'D--E--V--I--L--I--N--W--H--I--T--E were painted in his blood.

"She killed my fucking wife........!", he moaned again, "Help me, please! She......was pregnant......My wife was pregnant and she fucking toasted her......!"

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