Eighteen-Creep In The House

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Nightfall still dawned, and it was approximately 12:30 where from a far distance, neither the drunken students from Breaking Point, the two gay police officers who were hustling and bustling to refill their damn tires with gas again, the young stu...

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Nightfall still dawned, and it was approximately 12:30 where from a far distance, neither the drunken students from Breaking Point, the two gay police officers who were hustling and bustling to refill their damn tires with gas again, the young stud of a mailman who broke up with his girlfriend to be with his new gay lover, the two old woman walking cautiously in the dark alley nor the totally hated Kimberly hurling insults at her crew for the nasty comments posted on Twitter reviewing her just recent news report were aware of the WHITE Volkswagen drive into a neighborhood.

Jenny Louise, the mother of the infamous Martin Louise who failed miserably to put Kimberly the bitch in a jail cell, had been searching for other outstanding techniques to put her through the walk of shame. Like as if it hadn't been enough, Jenny wanted the whole world to pay her the respected attention she believed she deserved. As though she and Kimberly were two popular high school girls seeking attention from the crowd on whose Ms. Most Talked About in Hamilton High. Jenny was basically Regina George from Mean Girls and in her entire life, Kimberly had been the Alex Forrest from Fatal Attraction. Popping her brains out with a shotgun sounded like the perfect ending to a tragedy story but Jenny couldn't play the heroine of New York City.

Instead, she handled it in the "new generation" way. Working as a Math teacher in Hamilton Elementary was just a cover up for her to haunt the bitch of KN.News. Every PTA meeting held were just her base for posting on her blog and Twitter page with her cell phone. Her husband Kenny Louise, aka the bus driver, was her aid but not an accomplice. He was the least appalled when the revealing news of his son and the promiscuous Kimberly's sexual affair shocked the neighborhood.

"Just let it go, honey." Kenny would tell his wife.

"If you don't man the fuck up and help me nail this bitch down, I'm divorcing you, Kenny!" Jenny would say.

He finally manned up and aided Jenny in setting up her personal blog titled "JennyvsKimberly.org", where to her utter advantage, stalking and taking pictures of her day-till night recent activities was a necessary key to unlock the door to Victory's basement.

"Ha. My wife. A stalker?", Kenny would normally laugh at this statement as he piloted the Hamilton school bus on the usual boring and less fun weekdays. Weekends was full of booze, sex and more sex. But the second sex wasn't Jenny bursting with excitement over the comments on her blog, it was strippers from LA. On a later occasion right after Christmas Eve, Jenny updated her blog regularly and changed her domain name to "Kimberlymustburn.org".

"Nice work, Mrs. Louise. Way to go in nailing that fake bitch," her students would say during Math class.

"You better burn this bitch down, Mrs. Louise."

"Don't let her get away, Mrs. Louise. You got this."

"Bury her alive, Mrs. Louise!"

"Kill her, Mrs. Louise!"

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