Sixty Four

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Kitty couldn't move. Neither did Sam, nor anyone present in cabin.

"T... t.....t... Toby...?", she whimpered, refusing to take a walk towards the body. She called out her son's name again in the same stuttering manner, but Sam cut her short at once by uttering a very painful shriek. A shriek so firm and diminished, Mr. Summers, who was more shocked than anybody else, could never determine whether he was crying or trying to scream.

The sound was a mix between terror, anguish and vindictiveness.

"T... Tooooobbbyyyyyyyyyy....", Kitty shrieked with eyes watering like a fountain of youth.

"Toooooooobbbbbyyyyyyyyy........", she moans again as her knees drop in absolute failure. Austin had both his hands clapped together over his mouth because he understood his aunt. A pool of blood flooded around the dead boy's head. A large hole imprinted on the place where his forehead used to be. Timothy's mouth hanged loose.

Brianna screamed and raised the roof with Hell. With nothing to think of, she began running straight up the stairs with panic flowing inside her. Fear had never plunged her in the heart like this before. She had just seen or heard someone get taken down by a bullet. Worst was the fact that this person happened to be her own cousin Toby.

She thrashed everything around, forgetting her family were still alive. Her claws screeched on the window sill as she lifted the glass in an attempt to perform a suicide dive out of Hell, but Mr. Summers had run up to clutch her waist tight.

"Let me go!", she screamed and thrusted her elbows violently to his waist, "Let me go! Let me go! Let me go!"

Larry didn't have time to ease her pain away, so he did what all the dimwitted fathers had to do in harsh times like these. Be a leader. The first thing that came to his mind was to ensure all the windows were locked and shut tight, then grabbed pieces of wood to screw them unto the window to act as a blockade.

"Let me go!", Brianna insisted violently, punching her daddy to the back and ribs because the girl was on the verge of totally freaking the fuck out;

"Let me go! I don't want to die out here, dad! Let me fucking go!"

"Stay put and shut up!", angry Larry yelled back. No way, Larry Summers. Not after seeing her cousin get shot at from long range.

"FUCK YOU!", was what Brianna screamed atop of her voice. It only took mere seconds for the tears to flow. Larry couldn't even make it back downstairs to bare the heart-breaking and tearing down of his sister. The poor man wished it was him who took Toby's bullet. Basically, this whole nightmare reality started because of Larry. He bought this cabin with his hard-earned cash and split it with Sam.

He chose the site. Kitty was right. It was all his fault. Sam didn't care about Mr. Summers or his dumb wife anymore.

"Tooooooooobbbbbbyyyyyyyy....", Kitty kept crying.

And now Sam wasn't as OCD as he had been anymore. He finally stood near a site that repulsed. Blood and brains were all he could see and think of as of now. This horrendous image was bound to be stuck in his membrane forever, but the way his son had gotten shot in the head was only thing not seen.

Why did I bring you here? Sam muttered and cried with himself, why did I allow myself to bring you to this nightmare? Mrs. Summers, unfortunately, was left alone in the dark. Why would she cry while feeling so stupid? Why would she cry and share the pain with Kitty and Sam while she was actually Lucifer's wife and advocate?

This was also her fault. Poor and confused Mrs. Summers plotted this summer vacation get-together with Larry, and it was her that was supposed to be taking the blame with the Devil. If she dared even try to comfort Kitty or Sam, she was bound to get her face flattened and all of her memories would definitely slither out of her.

For once, it was time for Mrs. Summers to feel like she was the villain instead of the victim. She was far from some random and confused loser now that her nephew was dead because of one stupid get-together that was clearly going to suck.

She went back and crouched to the corner, ignoring the 'DEVIL IN WHITE' sign staring blank at the ceiling. Austin and Timothy? Well, what would they even do?

Devil In A White DressHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin