Sixty Six

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The seventh gunshot blasted through the entrance and everything went from piles of wood to smoke and ashes.

The closet, Mr. Summers muttered in his head, we can each separate and move to the five closets and lock ourselves for protection. If we move there Asap, this motherfucking bitch won't see us.

Who the fuck am I kidding? That's the dumbest idea I've heard you say. If it doesn't work, we'll fight with everything we've got. Who the hell does she think she is anyway? She's just one woman with a loaded gun. One crazed woman with a loaded gun, that is. I can take her, then we'll run for help.

But that was the mystery. Where the hell were the Summers going to run to if they were going to make it past Emma Woodburn?

"I'm gonna kill that fucking bitch, whoever the fuck she thinks she is!", Kitty roared passionately, and it was a dark side Mrs. Summers had contemplated all her life to see. Of all the horrible days the world had put the Summers through, this was definitely not part of Mrs. Summers' expectations. She never thought of Kitty displaying a darker and malicious side.

Her eyes were teary, veins popped out of her neck and forehead changed to a reddish color. She grabbed a knife from the kitchen, poised with hate and willingness to die, because it was obvious that all her anxieties were lifted from her shoulder after watching her son get his brains blown out of his head.

Mrs. Summers may have forgotten everything, but a mother succumbing to Death and going down fighting was hard trying to forget.

"I'm gonna rip out her eyes and shove them in her ass if she dares come in here!", Kitty went on threatening, "You hear me, motherfucker?! I'm not scared of you!"

"Kitty!", Mr. Summers called out to his sister.

"You want to shoot someone?! Well, go ahead! Make my day, motherfucker!", Kitty called out aggressively, "Put me out of my fucking misery! Just come in here and shoot me! I don't care! I don't care anymore! Just shoot me, already!"

Mr. Summers grabbed his sister by both arms. Just one look at her face had made him regret all the wrongs he did to her. Whatever Emma Woodburn was doing, it absolutely put a change in everyone's life. He was just about to cry with the one true person he hated the most.

When Kitty glared at her brother and spoke suicidal tendencies to him, it had been this very day Mr. Summers realized Kitty loved him so much and hurting him was never part of her desires. Kitty was in deep pain, and Mr. Summers had no choice but to grief with her. The siblings embraced each other in a warm hug. Tears trickling down from both eyes.

"We have to hide.... Lets go, we have to hide, okay?", was what Mr. Summers pleaded.

"Toby is dead," she whimpered sobbingly with her face buried on his shoulder.

"I know, we still have a chance to live. It's not over yet, okay. Let's go now!"

Brianna couldn't control the lengths at which the fire kept spreading, but all of a sudden, it seemed to die down. A still quietness was all that was heard. When Timothy showed himself, the eighth gunshot fired from the distance of the dining room. Brianna and her brother froze as though they both stomped their feet on quicksand. The atmosphere felt cold and chilly, and the siblings shivered in the way their devastated aunt did.

When Timothy turned his gaze upstairs, Mr. Summers, Sam and Kitty were seen crouched on the ledge of the stairs, signaling for the kids to stay put and not move. He turned to look straight and saw Emma Woodburn walk to him with the Semi-Automatic rifle hoisted to her breasts and pointing toward him. He wanted to piss in his pants so bad, but it seemed like his bladder was no more circulating.

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