Sixty Seven

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"How are we going to get out of here?", Brianna cried, but she saw Austin finally getting up to his feet with a bloodied and bruised face. When Brianna glared at him, she had already felt sorry for all the numerous bitching slurs and rants she had given her poor brother. She raced to his aid at once and embraced him in a tight hug.

She grabbed a wet towel from Kitty and feverishly cleaned the blood off of Austin's battered up face. Each sore she wiped stung him to the point he kept on uttering sounds of discomfort.

"I'm so sorry, Austin", she whimpered, "I should never have......"

"Shh. It's okay," Austin hushed her, "We'll find Timothy. Together."

The disgusting verbal assaults of profanity from Emma grew worse. Beside rumbling, the psychopath kept shaking the door off its hinges. The Summers were too intimidated to confront Emma, because upon all those harsh words, they could actually feel her pain. Emma was nothing but a disturbed woman created by the ignorance of the world. An animal that was never taken seriously.

All of them understood this nihilistic rage, and if there was a possibility that the Summers were going to make it out alive, the reality that they had just slightly ventured into the mind of a raging psychopath like Emma Woodburn would haunt them forever.

I'll rape your son, you fucking cocksucking trash! You thought I was joking! You thought you could keep me locked up for years! You thought you could send me into the darkness and keep me away from myself! Was what Emma ranted about, Well, guess what?! I'm not hiding anymore and God knows it! God knows what I'll do to you and your fucking son when I get out of this fucking door! He can't stop me! He's not gonna stop me from tearing all you people apart, and He sure as hell isn't going to save you from me!

Do you hear me?! Open the door! Don't act like I'm a crazy son of a bitch, because I'm not!

I'm the woman who's had a bad day! I'm the fucking DEVIL IN WHITE!

You better open this door, or this is going to go on all night long!

I'll open this door if I were you, because I have a lot of killing to do and right now, you're wasting my fucking time! Do you hear me?!

Awestruck. Completely shocked and dismayed. That's what the Summers felt in her presence. One of them wanted to ask her. Plead with her or interrogate her on what on Earth they had done to keep her locked in Baltimore Asylum for eleven years. Why did she even mention them? The Summers weren't there when it happened. They weren't in the same kitchen that day on October 9 when Emma mutilated Peter and Willie.

They were all going through their own problems, or better yet, arguing like they had usually did. Kitty couldn't control the amount of hate rising in her. It was unbelievable to her, that Emma showed no remorse or guilt after killing Toby, a mere child, in the most violent manner. Emma had just been a reminder of the world. She helped stitch the bullet wound on Sam's leg, then helped him up so they could all move out of the cabin and leave the savage woman to rant.

Sam cried when he saw the RV still in flames, and Mr. Summers felt rage at the sight of the demolished Jeep.

"Sam, Kitty, go to the other cabin neighbors and see if they can find a way to help us contact the police", Mr. Summers said, "I'll go search for Timothy."

"Wait, why are you exempting us?", Mrs. Summers interrupted him, limping on the bitten leg.

"Dad, it's okay. Brie and I will get him," Austin immediately voiced out.

"No. It's all on me. I did this. I bought us here and I'll get us back home. You don't have to suffer anymore. No one else has to die."

"It's not all your fault, Larry", Kitty surprisingly replied with teary eyes, "I'm sorry for blaming it all on you. It was just my anger and hate that got a hold of me back there. You don't have to go alone. We're all in this together."

With that said, Mr. Summers went over to hug both his sister and her husband.

"I'm sorry about Toby," he whimpered.

They both understood, and all past fury and resentment had been subsided but he went on.

"If I saw it coming, I would have taken the bullet to the head instead of him. I would have stopped him from going to that window if I saw it coming."

"I know you would," Kitty said, trying to force a stiff smile to her brother as those words just added more grief and sorrow to her broken heart.

"We're gonna get to the bottom of this, alright," Mr. Summers continued, "Austin, follow me. Brie, take your mother with you to the nearest cabin."

"Wait, the boat," Brianna voiced out at once, "I saw the neighbors use a boat on the lake when we came. We can head back to the city by it."

"Then do what you have to do," Mr. Summers ordered, "Austin and I will try to find someone on the road and ask for help."

Without hesitation, Mr. Summers and Austin raced into the woods, Brianna helped Mrs. Summers to the lakeside while Sam and Kitty went towards the cabin where the black man and girl were.

The couple knocked on their door, but the silence caused them to enter into a place that looked so deserted, they believed the ghost of their dead child had just spoken to them through the wooden wall. That didn't matter, Sam needed to lay down from the exhaustion of walking around with the wound.

To Kitty's observation, there were only four visible portraits of the man and girl. One during an Easter holiday break at the carnival, one during a snowy vacation on Christmas Eve, one looking as though they had just been busted for drugs and had their mugshots taken and the last one looked pretty much disturbing. The picture in the frame was blurred, but with keen eyes, Kitty could see a weird looking man standing next to a statue.

The fourth portrait looked so peculiar because it was as though the dude was wearing a wig. Unlike their expensive cabin, there was only one red Cabriole sofa in the middle, which Kitty laid Sam unto. She kissed him wholeheartedly, arms flung around his neck and hands holding his brown curly hair strands tight. Toby's corpse could not escape her mind. Neither could it flee Sam's as well.

"I'm going to make her pay for what she's done, Sam", she said sternly, "She won't get away with this."

Sam realized her dark side taking over so he held onto her arm and whispered smoothly, "She won't. But you know whatever we do, it won't change the reality."

Kitty agreed, but didn't pretty much care to give a damn.

"Stay put", she ordered her husband, before venturing further.

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