Twenty Three

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Jenny made it to Hamilton Elementary by approximately 8:56, already screaming insults at an unknown caller who happened to be one of the fans on her blog

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Jenny made it to Hamilton Elementary by approximately 8:56, already screaming insults at an unknown caller who happened to be one of the fans on her blog. For a brief moment, it suddenly dawned on her that maybe...Just maybe, school had been cancelled.

All other vehicles were parked there physically, but no noise came from the school premises itself. The students, along with Marty, TJ and Ray waited for nearly an hour. Some prayed Kenny their beloved bus driver got too drunk, a monster truck carrying ply wood would run him over or an eight-foot building had been toppled over and fallen on him flat.

If it hadn't been for this goddamn school project, they would all be at their homes by now watching Netflix and eating cereal and not having to feel the bus sink when Kenny sat in the driver's seat. The kids wished him dead so the trip would be cancelled, but life being a bitch, the tummy bulging Kenny arrived, panting and heaving with hot sweat. The kids and their guiding teachers settled in; Kenny started the ride in complete haste.

The road was a complete hustle and bustle. But Kenny was still feeling woozy. His insides started crawling and slithering, making him see things a little blurry. He tuned in the radio, trying recklessly to ignore this unexplained feeling. The tiny pink pom poms and big-headed man playing the banjo were ringing in his face. He wondered what his wife was up to now, whereas Jenny wondered what kind of numbskull she was arguing with on the phone.

The strange call kept her full attention. Jenny was so engrossed; she didn't even notice the WHITE Volkswagen park right behind her Rolls-Royce at approximately 9:15. Fast-paced footsteps of two WHITE heels creeped behind Jenny as she walked into the corridor cursing at the stranger on the phone. She walked past the boy's locker room; the footsteps followed. She walked past the girls' locker room; the footsteps followed.

She walked past the Janitor's room; the footsteps followed. Past the restroom where Timothy had his head shoved in toilets, the footsteps followed. Jenny hurled the door to the fifth-grade class wide open and rushed to the seat as though it had been any normal depressing school day. As soon as she unpacked one textbook, she looked up and to her sight, no student was present.

This can't be right, Jenny muttered to herself while listening to the insults from the stranger. She took the textbook and walked down the corridor again. This time, to the principal's office, which had however been left opened. Jenny scanned the room, but no one present. The stranger on the phone still engaged her stubbornly as she budged into the staff room.

The coffee dispenser was left unused, windows were sealed shut, lockers were shut as well but files and essential documents were scattered over the desks. Jenny left immediately; a sense of uneasiness started erupt within her insides. If there were no class activities today, why the hell wasn't she informed?

"Are you a complete idiot?!", Jenny barked at the stranger, "Are you aware you are speaking to a woman who has connection to the Woman's Lawyers Association?! If you are wise enough as think you are, mister whatever-your-name is, you'll speak to me with respect! And I don't give a shit if you've been visiting my blog and posting those nasty, sexist comments, mister, I will track you down and have the NYPD come over to your house at any second!"

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