Fifty One

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Fear took the form of anything. A man. A clown. A horribly disfigured creature. A dragon. A limbless demon, or even a woman in WHITE. A fallen angel in disguise was what she was. But this time, she wasn't a creeper under the bed of a thirteen-year old or the WHITE Reaper from the window.

There was fire. Fire ignited everywhere and screams were echoing from all corners of the dark forest of the Lake George Wild. It was still nighttime indeed, but when he looked at his hands, he marveled. Why the hell was there blood on his hands? He couldn't understand. He didn't think he ever could. Screams getting louder, he jolted towards the narrow end of Lake George Wild, where the sign post said, "JustRun & Don't LookBack".

What the hell did that mean? Dare he look back? He did, and there beholds the woman in-WHITE. Tall, vicious and unrelenting. Veins were popping from her neck, skin was pale as her WHITE dress, claws were sharp but not elongated, eyes were red as Hell and her face had been one big distinction between an ordinary woman and a devil. This devil in WHITE dress had canine jaws that made every infant cry to their mommies and daddies. Blood was dripping all over her mouth and chin.

It was definitely her.

But who the hell was she? The Devil? He couldn't tell. He cried, yelling and pleading with God to help him find mommy and daddy. Fire and screams followed him all the way to the narrow end of the Lake George Wild Forest and according to his analysis, this was a part of Hell. He could feel her claws slightly touch the base of his neck, forcing him on the edge of giggling and crying.

What he hated was being touched on the neck. It tickled him anytime his mommy placed her fingernails on that area. This hellish woman imitated her touch so perfectly. From nowhere, another silhouette figure emerged in the bottomless abyss of the burning Lake George Wild and this time, she stood at the narrow end, right where he ran to. This figure was nothing to describe as human. It was silhouette alright, but in this burning Lake George Wild, not all silhouettes were supposed to be dark.

A WHITE silhouette figure was what she was. The menacing hands of woman in WHITE dress touched his back and pushed him forth, howling with ear-splitting laughter.

"No!", he cried.

The woman in WHITE dress laughed. That howl made him remember his brother for sure, but it was nothing like his. This laugh was the exact implication of psychopath and sadist. She pushed him further for the second time. Harder now, and the face of WHITE silhouette turned clearly visible. Eyes, nose and mouth were suddenly formed, along with canine teeth opened wide.


The woman in-WHITE dress pushed him close and laughed. His face was just about to be devoured by the WHITE silhouette.

"NO!!!", he screamed, trembling with dripping sweat which soaked his night gown and red bed sheet. Timothy was unable to jerk his eyes open and no one could blame him. Neither could he move. Sleep paralysis. A demented state of sleep where rumors had it that the Incubus was the cause of this. This was one of the moments of life where you were all alone, struggling to move a limb while your family was fully awake in the bright daylight pretending everything was going to be okay.

When he forced his fingers to make slight movement, it shifted the camera from his pillow to hit the ground. That sound alone was audible enough to finally get the boy to come back to reality. He placed his left hand on his chest, wondering how he was going to stop the extremely rapid beat of his heart that burned a sensation within him. Mrs. Summers knocked on his door, but it wasn't her motherly senses that tingled.

She knew even after the pep-talk about Fear, this woman-in WHITE dress was surely going to haunt her boy. "Are you alright in there?", she inquired.

Devil In A White DressWhere stories live. Discover now