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 Kimberly and her team reached a point where neither could continue further by the time, they stopped at the street near Hamilton Elementary. Doubts and fears raced within the news reporter as she imagined herself talking about the death of Jenny Louise. Don't even think about it, You maniacal bitch, Kimberly's voices raised their alarm, Just walk. Walk away and don't look back. This isn't your place. All you're going to get is more hate after this.

Kimberly gazed outside her van to stand near the school fence, acknowledging the presence of numerous sirens, pretty black and WHITE birds fluttering their wings around her head, and the windy breeze that filled her lungs. She hadn't even noticed one of the aerial creatures drop their poo on the head of her squeaky-clean red heels. The mic was shivering in her left palm because in her heart, there was going to be Hell to pay and she knew it. But she looked on the bright side, Jenny might be dead, but her menacing blog won't survive.

No more disturbance. No more harsh insults. Tevez got his camera ready and urged the crippled assistant not to pay attention to any man or lady wearing the NYPD uniform. He was nervous as hell. The poor brother had several encounters with NYPD and none of them ended well for him. Especially due to the color of his skin and the state at which he was in. Tevez scanned Kimberly from head to toe and was aware of her current state. She was waiting for some other news reporter to arrive on scene before she even dared to step a foot.

"What're you doing?", he asked impatiently.

She hesitated to look him in the eyes when she turned back. Her gaze was at her golden watch and saw that it was approximately 2:20, so Kimberly decided to have a change of heart. She wanted to have sympathy for Jenny. But the more she did, the ridiculous it got. It felt like falling unto the hood of the car and dying on the spot.

"Kim!", Tevez barked as he gave his boss a shook.

"I'm not dead, Tez!", she bellowed, Would you just stop shaking me?! And what the hell is on my......?"

Her eyes caught the sight of WHITE and greenish substance on her left foot. "Tez, I can't do this.", she finally explained, as her best friend rushed over to get a tissue.

"This is our job, Kim," he reminded his boss.

"This is insanity," Kimberly reminded her buddy," Imagine what I'm going to look like when I smirk while announcing Jenny Louise's death right where the murder took place."

"This is your job," Tevez stubbornly shot back.

"I am going to be hunted down," Kimberly fought back while wiping the shit off, "Let me tell you what's going to happen, Tez. Those motherfuckers on that blog of hers would surely form a mob, infiltrate my house at night and sacrifice me to their dead goddess. And no sirey! I'm not having that!"

"You're not going anywhere till you make that report, Kim", Tevez scolded her. Eyes fixated on hers and it was like some form of hypnotism.

"If I die tonight, Tez," Kimberly voiced out, "Don't come to my funeral."

"Gladly. Now move it."

She and Tevez made it to the entrance where Detective Towers and Inspector Cuddling had already spotted this disturbance.

"Oh, great. The bitch is back", was the kind of faces both of them had when they looked at each other.

Despite all odds, Kimberly reported the murder of Jenny Louise while shivering like she was stranded in the Ice Age. But there was a difference in her voice as she announced. Of all the reports she'd done all those years, this one bore no similarity. She sounded more real. More genuine. More sympathetic. Tevez couldn't believe what he was recording. Investigators standing by marveled as the most-hated WHITE trash of the whole of upstate New York started to shed tears.

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