The Alpha's Daughter - Chapter 9

Start from the beginning

"I'm ungrateful?" I exclaimed, shaking my head. "I lo-I cared...cared deeply about you and you threw it back in my face!" I had nearly used the L word. Cared deeply? I wanted to smack my palm to my head and curse at myself for being such an idiot. Cared deeply. Even thinking it made me want to cringe.

"Cared deeply?" Cal repeated with raised eyebrows. I narrowed my eyes at him; if he even thought about laughing at me, I would kick him so hard he'd be feeling it for the next month.

"If you two would like to stop bickering," dad said, "I'd like to say a few things." Here came the speech about how much of a disappointment I was and that it was probably all of my fault that Cal had mated with me. He would most likely compare me to my mother in the worst way possible and make me feel as uncomfortable as he could.

But I looked at him, despite wanting to rip lumps out of Cal.

"I just need you both to realise how important the mating ritual is," he said solemnly. "You both need to understand that you're tied together in every way possible. Cal, your sanity relies on Annie. If she leaves you for any great length of time, your wolf will fight to find her. As time goes on, you'll lose more of your humanity.

"Unless Annie stays with you," he added hastily, seeing the look on Cal's face. He looked at me, his face becoming graver. Here came the conversation stopper.

"Annie, Cal's going to protect you from everything. Do not try and get him jealous to get a reaction; it's cruel and unfair."

I was glad to see that he thought so little of me. As if I would purposely try and get Cal jealous...

"Fine," I agreed. "But just don't expect me to be some fat little house frau, okay? I'm not going to cook for you or clean your dirty pants and as for sharing a bed, you even try it and I'll chop your balls off. Understood?"

Cal nodded.

"And," I said as an after thought. "I'm not going to have your puppies, alright? I'm adding anymore salt to this wound."

"You finished?" Cal asked. I glowered at him. Right now, I detested him. I wanted him to drop dead right there. But then, if he dropped dead, I would probably be right behind him. There was that tie thing coming back to haunt me. I wasn't going to age either; I was going to look seventeen for the rest of my life. And I wasn't even sure how long that was going to be; I wasn't very willing to try out the immortality theory.

"I'm going to bed," I snarled at them all. "Or do I have to ask my mate?" I said the word like it was something disgusting. It was. I didn't want to have a mate. I was seventeen; I wanted to be carefree and single. Now I was important to someone.

Cal just shrugged and walked into the kitchen, sidestepping past Jase and Sierra, who were standing holding hands. Their lovey dovey stuff made me want to retch. If that was having a mate, the spirits could keep it to themselves, thank you very much.

My stomach burned painfully and I automatically put my hand to it.

"Are you okay?" Cal asked. I could hear the concern in his voice and it made me waver my defences a little bit.

"I'm fine," I sighed. I slipped my shoes off and walked towards the stairs.

"Annie, wait," Sierra called, rushing up behind me. "I've got some burn cream in my cupboard for your stomach." I don't know why I was even surprised. Of course she did. She seemed to be like the first aider for the whole house. I grudgingly followed her up the stairs and into the room she shared with Jase. She sat me down on the bed and I tried really, really hard not to think about the fact that her baby had been conceived in it, because it actually made me feel sick.

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