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  Yesterday in the public view of the uproar or a budding artist soon black material, today this thing is about to be the home of the news to completely cover the limelight, it has to say that someone is happy people worry.

    As in Jing-Shen's case, the news that she was trying to get out of the house lasted a little longer, so that she and the company's public relations team can save a lot of worry.

    The incident happened the day after the youngster was blacked out, and it was a good example of someone sleeping with a pillow.

    It's hard to brush up on the attention span of the whole thing.

    It's only fair to say the other side is lucky if they don't get the attention of the crowd.

    These days to hard to make up the momentum is certainly not possible, they do and marketing campaign almost, How can not see this overwhelming Gu Family News is the other party directly through the major media after the results.

    The momentum, which they can afford, some of the media that is rich or not necessarily can be bought through, also have a potential relationship.Anyway, this rhythm, splashing dirty water thing they have to complete the task, this unexpected event is not within the scope of the calculation, can not blame them not to do their best.

    The curiosity of the masses was completely evoked, since today the major media are reporting the same thing, but also do not tell them who is the protagonist of the story, holding the melon is ready to eat a few people feel like a cat paw in the heart, do not find out the truth is full of bad.

    There was little to go on, and the melon-eating crowd said it was difficult to even discuss speculation about who the little Phoenix might be, but the latest two-day event has raised a new conversation.

    Skin fish: "both sides are the surname Gu, but the difference is too big, one side is really a family name, the other side of it......”

    It's a small number: "it's a big loss, so it's a lot of fun to play with people, and of course there's going to be a lot of fans who can't see it."”

    Radish bunny: "don't Bite a person set up, there is a part of the fans watching the TV series in the touted, but we blow their favorite artists in their own microblogging how??I don't think I've ever sold anyone, and I hope that some of the people who have been slandered in the past will leave a little bit of morals in their mouths.”

    "Ruan adorable:" how you die, orphans can be black?Do you want to send you a little red flower??I like my family because he is good-looking, acting is also particularly good, not half a dime with the family background.”

    A grain of rice: "you Huai is an orphan, Gu there is not just today to find lost children, you see, are the surname Gu, You are really Gu Huai Gu Family living outside the small Phoenix ha ha ha.”

    Boring onlookers this new topic to eat melon or a lot of people, see each other tear this kind of thing is never short of fun people.Eat melon in the crowd to see this last micro-blog comments, the eye can see the other side of this is in ridicule, in addition to the fans to pinch outside, eat melon masses at this time on this micro-blog does not feel what.

    It wasn't until a few days later that a new piece of News told them what God had prophesied.

    It is impossible to guess who the protagonist of the event is, was brought up by the curiosity of people can only put the attention to the previous home of the news mentioned in the 'banquet'.

    Back in the immediate blood, Gu Family First Time to call all the media to come up with a big news to attract public attention, the banquet, as can be imagined will be very grand.

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