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    After the five internal organs of the temple, Gu Huai according to their promised content, with aoqi familiar with a c city, c city focuses on the more famous several major attractions as well as a good place to eat Skittles.By the time the two were separated, the sky was already a little darker.

    He was sent to the intersection where the rental housing, Gu Huai get off the front seat after the people nodded and thanked, then turned to open the door upstairs, straight back to his home.

    Customs clearance value:5%

    The debt is over, Gu Huai returned home after a quick glance at the Eye system to provide him with the Data panel, not an accident to see the top bar clearance value is no longer 0.

    This is in their own through the audition after the Rose, Gu Huai very directly draw this conclusion.The TV show opened in a week, seven days, and he had to figure out the details again.

    Now hang on to their various Black History label too, Gu Huai know this, and Jiang Li this role is the only chance he can grasp.The audition does not mean he can let go of his heart, so that after the release of the TV series, he can get the audience praise, so as to truly eliminate the crisis of their own may be fired by the company.

    First the audition, then the escort around all day, Gu Huai inevitably some tired.After filling the bathtub with hot water, Gu-Huai untied the buttons of the white shirt on his lower body, and after hanging the clothes on the side of the shelf, he stepped into the bathtub.

    Posture adjustment into a comfortable lying posture, Gu Huai head pillow on the edge of the bathtub position, half closed eyes rest.

    Although the room is open at a glance to see the layout of the single room, the overall space is not large, but the bathroom is still relatively satisfied with the construction of Gu Huai.There is a bathtub, which is very friendly to the Gu series, which is now like water.

    Submerged legs at this time in accordance with the wishes of its owner turned into a silver fishtail, in the water when the gentle movement is very beautiful.Just as Gu Huai was born with a slight drowsiness due to the environment being too comfortable, he suddenly heard the frosty voice of his own system without ups and downs.

    "We do not recommend and preferences entangled people have frequent contact, will affect, slow down the progress of customs clearance.”

    Gu Huai heard this sentence when a little froze, just born a little sleep soon thus dispersed, but this is the first time to their own system of customs clearance schedule on the grounds that he did not do what.

    He had previously said he was going to tweet about his relationship with his family, and that he was going to stay in the world until the last minute.……

    "Well.The question returned to the question, Gu Huai or soon shouted.

    The system said 'preferences entangled people' probably refers to the Aoki, he owes the other side of the debt has been paid off now, in theory, there is no chance of contact, promised under the requirements of their own system is not what.

    But after thinking about it, Gu Huai decided to speak directly to his own doubts:“but why did I say at first that I might talk about a love when you do not object?"”

    Not only no objection, but also said that he was happy, the other side did not mention the impact of customs clearance schedule with him what.


    Wait for a while did not wait to respond, Gu Huai knew their own system is not willing to answer this question, each time the other does not want to answer the question, it will be such a silent reaction.

    "Well, forget it."Gu Huai put the body into the water a little deeper, in a comfortable water temperature slightly down the eye, continue to enjoy up."

    Think about what is not to pursue the bottom of the big problem, tangled less than a few seconds, guhuai chose to put this problem down.

    During the guhuai dialogue with the system, aoqi has successfully returned to his place of residence, at this time he was walking to the hall position.

    "I heard you were out with a beautiful woman, how come back so early."A handsome man sitting on the sofa on the side of the Hall raised his head slightly, with a smile to the person who came into the hall to ridicule.

    "Go Go Go, I'm for the life of the boss happy.""Aoki did not look at each other, then he stole a glance sitting in the middle position of Yan Lin.

    The eyes of the latter are cold, handsome face above expressionless, even heard the next two under the hand of the conversation, the eyelids are still drooping did not lift half a cent.

    Lifelong happiness.This word, in the Hall of the ten names of the same expression are slightly more complex, about their own boss qingxinxiu for thousands of years this thing, indeed in their race……

    But they are not under the hands of the effort Ah, In the beginning of the more than a thousand years, they are trying to give their own boss to find all kinds of beauty, all races have, but their boss is even a look are not happy to give.

    There are active to get up, they are not the boss of the point of pity, said to throw, throw a method to throw people into the sea is possible.

    Over time, most people will give up.

    "You can see the boss every year with the broken mirror to find a long dead man?""Ao Qi this sentence is transmitted by surgery method, the reason is not dictated, because he knew that this sentence once said it will touch Yan Lin's Nilin, the consequences are very serious.

    I don't know what to do, other people respond with their eyes, and they really don't have a way to do it.

    "Of course it is to continue to work.After passing the sentence, he took a good picture on the phone, thinking about how to open his own.

    "If it wasn't for you, I would have been trying to get the fish.""Ao Qi approached to sit in front of the sofa in the middle position of the handsome man, touched the tip of the nose," I take this picture so seriously, boss you have to give a face to see it?One look does not suffer.”

    Yan Lin did not lift his eyes, the texture of the sound is still very cold, " then you go to -?!”

    The coldness of the sound can be heard before the word 'chase' comes to an abrupt end, and before aoqi reflects, his hands are empty.

    The phone is in front of a person won, Aoki also slightly stunned some reaction, his boss how suddenly......???

    "Where?Yan Lin instantly dungeon stared at the mobile phone pictures of youth figure, cold voice clearly with a distinct mood.

    "Ah?"I was a little confused by the question," Aoki said.

    The rest of the family in the living room looked at this series of reactions of their own boss, have been suspicious of some do not sit still, now see the most direct impact of AO Qi also face a silly Leng Leng appearance, they are next to whisper remind: "boss is asking you where the person on the photo."”

    ”Oh oh....... "Aoki nodded casually, still slightly ignorant of the situation in the case of stumbling to answer:" in......”

    Before the youth sent home after the door, Aoki actually stood in place to observe the other side is living in the first floor, he was purely curious, and nothing else.

    The voice just fell, Aoki saw the people have disappeared, so that the presence of all people disappeared together for several seconds.

    The...... they remember, non human Joint Association is not a provision that is not allowed to use spells in the human world?

    And they remember that one of the people who drafted this rule seemed to be their boss??

    Most people in the living room are thinking about this problem at this time, but the focus of Aoki is on the other side——

    What's the deal???

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