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    Although it is summer, the night of the beach is still a little cool, and Gu Huai now soaked, the wind is really chilly.

    ”Ah Chu...... " Gu Huai gently rubbing the tip of the nose, on his own moment this slightly embarrassed situation some helpless.

    When the young people catch a cold, watching the system for a long time without making a sound when the sound of indifference: "you can find a place to live in the vicinity of a night."”

    "Well."Gu Huai also think so, in this case the whole body wet answer, he is not suitable to go to any distant place, to find a home is the safest.

    The current location is in a Seaside Park, guhuai phone check the nearby hotel for accommodation, the nearest one after he walked out of the main gate and then along the road for about twenty minutes to reach.

    It was late at night, Gu Huai went to the front gate of the road did not see another figure, but this is obviously a good thing for him, at least he was soaked in embarrassment without being too many people to see.

    Arriving at the main entrance, Guan Huai walked out and stopped, looked down at the mobile phone map to confirm a direction, and when he was ready to lift his head to continue to move forward, he heard a rather young voice.

    "Hello Ah.”

    Just here there are street lights, Gu Huai Yang see not far from the man's face with Yingying smile, from the face looks quite cheerful type, the voice can be heard without malice.

    "Hello.Gu Huai nodded to each other, politely responded.

    In the evening, guhuai actually did not expect that he would be able to meet people.

    Although the youth were all wet, soft black hair was wet, some attached to the cheek, clothes are also so, even some drops of water, but the breath when talking is not the slightest sense of distress.

    "Because I think you may have encountered some difficulties, so I came to ask you need help, well...... need a ride?Aoki said, pointing to a car not far away.

    Gu Huai hesitated, he was not worried that this is a black car, he still has the ability to see people, can be determined in front of people really just out of goodwill.Gu Huai hesitated because, he is now wet, take someone else's car is not good.

    'I don't care if the seat is stained with water and then I get a piece of cloth to wipe it off,' she said.Seeing the concerns of the youth, Aoki waved his hand.

    The other side said, and really want to get rid of the current situation, Gu Huai no longer refuse to, the first walked past the light, " then thank you."”

    In the back of the car, Gu Huai listened to the man in the driver's seat and said to him:“my name is Aoki, you should be looking for a hotel to stay, I take you to the nearest one?"The service was good.”

    There is a glimpse of youth is looking for a nearby hotel with a mobile phone, so ao Kei has this one.

    "Well, please."There is no need to pick and choose," Mr. Gu said with gratitude.

    From the waterfront park to the nearest hotel, the car can be reached in less than ten minutes.The car stopped in front of the hotel, Gu Huai just put his hand on the door handle, he suddenly remembered a very embarrassing thing.

    "The...... Can you borrow me three hundred dollars?You leave me a cell phone number, and I'll give you the money back when I get home tomorrow."Gu Huai looked very calm when talking, but in fact Gu edited still very embarrassed, in a few previous experience in the face of the world, he has not faced such a plot.

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