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    The matter of the two children's conflict, after a conversation, finally settled in the forest family retreat.After the end of things, Lin Fu returned home again and Lin Yu said not to provoke each other, Lin Yu although the character is overbearing, but after all, or afraid of elders, after which he saw Shen Sui basically go around.

    The rest of the class didn't know what was going on, but they were able to see how it turned out.The class of the little Overlord are given to the system, since then, the class of the little Carpenter in the subtle, gradually become to Shen Sui headed.

    This kind of imperceptible situation not only in kindergarten, to elementary school, middle school and high school are similar.Especially in the Shen Sui height gradually tall, from the skin to look at the boy who showed the gas field is also different from the same age gradually obvious, slightly squinted, that cold cold feeling let with this young age peers can not stop shrinking.

    An air conditioner that can be cooled anytime, anywhere, the temperature reaches below zero.She has been in the same school since kindergarten, and has been seen as the boss of a couple of youngsters.

    But their boss is really good ah, obviously everyone is the same two eyes and a nose, also wearing uniforms, but each other in a crowd of people wearing uniforms is exceptionally stand out from the crowd.

    As a child with a little baby fat face has been long open, since the small Shen Sui can see the appearance of good health, and the other in growing up and did not have long residues, chiseled, a pair of narrow and long Phoenix eyes is very handsome.Even in plain school uniform, the legs look long and beautiful.

    The school bell has been ringing for a long time, and several boys sitting at tables near Shen SUI are very consciously not making any noise.The former is now lying on the table to sleep, have felt each other for some time since the mood seems to be not very good, in this low pressure environment, with the other people familiar with the Natural do not want to touch the mold head.

    Where this is only a bad mood, sitting in the back of the two people Shen Sui glance, have to hold the voice to continue not to speak.

    Recently senior class just had a long-eyed to provoke each other in this eye, pull people not containment, but was all beat back.In hindsight probably feel that this is too much to beat, one of the things in the bottom of my heart, who did not say, they still saw Shen Sui face a small bruise, asked to know.

    Besides being beaten back the group of people, what is not to see the face of something, as for the rest of the pain does not hurt it only they can feel the taste.

    This school is a government in Beijing, to enter the high school is either a good students, or there is a little family background.Shen Sui's class is the first grade four class, this class is currently the first grade in the most let the teacher headache class, the reason is here the students are too personality, especially difficult to discipline.

    The English teacher is a middle-aged fat uncle, teaching is strict mode, but in the left rear position in the classroom to bow to sleep Shen Sui, He turned a blind eye to let go.

    The students in this class are not well taught, and obviously the entrance is not good, but the actual love of learning, and rely on the family background to come in not to mention.Although the sleeping position in the back of the teenager did not hide the slightest love to learn the way, can not withstand each other good grades Ah, recently a few English small test, the other side is full score.

    No teacher does not like students with good grades, so for Shen Sui's recent class sleeping behavior, has always been teaching harsh English teachers also did not see.

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