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    When the red dragon with the transfer of magic back to the city of Augsburg, as the basis for the caderyn Parliament, this is still rich in the bustling city gathered from all kinds of elite troops, Garrison power.

    According to his own account, Gerard did make his plea to the council after returning to the city of Augsburg, and recounted it roughly in case of avoiding talking about the location.

    And as guhuai expected, all the parliament passed Gerard's proposal, and given the promise.

    The red dragon with Parliament promised to go again to the youth before the latter and with the other side of the more than a dozen mechanical creatures together to the city gate before Auger.

    The joint capital is eight races against mechanical Legion bridgehead, is the most important strategic stronghold, gathered in the city of the elite there is no doubt that the mechanical creation is not half good.

    Despite the advance notice, residents of the United City are still looking at the mechanical creatures that are entering their city from the outside with an implied hostile gaze.

    The body of the metal structure is covered with patches of varying shades of color, which makes these older models look quite different, and the new model of the robot is not the same level of creation.But in any case, the nature of these mechanical creatures is the same.

    United city residents to sit in a r robot arm on the young attitude is also not very friendly, human is the culprit of this disaster, many people think so.

    If humans hadn't been casually studying the things that touch the taboo and create something that shouldn't exist, they might have lived happily ever after.

    “Beep, beep - ”between the reaction of the sound and the alert sound between, by youth around the mechanical creatures are sent to the monotonous sound seemed better than usual a little sharp to some.

    These mechanical creatures do not pay attention to other life on what attitude they are, because it is nothing to do with them, but if these beings have to protect them to attack the treasure, they must take appropriate measures.

    The Treasure show a threat to clean things, because such instinct consciousness, in the young side of the mechanical biological eyes began to vaguely pan up a red light on behalf of hostility.

    "I'm okay.Noting the situation, Gu Huai softly in his surrounding mechanical creatures to pacify, then he turned to the next to him to lead the way to the Red Dragon said: "before going to the chamber, I want to rest for a day, we came out from the Arctic ice cap, has not been a good rest.”

    Gerard nodded,“I've got a place for you, I'll take you there now."”

    The whole city is a huge Ogg garrison area, machinery was impossible to appear in the city, now there is a special case.A human plus a dozen mechanical creatures, the team no matter what place in the city of Ogg are extremely impressive, guhuai and a pedestrian arrived at their temporary residence in the onlookers of all nationalities.

    When the Red Dragon to complete the task to leave the way, Gu Huai shouted, " Wait, this list of things also trouble you help me to prepare it,I will make a magic booster as a reward.”

    As long as the use of magic, the amplifier is a never-ending auxiliary equipment.Just passing a few shops, Gu Huai saw inside the sale of this item, marked the increase is 5%, he can make better than this effect.

    Gerard took a glance at the list and said: "yes."”

    The list is not what is difficult to find rare materials, only need to go to the corresponding store to buy on the line, this busy Gerard is willing to help.

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