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    Hear the familiar chirp at the same time, Gu Huai can feel his finger is something cool and cool things entangled, looking down, not unexpectedly saw a small silver tail.

    “Chirp it.As the youngster looked on, the puck into the youngster's arms and the youngster whipped his head back again, bringing the small silver wing that was not enough to support his long-haul flight.

    The pair are very familiar with the form of their lovers, and Gu Huai continues to hold it firmly under the eyes of the Cubs, but the eyes bring a bit of frustration.

    Gu Huai looked down and looked at the cub, which was squinting in his arms, and there was a funny way to gently hook his finger.

    The cub can feel its tail being gently tugged, but the cub does not retract the Silver Tail that circles its young fingers, but continues to raise its head, and arches its body into the arms of the young.

    To say that this series of eyes the most inexplicable and most puzzling, that properly belong to the first with the youth side of the four black coal pellets.

    It is true that in the early years, these four black coal pellets thought relatively simple, They this time is the group body lying on the shoulders of youth, not enough position on the stack a Lohan, open round eyes basically filled with questions.

    First of all, this group of black coal pellets, which are larger than they look, do not know where they came from, and these large coal pellets and they are not the same, obviously should have been reincarnated in the entity, the adult can be free of the kind of shape, do not know why they have become the same.

    Nightmare family childhood is black and round a group, no hands and no legs, by floating and jumping, no one at all convenient form, so the four really in the juvenile black coal pellet is unable to understand the behavior of the surrounding family.

    "Squeak......" stay on the shoulders of four young children at this time is looking at the nightmare family nest in his arms around the king of the round Cubs, the more eyes the more doubt.

    Why would an extra white, look like they are not the same, the sound is not the same??

    Now filled in the four black coal balls in the heart of the question very much, but as a problem baby, the few coal balls and did not ask.

    As long as their own love is good.Taking this matter as the first criterion, these young people continue to grow up the group, firmly on the shoulders of youth.

    Compared to the mere thought of the four little black coal pellets, the large briquettes, which are deliberately installed in juvenile form, are clearly more considered, as if they have completed the basic negotiations with the young white cubs in a short period of time.

    Holding the cub can not always throw on the ground, Gu Huai by sitting on the bed, holding the script began to read, during the time allowed his own black coal ball to his body, but the position of the supremacy of his legs is always occupied by a white round Cubs.

    Three copies of the script, Gu Huai first began to look at the "all like", before he looked at the general understanding of the plot, the initial impression of the screenplay is OK.

    In this room a lot of black coal pellets are accompanied by the youth watching the script, guhuai found lying on his lap round Cubs seem to have this intention, so he put the only on his voice to the Cubs to hold up some.

    "All like" this script belongs to the martial arts theme, Gu Huai as the screenwriter's eyes, the script of the plot is set in the horizontal line, cool degree can, is the meaning of a little bit weaker……

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