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    Pressed against the wall, the space is too small to move, Gu Huai simply gave up.Surrounded by the breath of the bamboo horse, Gu Huai continued by the other side against his fine kiss, so that after a long time to accept the acquiescence, Gu Huai only low cough sound slightly over his head, motioned home bamboo horse almost stopped.

    Although this place in the dormitory floor is relatively few people pass, but maybe it will come to a person or maybe, guhuai is not mind to other people know their relationship with Shen Sui, but was seen by his own bamboo and horse pressed against the wall of the scene to kiss to kiss it is not very good.

    He stopped a little reluctantly, Shen Sui finally bowed down to rub the cheek of the horse, and then a little step back, to be pressed against the wall of the people to make some room.

    Watching each other's movements, Shen Sui in the observation of important treasures in the two years of change, although the shape is not much change, but the other kind of body calm feeling Strategist is more obvious.

    "When you come back, you can see everything," he said."Gu Huai some laugh back hugging their own is muffled silent show reluctant lover," of course you can see how long you want.”

    Hearing this remark, Shen Sui Wei narrowed his eyes, he continued to stay in the eyes of the young body, the other half of the sentence into practice, very carefully observed.

    The army is closed, two years did not see, Shen Sui now want to do is in fact and bamboo horse continue to maintain intimate physical contact, as just as pressed against the good, with the actual kiss to confirm their real treasure circle.

    But the current environment is really not suitable, Shen Sui reluctantly pressed the idea of wanting to continue to do so, only to hand to put his fingers embedded in the front of the young fingers, hold hands.

    That tweeted to keep looking at Huai."Deliberately chosen this sentence, Shen Sui in micro narrow eyes narrow eyes under the expression quickly kissed the cheek of the boy.

    Gu Huai touched his cheek position with his finger, laughing, and nodded along the idea of his own bamboo horse, " well.”

    In fact, guhuai think each other is already do this sentence, with him ran three world, this can be regarded as always watching.

    Because of joining the army, Shen Sui is still only a sophomore, and he is the person in front of normal school, the two had a difference in grade.

    "Huai is a senior.Shen Sui spoke this sentence slowly, and when he said, he turned his head.

    Joining the army for Shen Sui is not a whim, two years can not see people like this, of course, it will not be casually made a decision.This is Shen Sui in the playground after the event and learned that the bamboo horse family background vaguely have the idea, go to the army to experience, so that in some dangerous time he can know more How to protect their important treasures.

    From the roommate side to hear the word "brother", Gu Huai is not what the idea, now by their own bamboo horse shouting, Gu Huai is suddenly a kind of subtle feeling is not too good to describe.In particular, think of myself just being pressed against the wall and Pro-this thing, this subtle feeling is more obvious.

    The two did not hide the fact that they were together, and Gu Huai soon after received a bombardment from the roommates.Even the bombing of several times is not malicious, is purely to express their surprise.

    "I don't know how many people are going to lose love."Wei Jun Ting shook his head, with a sigh.But his words are not nonsense, his kindergarten friend and current roommate in the East is a lot of popular is a clear eye can see things.

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