Another gift from God

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     So I was in Tulsa, Ok at the John 3:16 Mission and wanted a KJV Bible and God gave me one the next day.  A man named Don Mattingly gave it to me.  Interesting story that I have probably shared - somewhere.
     Well, I left that Bible in the day center because I had to go to the hospital, and I had to go pronto.  I realized later I left this Bible on the table.  I figured God gave it to someone else. 
     I am at the Coachella Valley Rescue Mission in Indio and asked God for another KJV of the Bible - yeah, I am greedy like that.  Then I got the KJV Bible app and figured that was good enough.  The problem is that I can't have my phone in the bed area, and I like to read the Bible in bed.  I have been reading during the day, which is fine.
     I mentioned to Bradley (a nice man with a good heart) about getting some Bibles from the chapel to put on the bookshelf of the annex.  I don't think the person I talked to on staff had the same enthusiasm I did.  People would read them, I would definitely read one. 
     Well, Bradley called me over to his bed, and I slowly maneuvered my kneescooter over to him.  He gave me a black-covered KJV Bible.  I thanked him and thanked God.  The LORD giveth and the LORD taketh away. 
     If it were anything but a KJV Bible then I wouldn't be so excited - the older version, which I wanted.  This tells me that God is still with me, and will work with me on earth.  I talk to him every day, bit that is so different.  Ask and you shall receive; in His time though, not ours. 
      I know He is with me, but He hasn't let me know.  The tents and the Bibles - wow!  I hope He is working His wondrous power with you.  Tell God you love Him.

The LORD bless you and keep you;
The LORD make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The LORD lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.

Love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.

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