The Woman from Tekoa

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     Then she said, "Please let the king remember the LORD your God, and do not permit the avenger of blood to destroy anymore, lest they destroy my son."  And he said, "As the LORD lives, not one hair of your shall to the ground."
               2 Samuel 14:11

     This was all Joab's scheme to get Absalom back.  This woman lied, which King David discovered, and when asked, she admitted that Joab had spoken to her.  David let Joab retrieve Absalom from Geshur back to Jerusalem. 
     Many will lie, even use God's name, to get what they want.  Many false prophets, and some that say they are the Christ, are functioning in today's world.  How do we know is the question of all questions.  I can tell, can you?
     These people try to get you to believe their interpretation of the Bible.  One and only one answer - read the Bible for yourself.  God lets us understand as He wills. 
     God through the Holy Spirit told me to start these.  I tried to delete MY HIGHLIGHTED BIBLE VERSES because of my ignorance, but God didn't want me to, which I can't explain.  I really, through these entries, want to encourage you to read the Bible on your own - don't listen to me :-)
     God is in control, of everything, even the people that read these - 0 readers so far, out of 44 entries.  God has His own plans.  I do love doing these.  He may ask me to delete this book, like the last one of 53 entries. 
     I know, big deal, how does this relate to me?  If you are reading this, then it is a moot point - God sent you here for some reason.  And maybe He is teaching me, who knows?
     I really want to write about the Second Coming; I really, really want to, but I won't.  I know now the time is not right; besides, God let me know that people won't believe me anyway.  People won't start believing until the earth is bare and forthcoming.  The time gets closer with each and every passing day. 
     So, why talk about it, the Second Coming I mean?  I don't know.  I just started writing, and it came out.  It is ironic, because when the earth is bare and forthcoming, then no one will be able to read this, or anything, except hardcover books. 
     I think God wants me to write something, but I am not sure what.  Trust me, I have known about this date for a while, but kinda put it in the back of my mind.  Recently though, this has resurfaced, and I am getting some strange feelings. 
     What God has told me makes too much sense.  Many people will have to lose everything before they seek Him, and many still won't.  And there are so many liars and deceivers out there, why believe me?  I get it, a fact that took some time for me to figure out.  Oh, I had help from God, or I still would be figuring :-) 
     Do I want to be understood?  Sure, I can't lie, but God already told me, a long time ago, that is an impossibility.  So, I have information that no one understands or seems to care about; well, God does. 
     What does God want?  Our love, the love for His Son, to repent of our sins, only to name a few.  Patience (almost forgot), a lot of patience - wait on the LORD.  A man that loves the LORD cannot understand his own way. 
     Do I understand my own way?  Absolutely not!  All I want to do is please God and do as He asks.  It is all about faith.  He will provide; when, where, and how is up to Him.  Gonna stop - tell God you love Him.

The LORD bless you and keep you;
The LORD make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The LORD lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.

     Love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. 

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