Daniel's Prayer

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    "we have sinned and committed iniquity, we have done wickedly and rebelled, even by departing from Your precepts and Your judgments."
                    Daniel 9:5

     This only part of Daniel's prayer to God, but an important part.  Daniel is in captivity and all of Israel (Israel and Judah) have paid the penalty for disobeying God.  I need to let that sink in a minute.  God is so powerful and needs to be feared!
     I am kinda at a loss for words.  Well, people that don't understand God have no reason to fear Him, and they don't seem to try; maybe if I don't acknowledge God then I won't get punished is probably what they think.  I really don't know.  I do know it doesn't work that way - we will all be judged.
     How do you think that "all" of Israel felt?  God wants to be loved and feared, and should be.  He loves the ones that love Him. 
     People may debate that last sentence, but it is true.  We do have the option to follow God or not.  Many don't, and as the Bible says - they will die.  I know it is a little harsh, but that is the way that it is. 
     I have seen a little too much, and a man today told me that he made his own religion.  Then he went on to try to tell me about my faith, so I walked off.  Why do people want to tell you about your own faith?  I love God and His Son Jesus Christ, and I won't debate that, at all.
     I try to share God's love but don't force my views on anyone.  I will always talk about God, because He is the reason I am walking the earth.  God put us here to worship Him (only) and share His love. 
     Once you truly know God then you will hopefully do His will.  I really think it is the control-thing, man wants to be in control.  You can't do this and follow God - He is in control. 
     I feel like I am starting to ramble; yeah right, starting?  Satan is also alive and well in the world, a fact that I really don't want to bring up.  Everywhere I go I hear awful, vile language; when did it get so bad, or am I just noticing now? 
     God, basically, wants our love  and wants us to love one another.  Many people not only want to control themselves but also want to control others, this is not good.  We as a society are not living God-fearing lives. 
     Good news is that there many good, kind, wonderful out there, the ones that are reading this :-); so, as usual, I am preaching to the choir.  I just know there are people that relate to what I am saying.  It felt good to walk away and not defend what that man was trying to tell me, although my blood pressure was starting to rise.
     There is a reason that God led me to that man today.  There is also a reason that we need to know God's word and appreciate His guidance.  There is always hope that people will accept God's love, but for me, God is it, and I won't debate that!  Tell God you love Him.

The LORD bless you and keep you;
The LORD make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The LORD lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.

Love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.

The Power of GOD's Word  Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz