God's Sheep

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    'For thus says the Lord GOD:  "Indeed I Myself will search for My sheep and seek them out."
                Ezekiel 34:11

     Have I ever said - God is in control?  This is the exact verse God gave me to give a man that worked security at Calvary Castle Rock Church in Colorado.  Why is that important?  It makes me keep thinking about it, that part of my trip.  The only part I really can't seem to figure out.
     So, can you be a shepherd?  Only if God wills it.  The people of Israel were being lead astray by their leaders.  This is very serious, and very serious to God. 
     He loves all of us and wants us to love and commit to Him.  I know people who don't and won't (there is still hope) but don't ask me to understand - I can't.  Even when I was chin deep in man's world, and not acknowledging God, I prayed every night. 
     I was going through the motions of life - get up, go to work, go home, and go to bed.  God has given me a good heart.  I tried to do things right, but without God, this is impossible.  Satan wants us to do things on our own, and the holier you think you are, the better. 
     God ways are not easy.  The closer you get to Him, the harder these ways become.  It does get easier when you totally commit to Him.  Basically, you stop fighting yourself, and you understand.  His way is it, the only way.
     I got a text from a buddy that expressed some of these sentiments.  He is trying to totally commit, but it is tough, and he expressed that in his text.  I appreciate his honesty and will do my best to help.  God is the only One that can truly help, so I refer him to God. 
     See, God doesn't want to interpret life for Him - He is the creator.  Only God knows what you truly need.  I can relate some of what I have been through, but all roads lead back to the Father. 
     I can understand some things about people not wanting to commit to God, like being in control, being scared of change, and behaving as God wants.  What I don't understand - not wanting to be loved by God, with an immeasurable and undying love. 
     This is not man's love (the love that many seek), but the love of the Father.  There are rules and things you must do, but the rewards are also beyond measure.  Wow, and I am talking about rewards on earth!  Trust me, there many more rewards, ones that I am unfamiliar with, for now :-)
     I love people and want them to love God.

    "For I have no pleasure in the death of one who dies," says the Lord GOD.  "Therefore turn and live!"
                 Eziekel 18:32

     Tell God you love Him!

The LORD bless you and keep you;
The LORD make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The LORD lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.

Love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.

The Power of GOD's Word  Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora