Chapter Fifty Two

Start from the beginning

Later, the class started and I looked behind and Saoirse is at the further back of the class. I just pretended I didn't see her and just focused on what is our professor discussing. Our professor introduced to us himself, about the subject and about our final project and basically just oriented us like the first day of class. He early dismissed us and expected us to be complete next meeting as he will start discussing our first lesson.

I quickly walked out to avoid Saoirse but she was also quick so she stopped me and I stopped to talk to her.

"Hey, we're going to hang out in the campus' lounge. You could come with us and we could also wait for Camila and the rest so we could all grab lunch together", Saoirse invited me but I quickly shook my head.

"Uhm, I have to go to the library and grab some books to have some advanced reading and stuff", I said, really just making an excuse.

"I could come with you. Or I could give you a quick tour of the campus so you'll know where to go. I heard you got lost this morning", she kindly asked but again, I shook my head.

"No, thanks. Uhm, I really have to go so see you when I see you", I quickly bid my goodbye and ran wherever because honestly, I don't even know where the library is.

I could stay at my room but I don't know Camila's schedule like she could be there and drag me somewhere so I rather disappear from her and her friends as well.

After a long walk and endless circles, I finally found the library. I really have to study the campus map because it will screw me the next time around if I don't find my classroom quick. I looked at the time and it's already 10am so I immediately called Dylan because his class is at 11am so he better be awake right now.

"Hello", he answered with his sexy morning voice.

"Good morning, sleepy head. But you're going to be late so better start preparing now", I told him, acting like his mom.

"I got one more hour to spare", he retorted. I can feel that he is not yet getting up.

"30 minutes, sire. Please get up now. You promised you'll try to become a better student", I said, sounding more like a scold but I really want him to try in school though he got high marks last semester but I want him to be more responsible.

"I won't be late, madame. But I really miss waking up next to you", he whined and as much as I would like to argue more, I can't help but agree to him. Because I also miss waking up next to him.

"Three more nights, baby. I'll probably leave here at Friday since my last class ends at 3pm", I informed him.

"Call me baby again", he requested and I know he's being cheeky like he's usual self.

"Not until you get up and prepare. Hmm?"

"I'm already up. If you were here, I would have the drive to get up even against my will and would just kiss you everywhere and I would carry you going to the shower so we could shower together and maybe do other things as well. We could go together to grab breakfast though I already had you before. I would...", he then started to blabber and in all fairness made me wet so I stopped him before my body entirely craved for him because I could actually drive myself where he is.

"Okay, okay, baby. You should stop but you know it's better to be away once in a while for us to crave and to always long for each other. We might get sick of each other if we're always together you know?", I stated. I am clingy and I always want to be around him but maybe this distance between us for a short time could make our relationship stronger because it's also dangerous for us to always be together because we'll be separated one way or another even for a day and if we couldn't handle it, it may cause bigger problems.

"I would never get sick of you, my baby. I mean how could I? You're the most beautiful person I know and you're mine baby", he said in a seductive voice (though not really but it sounded like that to me).

"I'm yours so better start preparing now so the day can end sooner so we could see each other faster", I said without really making sense but it somehow works that way because when we're busy, time is like ticking faster than usual.

"I'm already going to shower now. I'll put you in speaker so freely tell me about your first class", he said as I smiled. I really love telling him my day even when we're always together. We established this habit of telling each other what happened to us, what are we feeling and what we did and so on and so forth. I really think communication is the key to a relationship so we could avoid misunderstandings. We should also be honest with each other and we should share our innermost thoughts and feelings.

As he was taking a bath, I just narrated to him what happened this morning leaving the part where Harry helped me finding my classroom. He also asked if I got some new friends and I just answered that since I'm a very shy person, I think it will take a while before I get some friends. After he got dressed, we bid our goodbye and exchanged our I love you's. He informed me that he would probably grab lunch after his class since he'll be expecting for an early out since it's the first day of class.

I stayed at the library a little longer to study the map and went outside to actually try and study the place. I'm really bad with directions but I have no choice because I'm all alone. I stopped by over the cafe I saw earlier and bought some bread because I'll probably just eat some lunch after class since it's my last class for today. Also, I am also expecting for an early out.

My next class is the social class and this is the unique subject the campus offers like I heard that every year, this is a mandatory subject for us to take wherein we just learn how to socialize, how to properly communicate, learn more about the societies before and now and basically about people. This class also offers different immersion assignments or doing some charity and stuff. The class is also composed of different students from different majors and year-levels.

As soon as I arrive the class, I quickly sat on the first seat. It's fortunate that I immediately found the classroom because I'm a little scared of being late like maybe a quarter of the whole campus may witness my tardiness.

Minutes later, the class finally started and our professors arrived.

"Good afternoon, everyone. So all of you would be divided into groups and would be assigned with a professor. Since there are first year students here, this will be the setup. Every Monday, all of us are required to gather here for a general meeting. After thirty minutes or when the meeting is over, you'll all go with your assigned groups. Also for fridays, we'll be extending hours as long as the activity needs it. For instance, we are on a charity event, it would be most likely that we'll extend hours. Everyone would be given an immunity to say no to the extended hours meaning you can go home or not attend the event anymore and no points would be deducted. But it would be only applicable once and you have to inform your group leader about it the day or days before your absence for the extended hours. Also, this would be a team effort so just like in Harry Potter, the group with the most points would be given a reward at the end of the semester. Every absentee of the group and for every violation comeitted would lead to point deductions. The rules would be announced by your assigned professor. Everyone would pick a paper from the box to know their assigned group and afterwhich, you may go now to the assigned room where the group is located. Your group professors are already there so you could all line up now and head to your assigned room", one of the professors explained the general rule. It was indeed a unique class but funny enough, I'm getting excited by this.

Since I'm on the front row, we were the first ones to pick the paper. I picked one paper and written is the location of the group but I instantly panicked because I don't even know where this is.

Suddenly, someone grabbed the paper from me and placed his hands on my shoulders, practically pushing me towards the room assigned. I don't know who he is yet as I can't turn around since I'm being dragged. Finally, we reached the room so I quickly turned around and found that it is Timothée.

"Thank you", I thanked him and I walked inside as he just followed me and took the seat next to me. We just stayed silent after that and just looked at the different students entering the room.

The last student to enter was Harry and he naturally sat beside Timothée. I can hear girls squealing because they're in the same group with Harry. It's funny that those girls want Harry to notice them while I want to ignore Harry as much as possible. This will be an interesting class but truth be told, I'm nervous and excited at the same time.

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