Episode 45

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Days passed and both stayed copped up in their rooms not coming out.

"Jimin-ah! You're being dramatic. I don't think it was that bad." Jin says, knocking lightly on the door.

"Go away!" He grunts loudly from the other side of the door.

"Come on, you haven't eaten in four days, or came out. You'll suffocate in there." Namjoon pitch in.

"He still won't come out?" Jungkook and Tae ask as they walk up with Jimin's breakfast tray in their hands.

"He still won't come out?" Tae asks sighing.

"No." Jin backs away from the door and leans against the wall.

"Jimin-ah..." Kookie knocks on the door lightly. "Yoongi's here to see you." He lies as an attempt to see if it's Yoongi that's the problem.

"I don't want to see him." He lets out.

"Ok, so it's something about him. So now we need to talk to Yoongi to find out what happened." He explains his attempt.


The four of them drove down to Yoongi's house and at the moment, they sat down and listened to both sides of the story.

"I asked him what was the mark on his neck when I saw it. He lied to me." Yoongi explains as he sat down.

"The next day, we were watching a movie. He left to go get more snacks. His phone vibrated and I saw the message on the lock screen. It was from the person he got the hickey from." He continues. "I asked him what it was. He tried to lie, I snapped, I told him to leave and the table and glass over there, was the result of my anger." He explains.

"I told him to stop what he was doing," Tae says with a pissed off tone.

Yoongi raises a questionable eyebrow.

"He was never home. Always out with someone.'' Tae starts. ''One day, he came home around noon and went straight upstairs, and came back down ready to go back out again. I realized that he was going out with Hye Na.'' He finishes and Yoongi takes in a breath of air. ''Apparently, he had been out with her constantly.'' 

''I don't know why Jimin is being this way. He and I had this major fight about both of our exes months ago.'' He breathes out. 

''I'm not sure either.'' Jin sighs, frustrated at everything he's hearing. ''He won't come out of his room to eat or do anything.'' He breathes out.

After a long conversation with Yoongi, the four drove back to the house. Jin opens the door and finds Jimin in the kitchen just finishing his food. ''You finally came out of your room...'' Namjoon smiles. ''Don't get happy, you won't see me for the rest of the day.'' He mumbles, puts the plate in the sink, and attempts to make his way up the stairs. 

''Ah uh!'' Jin shouts and gets in his way from going up the stairs. ''Hell no. We heard Yoongi's side of the story, now you're going to sit your ass down and talk- about what the hell happened.'' He demands. 

''If you heard his side, why do you need to hear mine?'' He asks still standing in the same spot, his arms now crossing over his chest.

''Jimin, if you don't sit your ass down...!'' Jin says in a harsh tone. 

He rolls his eyes, but none the less walks over to the living room and falls down on the couch. 

''Why did you spend the past two weeks with Hye Na?'' Jin starts off. 

''You and Yoongi had an argument about Haru and Hye Na months ago. He agreed to keep his end of the deal as your boyfriend by cutting her off. Why couldn't you do the same?'' Namjoon asks sitting down across from him, next to Jin. 

''Well, I needed some company after Yoongi had left. Taehyung and Jungkook wouldn't stop making out in front of me, and Hye Na- w-was only supposed to be a one-night thing.  A-and I did keep my end of the deal-'' 

''Only for a short while Jimin. As soon as he left, you bolted back to your ex.'' Namjoon cuts him off. 

''And what do you mean a ''one-night thing?'' Jin asks. 

''She went to a club and got drunk. Forgot that she went there alone, and couldn't drive back home. So I went to go and pick her up and drop her home.'' He explains thoroughly. ''It was only supposed. To. Be. a. One-night thing.'' He places emphasis on every one of his words. 

''So how did it become more than just one night?'' Kookie jumps in. 

''I-I-I don't know. I don't know. The next day, I went over to her place, to check on her. I knew she had a hangover, and wouldn't have wanted to cook herself food. So I brought her a packed lunch. I left after that. And the rest-all of the rest just happened fast.'' He sighs out, rubbing his eyes in frustration with himself.  

''So you thought it would be a good idea to keep company with your ex? Even after I scolded your ass and told you no? Jimin do you hear your self?'' Tae adds his piece. 

''I don't need you to fucking patronize me, damn it!'' He shouts. 

''Hey! Let's calm down here.'' Namjoon stands up.

''I know what I was doing was wrong. At the time, I didn't care. Yoongi wasn't here, what was the harm?'' He explains. 

''Yoongi not wanting to see your face, is the harm,'' Jin says. 

''If it was only meant to be a one-night thing, what happened while you two were together to have everything come to this conclusion?'' Jungkook asks in a calmer and softer tone. 

''When I figure that out, I'll let you know.'' He says in a low tone, looking directly at the younger. ''Are we done with this-this interrogation?'' He asks, but not waiting for an answer as he gets up and walks out of the living room and up the stairs. The silence thickens in the room for a few seconds until the sound of his door slamming shut echoes throughout the house. 

The four of them looks at each other wondering how are they going to fix this mess that neither Jimin nor Yoongi is willing to do so themselves. 

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