Episode 20

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"What are you talking about?'' Yoongi asks, looking at her. Hoping she doesn't know. 

''The house, did you get an interior designer to change the decor up a bit?'' She asks. 

''Oh God...'' He breathes a breath of relief. ''That's great, sure. I definitely hired an interior designer. To give the place a more...'' He trails on, trying to find the right words. 

''Modern aura.'' She finishes. 

''That.'' He presses his lips in a thin white line, hoping she would leave. 

''How are things with you, since Haru and you... you know?'' 

''Since I broke up with Haru, for personal reasons.'' He nods, creasing his eyebrows. 

''You must be hurting.'' She stands up. 

''Trust me mother, I'm not hurting at all.'' He looks up at the stairs, for a split moment. 

''Oh sure honey. Trying to be strong.'' She hugs him. 

''No mom, I'm serious, I'm fine. It's been three months, about to be four...'' He trails on, thinking. ''Maybe I should just tell her. Maybe not tell her everything, but tell her. To keep her in the light at least.'' He thinks to himself. ''I'm seeing someone, and before you ask, no. You cannot meet them until I decided you should.'' He looks at her, waiting for her reaction. 

''Wow! This soon?'' She asks as she seems to be excited at the news he just delivered.

''Yeah, and they are wonderful. It's not a major thing just yet, but it's getting there.'' He admits. 

''Is that their car parked outside in the driveway?'' She asks. 

''Yes, but they're busy. So I will talk to you later.'' He guides her to the door, before pushing her out. 

''You two have fun. Tell her I said hello.'' She says, and he closes the door. 

''Yeah, her.'' He mumbles as he leans back on the closed door. 

Yoongi hates not being able to tell his own mother about his sexuality. He hates lying to her. ''But it's not exactly lying if she never asks, and he never tells, right?'' He thinks to himself.

Jimini didn't understand the deeper meaning behind why he doesn't want to tell his mother about him, and this whole relationship they have going on. Yoongi has spent his entire 25 years of life, being a complete disappointment. Even his love life was disappointing to his mother. But when she met Haru, it's like her eyes glistened with the hope that he had finally found ''the one''. A girl to finally settle down within his mid-twenties. After he broke up with her, she was crushed and angry, and now the news of him dating again, seemed to enlightened her. But what is going to happen when he finally presents Jimin to her. 

''She'll be more disappointed than ever.'' He hits his head against the door. 

''Babe, are you okay?'' Jimin asks, coming down that stairs, dressed in one of Yoongi's shirts. 

''No, I'm not okay.'' He says, walking over to his desk, and sitting down. 

''I overheard your mom. I know you told her about you seeing someone, but you didn't tell her the full story.'' He says, his voice as calm as possible. 

''Isn't that what you wanted? To at least keep her out of the dark?'' He asks. 

''Yes, that. And also for you to be able to talk to her.'' He says, sliding his leg over him, and straddling his lap. 

''I can tell that you have problems talking to her. But I don't know why, and you don't have to tell me, unless-'' 

''I'm scared Jimin-ah.  I don't know how my mother will react once I tell her, I'm dating you.'' He pauses. ''Actually no, I know how she will react, she will eat the both of us alive.'' He says in fact. 

''Is your mother a homophobic?'' 

''She- I actually don't know.'' 

''The whole you telling her thing, scratch that. You tell her when you're ready. But it seems as f, you need to get your thoughts together well before approaching her with this kind of fragile topic. And you have until you're ready to do it. I'm going to stop forcing you, now that I know what's really bothering you.'' He admits. 

''This is why you're quickly becoming the love of my life.'' He leans up, capturing the younger's lips, as his hands gently rest on his waist. 

''Am I now?'' Jimin raises an eyebrow, a devilish smirk plastering its self on his face. 

''Yes you are.'' He stands up, carrying Jimin with him to the couch. 

''I think we should finish that movie,'' Yoongi suggests. 

''The movie that watched us instead of us watching it?'' 

''I'm sure the movie enjoyed what it saw.'' 

''Yeah, I'm sure it did. I'm going to get the food I was going to get until your mother showed up.'' Jimin gets up and walks to the kitchen where only the plate he had the plan to eat off of, laid on the table.

A few more minutes pass, and now they both sit on the couch, in their previous positions, enjoying the movie. Until Jimin speaks up. 

''You know what, since we're getting things off our chest today, I might as well do the same thing.'' He sits up. 

''What's wrong?'' Yoongi asks, looking down at him. 

''I'm bisexual like you...'' He trails on to continue. 


''I have an ex, which I haven't completely cleared things up with,'' Jimin confesses. 

Yoongi's expression changes, as the seconds of time, fly by. 

''Um... What?'' 

''We dated and broke up after I moved. I ended things. But it was still on and off, and complicated.'' He continues. 

''He or she?'' 



''I was supposed to end things with her, the day after we kissed at the club, but I never got around to it. Things between you and I have been so good, and great, and I thought that if I talked to her again, she would try to come back into my life.'' 

''The day after we kissed at the club? Jimin, that was three months ago!'' Yoongi sits up. 

''Yeah, I figured.'' 

''I'm going to need you to call her now. And end things for good, because I'm not giving you up that easily.'' Yoongi picks up his phone from the table and hands it to him. 

He dials in her number and waits until she picks up. 

''Hey, we need to talk...'' He trails on, looking at Yoongi. 

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