Episode 40

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Days have passed, and although Jimin isn't exactly fond of Hye Na, he was bored and missing Yoongi. Taehyung and Jungkook were at work all the time. His dancing sessions with J-Hope weren't every day so Hye Na was the only other option. 

''You're bored, so you came to spend the day with me?'' She asks out of curiosity, and because she is shocked, that he willingly wanted to hang out with her, But who cares, not her. She doesn't mind at all. She is happy even.

''I know how it sounds-'' ''No, it's fine.'' She says walking back in the living room, and taking a seat next to him on the couch. Minutes later, there's a knock at her door. She gets up, and opens it, revealing her sister with her two daughters. 

''You seriously brought them?"' She asks. She honestly doesn't want to babysit the two kids. It's never been a good experience for her. 

''Yes I did. Now you know the drill.'' She says pushing the girls inside through the door. ''Now girls, if auntie calls or tells me that you two gave her a hard time when I come back. I will deal with you and you won't like it.'' She warns them, and they both shake their heads vigorously at their mother and watch as she kisses them goodbye and drives off. 

''You have nieces?'' Jimin asks. He did date her for a year, but he never truly and deeply knew all the ins and outs of her family. 

''I do... I never told you because well... you never asked.'' She says. 

''I didn't think I had to ask.'' He defends, but still, she doesn't take it offensively. 

''Girls, this is Jimin. He's an old friend.'' She tells them, and they run up to the couch jumping on him, ruining his comfortability on the couch. 

''Hi Jimin!'' They both say in unison. Almost creepy like.

''Hey...'' He smiles at them, and Hye Na can't help but smile at the scene in front of her. She can see her and Jimin in the future with kids in a happy life. But she knows she's way over her head, considering Jimin doesn't feel that way. He's moved on and she's slowly, very, very slowly accepting that. 

''What are we doing today?'' Ji Na, the younger black haired girl asks. 

''We can go to the park. Jimin won't mind going with us, will you?'' She says, grabbing her coat and Jimin looks at her really not wanting to go out. But the kids are cute and he can't help himself. 

The drive to the park wasn't long. 20 minutes tops from Hye Na's house. Currently, the four of them are walking, Jimin on the left, Hye Na on the right, and the two girls in the middle. All holding hands, walking casually, as they get these ''awe'' looks and ''adorable family'' looks. 

''He's a handsome dad. But looks young.'' An elderly woman says to Hye Na, as they watch to fish in the pond. 

''Oh God No! He's not their father. And I'm not the mother, just the aunt. Babysitting. He's my ex.'' She clears up. 

''Oh What a shame. If you two were still together, I can the beautiful kids you would have.'' The woman smiles and walks off. 

Jimin kept an expressionless face throughout his overhearing of the conversation. But secretly smiled at the thought. What if I do want kids? Biological kids? A wife? He never thought about it until now. Is dating Yoongi the right choice? Is it what I want? Can't I just adopt? All these thoughts ran wild and loose in his head. He had to gain some control of his emotions, and quickly. Before he goes and starts considering ending something as good as what he has with Yoongi. Something he could never have with Hye Na, no matter the fantasy. 

''Jimin... are you alright?'' Hye Na shakes his shoulder gently snapping him out of his thoughts.

''Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking.'' He says. 

''About what?'' She asks. 

''Nothing important really.'' He says diluting the question, and thinking of another subject. 

''Who wants ice cream?'' He asks, a smile brightly spreading on his face at the children's reaction to his words. 

''Are you just going to dilute the question?'' She asks. 

''No, I'm just paying more attention to the kids now.'' He says. 

''Fine, let's go get ice cream.'' She sighs and starts to walk towards the ice cream truck. 

''One strawberry, two chocolate, and one cinnamon,'' he says handing the man a ten dollar bills. 

''Keep the change.'' He assures. 

''Thank you.'' The man bows after handing out the items, and watching the four walk away. 

''You remembered my favorite flavor.'' She points out. 

''Did you expect me to forget?'' He asks not making eye contact with her. 

''No, just not remember it so vividly.'' She mumbles. 

''Fine, then I'll stop remembering everything about you so vividly.'' He says. 

''I didn't say to do that.'' She says quickly. 

''Aish! Make up your mind Hye Na!'' He says loudly annoyed, before walking off, the girls following closely behind. 

''My mind is made up.'' She mumbles to her self and running to catch up to him. 

After what seemed like forever in the park, they now sat in the living room hand painting while the TV played the girls favorite show. 

''You look good with paint on your face.'' She says, smudging a little paint on Jimin's nose. 

''And you don't'' He jokes, putting a lot of it on her cheeks, as he places both hands against her face. 

''Is this washable?'' She grabs the bottle quickly reading. 

''Yes love, it's washable.'' He says the nickname involuntary, not realizing that Hye Na was staring at him. 

''What?'' He asks. 

''You just called me ''love'' She smiles lightly. 

''Don't feel yourself, it was a mistake.'' He says. 

''Was it?'' She asks, moving closer and placing both hands against his face, cupping it. 

''I-it was.'' He stutters. 

Without hesitation, she leans down kissing him. Hoping that the best comes out of it. It takes a few seconds, but he kisses back, his hands now cupping her paint-stained cheeks. The kiss gets heated for a second until they're interrupted. ''Ooooh!'' The two girls say, laughing out loud. 

''You two don't tell your mom about this, or she will kill me.'' She says. 

''We promise.'' They reply while Jimin leaned against the couch, asking himself what the actual fuck did he just do? Am I really falling for Hye Na again? Is the only thing on his mind, from that moment till nightfall when he droved back to Yoongi's place.

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