Episode 5

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"Yoongi?" She looks down at him.

He simply lay his head on her chest. What he went through flashes in his head, as her hands traveled under his shirt. The aching memories of his won't allow him to let anyone that close to seeing what he has been through.

He lifts his head up, and she sits up.

"Are you ok-" she starts to ask.

"I'm fine." He lies.

"So what's the problem?" She goes to touch his forearm, but he quickly pulls away.

"Nothing." He takes his distance from her.

"Why are you pulling away?" She hops off the counter.

"I'm fine." He walks out of the kitchen.

"You don't look fine." She follows him.

Asking Yoongi questions after questions on something he's already given you the answer to, can piss him off. And she was pissing him off.

"I'm!" He shouts, but quickly regain his composure. "I'm fine." He tries again. "Didn't you snap at me earlier for asking questions?" He asks, making a point.

"I did, but that was about something not important? Your mood changing and freeze ups are important." She points out.

"Nothing you should be worrying about." He reassures.

"Sure." She walks off.

Next Day

"If it's next year, why are you planning it now?" Yoongi asks his mom.

"I have things to do, and I won't exactly have space in my head to remember to do this." She explains.

"Arraseo." He sighs.

"Where should we go?" She asks.

"Two years ago, we skipped that vacation because dad left right? Where were we planning to go?"

"Only your dad knew? He said it was a surprise for you and I. But things happened." She says, without eye contact.

"So I'm a thing now?" He asks.

"Yoongi, that's not what I meant." She says.

"I know all too well, what you meant. I'm the reason dad left. Making it sound like it wasn't actually my fault isn't your forté." He stands up. His feelings are slightly hurt by what his mother's unsubtle words.

"That's not what I said." She tries to reason.

"But that's what you were implying. I'm 24 mom, not stupid." He says.

"Did I interrupt something?" Haru walks through the front door.

"Hello, darling." Sang Ji stands up greeting her. "Not at all." She says again.

"Actually, you did interrupt a very meaningful conversation." Yoongi steps in. "Mom, this time I'll walk you out." He drags her outside.

"That was rude." Sang Ji says, soothing her arm from her son's grip.

"You do not know the meaning of rude. What you were implying in there was rude." He explains.

"It's not your fault he left." She says.

"Then who's fault is it? Yours?" He asks. "It can't be. You weren't the one with "issues" he couldn't stand to be around."

"You're misunderstanding this." She says.

"The afternoon he left, when the ''incident" as you like to call it happened. What exactly were his words?" He asks.

"He didn't say anything about you." She tries.

"A 16-year-old who can't man up and get over his stupid phase is no son of mine." He starts. "I don't want to be around that thing." He continues. He lowers his face to make sure Sang Ji hears the next words. "You stay with that mistake of a child, who you should have terminated when your mother told you to do so." He finishes. Sang Ji's eyes stood wide open at his words. She never knew that Yoongi was at home when these words were being said about him.

"Y-you weren't supposed to be home that afternoon." She whispers.

"I never left for therapy session that afternoon. I was in my room, listening to him loud and clear from the hallway." He confesses.

Sang Ji sighs, not knowing what to say.

"I watched him walk out, get in the car and look me in the eyes from my window before he drove away." He explains. "And after 9 years eomma. 9 years!" He shouts making her flinch. "You have the fucking audacity to tell me, that it wasn't my fault?" He asks rhetorically.

"Yoon-" She starts.

"Shut up! It's my turn to talk. How do you think it feels living with that guilt. The guilt of knowing that you drove your own dad out of your life. The guilt that he never wanted you." He speaks. "And don't get me wrong, you still chose to have me, but it doesn't make you any better because the last thing you should have done is lie to me for 24 fucking years!" He shouts. His anger is spewing out and if his mom was one of his enemies, he would have bled her face by now.

"I've been living with that guilt as well." She says.

"Ani! You haven't. You're not the one who's stuck with scars on their skin from childhood and never stopped even as a 24-year-old adult." He explains. "I see it. You do have guilt, but it only showed up, when I dug deep enough to bring up what hurt me the most, and it's not the pain. It's knowing that you even considered his words to be true." He finishes.

Leaving the conversation unfinished, she says nothing as she walks back into the house.
He follows after her, and watch with a pained, cold, and angry face as she grgrabsher bags, and walk out.

Haru watches without a word as the door closes, and Yoongi walks down to his lab.

2 hours later

Yoongi takes the cup from the waitress, and head to an empty table. He slowly sips on his cold drink, as he fiddles with his music software on his phone.

"Strawberry smoothie." A voice is heard. Yoongi has his head up and was quickly searching for the voice. He sees him, a pink haired guy standing at the counter. He turns around and Yoongi almost chokes on his drink.

Yoongi dated a few guys back in high school who was cute and all, but him, Yoongi found him to be more than cute. The man was gorgeous.

He smoothly walks over to an empty table and waits for his drink. Yoongi decides to do the sweetest thing. He walks over to the counter.

"I'll pay for his drink. Don't tell him that it was me though." He tells the waitress before walking out.

"Jimin." The waitress calls over for him to get what he ordered. He goes to pay, but she denies.

"Someone paid for you already." She smiles.

"Really, who?" He asks.

"I can't say." She hands him the drink. He takes it and walks off. With a slight smile hoping that it's he who caught his eye when he walked in, that did such a sweet thing.

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