Episode 39

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Jimin grunts in annoyance, as he drives back to the club, with Hye Na, in the front seat of his car. 

''I'm dropping you off to your car, and then I'm leaving.'' He tells her. 

''Why would you stay anyway?'' She asks.

"Why do you always call me? Why not your sister or your friends. Why me?" Jimin asks spending annoyed.

"You were the first person that came to head last night." She lies.

"Then next time, please think of someone else to come to mind first." 

''Why do you come then?'' She asks irritated by his attitude. 

''Because Hye Na...'' He stops abruptly in front of her car, ''although I don't want anything to do with you, I wouldn't exactly be able to not feel guilty if something happened to you after you asked me for help." He says not looking at her. She nods comprehending what he said, and she gets out of the car and watches as he drives away. 


Hye Na P.O.V

I drop back down on the couch, just waiting for this headache to leave. It subdued but that doesn't make it go away completely. I hear a knock on my door, and I groan in annoyance as to who is it. I don't feel like moving from this couch, and I don't feel like having a conversation right now, with anyone. But nonetheless, I still get up and check who it is. I look through the side glass and my sister is waiting outside casually, checking her phone. Smiling since I haven't seen her in a while, I open the door. 

''Hey!'' She greets, a wide smile plaster on her face. 

''Hey.'' I hug her. ''What are you doing here?'' I ask, not expecting her to come by to visit. 

''What? I can't come to see my little sister anymore?'' She ruffles my hair slightly, and I swear it made my headache worse. 

''Ah!'' I whine... ''Don't touch my head.'' I move away. ''Plus, I'm not saying that. It's just you don't come to visit without calling, or letting me know in advance.'' I walk in the kitchen, with her taking a seat at the kitchen island. 

''Well, I just wanted to check on you.'' 

''Or because you want something.'' I finish, eyeing her up and down. 

''Fine, you caught me. I need you to babysit.'' She says smiling. 

''Hell no! I'm not babysitting your little monsters.'' I quickly deny. 

''Hey! They are not monsters. They are your nieces.'' She defends. 

''No, those girls are wild, and they don't listen, and they are hyperactive and loud, and they touch everything, and-and...no! just NO!'' I shake my head vigorously, worsening my headache.

''Oh shush! You will be fine with them. I'm going on a four-day trip, and Woo is staying here to work.  I'll drop them here tomorrow, they'll spend Sunday, and Monday with you. And Tuesday, he'll pick them up.'' She explains, and I still deny the favor. 

''No. I mean I'm off too, but no.'' I say again. 

''Please. You will be fine. I will make sure they don't give you a hard time.'' She edges on. Seeing her eyes glitter with hope, I finally agree. 

''Fine.'' I sigh. 

''Yay! trust me, I will make sure that they don't give you a bad time. Plus you're their aunt, set some limits.'' She suggests. 

''Will do.'' I groan and lay my head on the table. 

''What's wrong with you?'' She asks. 

''I have a hangover. I went to the club, got drunk, and the guy I was dancing with left me. So I couldn't drive back home, I called Jimin to-'' I start, but she cuts me off, waving her hand in my face. 

''Wait-w-w-wait, you called Jimin? As in your one-year relationship ex Jimin. Park Jimin?'' She asks. 

''Yes, how many Jimin's have I dated that you know?'' I ask. ''Anyway, he picked me up, dropped me here, brought me lunch earlier, and just took me to get my car which I had left in the cub parking lot last night.'' I finish. 

''Wow...'' She says surprised. 

''What?'' I asked. 

''I thought you were over him. I never knew you still talked to him, let alone still have his number.'' She says. 

''Having his number doesn't mean I still like him.'' I defend, knowing that, that's a lie. 

''Sure. And anyway, isn't he dating someone else? You told me so.'' She asks. 

''He is...'' I trail on. 


''But, I have no idea who they are.'' I say. 


''When he talks about them, he doesn't address their direct pronoun.'' I explain. 

''Why would he? It's not like its any of your business. You two are no longer prominent in each other's lives. I mean, I can see that he helps you when you need it, but other than that, it's that.'' She clears up. 

''I know that. I just wish it wasn't that way. It's like, the way he ended things with me, just wasn't right.'' I admit. 

''How did he do that exactly?'' 

''He told me to stay away, and that we were done.'' I sigh. 

''Oh...Right, right. And then you kissed him because you thought it was a good idea.'' She mocks. 

''Shut up... But after a while, he pushed me away, and chased after someone.'' I recall.

''Do you remember exactly, who it was?'' 

''No. But it doesn't matter.'' I sigh desperately. 

''You need to move on. Jimin has found someone else. So Should you.'' She suggests. 

''That's what I tried last night, didn't exactly work.'' I point out. 

''Scratch that, why would you go to the club without me? Better question, why would you go to the club alone? Don't ever do that, and that's not the first time, I've told you that.'' She scolds. 

''Drop the big and protective sister act okay, I just wanted to get loose for a while, but note taken, it won't happen again.'' I tell her. 

''Great. Well now, I have to go. I have a ticket to buy in advance and a suitcase to pack, and kids to get ready to drop off here tomorrow.'' She stands up, grabs her bag, puts her shoes back on, hugs me, and leaves. 

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