Episode 1

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Yoongi stares at himself in his bedroom mirror and fixes his sleeve. His mother and older sister, is coming over soon to dinner, and to meet his girlfriend. 

Haru walks out of the bathroom, in her nice emerald green mini dress. "Do you think they're going to like this?'' She asks. Yoongi simply nods, from the view he's getting in the mirror.

She walks up behind him, and place her chin on his shoulder. ''Do you think they're going to like me?'' She asks. 

He grabs her hand and turns around to face her. ''They're going to like you.'' He says. 

She grabs his hands, ''You don't look enthusiastic about it.'' 

''I'm not the smiling type.'' He shakes his head.

''You were smiling when you met me.'' She smiles.

''That's different.'' He says. 

She leans in and takes his lips in a kiss. ''Sure.'' She pulls away.

She walks down the stairs, and into the kitchen. She sets the table, and as she's placing the food out, Yoongi comes down the stairs, and his mother pulls up into the driveway.

''They're here.'' He says and walks up to the door. He opens the door, revealing his mother and sister standing there. 

They walk in, ''How are you, darling?'' She hugs him. 

''Great.'' He smiles and hugs her back. 

''Yoongi.'' His sister walks in and pulls him in for a hug.

''Mi Na.'' He hugs back. 

He closes the door and walks back to the dining room behind his sister.

''Where is she Yoongi? I'm dying to meet her.'' His mother excitedly claps her hands. 

Haru walks out of the kitchen with a bowl of bread in her hand, ''She's right here.'' She speaks, grabbing everyone's attention. 

''Awe, how precious.'' His mother walks up to her, take the bowl out of her hands, and onto the table. ''Isn't she just lovely.'' She compliments, as she pets her hair, and grabs her shoulders.

''Where did you get that dress?''Mi Na asks. 

''Yoongi actually got it for me, for tonight.'' She mentions. 

''My brother went shopping for a girl. 26 years, and I'm still getting used to him.'' Mi Na sighs. 

''25 years, and I'm still doing the same.'' He mocks. 

''Stop mocking each other like you're 6 and 4 years old.'' Their mother cuts in. 

''Let's start dinner then.'' Haru takes a seat next to Yoongi. 

''Tell me, Haru. How old are you?'' Sang Ji asks. 

''I am 22.'' She smiles. 

''And, what is your occupation?'' Mi Na asks. 

''I am a Journalist and photographer.'' She responds. 

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